Chapter 3

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Sarah POV

Dr Cullen did as I had asked and when he came up to the side of my bed I  told to sit down sohe sat down on the chair next to my bed and waited for me to contue. After a few moment I managed to find the right words and told him that I know that I he is and I lso know that he only feeds  on the blood of animals. Your secert is safe with me so please do not worry about any one else finding out.

Carlisle POV

I could not believe what I was hearing she knew what I was and that I only feed on animal blood. How did she know and what does she want from me. Why has she told me this. As I was trying to figger out what was happing and trying to figger out what she wanted my train of thought was cut short when I heard her ask me a question that I had to ask her to repeat as she caught me of guard. So she repeated her question and I could not believe what I was hearing. She had asked to change her son. She said that she knew she didnt have long left to live and her last wish is to know that her son would survive even if that ment being changed into a vampire.

All I could say was are you sure? Why would you want your son to be like me? Sarah replied to my questions with at least that way he will live and be able to exprience life and hopefuly make amends with Bella. He really does love her and he's never had the chance to tell her.

All I could say is I will think about it and do you know where I could find this Bella as your son keeps looking for her and shouting her name in his sleep. She said that she lived in a small house in Forks with her dad and could you please decide soon as I can tell does not have long to live either. I just responed with I will do my best.

After I left her room my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Alice so I answered the call. As I answered all I could hear was Alice shouting down the phone do it, do it, do it. I ended up having to cut her off so I could speak and tell her to came down. Once she had camed down she told me that she had a vision of Edward as a vampire and living with them.

I then asked her what does the other think about this and she said that they all think that it would be a good idea and u would also be for filling his mother Sarah's dying wish. After Alice ended the call I knew what had to be done and I returned to Sarah's room to tell her that I would do as she asked, but only if Edward also wanted him to do so. Sarah said okay and witrh that she woke up Edward.

Edward POV

I was woken up by my mother who said that Dr Cullen had someting to ask me. I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes and asked Dr Cullen what is it that you want to ask me? Dr Cullen said that he had been speaking to my mother and that she had asked him to do something in order to keep you from dying so you could sort things out with Bella, but I must tell you if you agree to do as your mother has asked then there is no going back.

This just confused me even more. What would be so bad that there was no coming back from it. I decided to ask my mother what was going on and she explained to me that we where both dying and that Dr Cullen could save me. Still confused as to how he could save me I turned to my other again and asked to explain what she ment.

At that moment Dr Cullen turned to me and asked me if my mother told him about his secert? I just nodded my head. Well then now you know what I am and what you will become if you let me help u, but the choice is yours.

I could not believe what I was hearing both my mum and I where dying and the only way I could survive was if I became a vampire and fed on the blood of animals for the rest of eternity.  After having time to think about it I decided to take Dr Cullen up on his offer.

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