Chapter 7

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Alice POV

It is now 7am and everyone is now organised for school with a little help from me. Today as It is our first day of school yet again. One of the disadvantages of being a vampire is you are constantly attending school. Today I have decided to wear a red tank top, Black jeans and my black kitten heels with the buckles on the sides. After I had changed I went down stairs to join the rest of the livingroom. As I aproched the bottom of the stairs Carlisle come through the door and said that he needed to talk to us all before we left for school. So both of us entered the livingroom and I sat down next to Jasper and waited for Carlisle to speak. Carlisle started by saying that the vampire that did this was not the same vampire that we had found the sent of yesterday. The sent of this vampire is was like an old rusty kind of smeel which wont be hard to miss if we come across it. Now you five better get going as it now 7.30 and you start school in 30 minutes. Oh and by the way Rose, Emmitt and Jasper you are in the senior year and Alice and Edward you two are in junior year.

With that we all went to the garage to get into our cars and left for school. which me managed to gether there with five minutes to spare so we all headed to the main office to get our sceduals and the slip of paper we had to get each teatcher to sign and then take back to the office at the end of the day. After we got our sceduals we look at them to see if we had any classes together.

My classes where 

1. Art History



4. P.E

5. Spanish

6.  Phycology

7. Maths

and Edwards classes where

1. Art History




5. Biology

6.  Phycology

7. Maths

As we had the same first class Edward and I walk to our first class together. As we entered the room we gave our slips to the teacher for to sign and then she sent us to last two available seats at the back of the class. After the bell rang for the class to start the teacher informed the rest of the class that there was two new students joining the class and there names are Alice and Edward Cullen. The morning passed fairly quickly and before we knew it the bell rang for lunch so Edward and I headed to the cantean and got in line with the others to buy lunch. Once we had paid for our lunch we headed over to the table where Emmitt, Rose and Jasper where sitting and placed our trays that was for show to keep up appearances so no one would know what we where. After lunch everyone headed for their classes.

Edward POV

After lunch everyone headed to their own classes and my next class Biology. As I headed to my biology class I would smell that beautiful sent that I came across yesterday in the woods so I decided to follow it instead of going to class, but as it turned out the sent disapeared again as I reached my biology class. Which ment that is vampire was in this class and was some how able to cover up there sent when they did not want to be found. As I entered the class class I handed my slip to the teacher to sign and he told me to take the only free seat at the front. That is when I realised that bar the teacher the was only one other person in the class and my seat was next to hers. As I went to my seat I could not see her face as he had her long dark brown hair draped over her face as she looked at her text book, but there was something familiar about her that I could not put my finger on what it was. As I was about to introduce my self to this girl the bell rang signifying that the class had started and I was that deep in thought that I did not even notice the other students come in. Thankfully the teacher did not ask me to introduce my self to the whole class. During the class the girl next to me kept her face covered by her hair so I was unable to see what she looked like and by the end of the class it was really starting to bug me as I had to find out why this girl that I had never met seemed so familiar. My next class passed quickly, but I could not get this girl out of my head and when the class had finished and I headed to my last class of the day I seen her said but this time she had her back to me she was talking to another girls that was taller than her withthe same long dark down hair who knew as Amber Swan as she was in a few of my other classes. As it turns out they were both in my Maths class as well. Again she and Amber was sitting next to me and again this girl covered her face so I could not see who she was. After the class ended I headed to the main office to hand in my slip where I met the rest of the family and then we all headed out to our cars an left for home.

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