La Push

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Hi sorry I not updated in while. I have had a lot going on so haven't had time to update.


It was has been nine years since I had my beautify babies and were were now back in Forks which everyone was happy about as we had all missed it here. We had name our children Amy, Abigail and Lachlan. Today were were going down to La Push so the kids could see their grandad Billy and their Anties and Uncles from their dads side of the family. The only thing I was worried about was that although the kids were only nine years old they looked as if they were in their late teen. Jake said that I was being stupid and reminded me of how fast I had grown and that they would be expecting to see the kids to look years older than they actually are due to them being hybrids.

This calmed me down a little, but the though was still there in the back of my mind. I gave Jake a quick kiss on the lips and then headed down stairs to make lunch for my family. I my self can no longer eat human food as after I had the kids they had taken them down to meet the family and to give me time to rest. During that time my body went into shock and my heart stopped. Thankfully as this happened Jake had come up to check on me and raised the alarm. They managed to get my heart beating again, but  not be anyone around to save me in time. As I heard this I  told them to make a full vampire so I would be able to see my children growing up without having to worry about this happening again. Jake reluctantly agree to this and within the next three days I had become a Full vampire.


I was woken up by my alarm going off on the beside table. I push the off switch on the alarm and then stretched and got out of bed. I then went to my on suit bathroom and had a shower. Once I had done my hair and body I turned of the water and wrapped a towel around myself and then headed out of bathroom and over to my closet.

As it was a Sunny day I decided  to wear a red sleeveless knee length dress and black flats. I then went to my dresser and dried my hair and put it up in a high pony tail and then moved on to my make-up. As I was putting the finishing touches to my make-up I heard my mum from down stairs telling me to come down for breakfast.

As I entered the kitchen I saw my sister, brother and dad sitting at the table. As I sat down at the table mum came over with our breakfast. Once we finished and cleaned and put away the dishes we said good bye to the rest of the family and headed to the garage where we all got in dads rabbit and headed for La Push to see our grandad Billy and anties and uncles.


As we entered La Push I seen a group of wolves running towards the forest. There were jet black, two rusty brown ones although one was darker than the other, black and gray and a pure gray in colour. I don't now why but for some reason I instantly felt at home here. It wasn't long before dad pulled up in front of grandad Billy's house and I saw a man in a wheelchair come out the door to meet us. Both mum and dad got out of the car and then my sibling and I also got out of the car and followed them towards the house.

When we reached the house both mum and dad took turns to hug the man and then my dad turned to us and said dad I would like to introduce you to your grandchildren. I saw his him look at us and to my mum and smiled. He then wheeled himself over to us and said it's good to finally meet use and I see you inherited your mums growth rate and then smiled and asked us for a hug. Both Amy and self lent down to hug our grandad and then once we stood back up Lochlan then did the same.


I can't believe I finally got to meet my grandad Billy, I mean it has been nine years since my sisters and I was born and this is the first time we have him. After we had all shared a hug with him we entered the house and saw that there was  people in the living room chatting. They looked up as the heard us enter the room. I noticed that one of them had a distant look on his face and was looking at Amy. I heard both mum and dad sigh at that moment and turned round to look at them and they both had smiles on there faces which confused after I just heard them both sigh. I then heard had clear his throat and said this is Sam and his imprint Emily and their two kids Broke and Sofia, Quill and his imprint Claire and there children Samantha, Tegan and Brogan and this is Jerad.

Dad then turned his attention back to my sister and Jerad and I noticed he still had that look on his face. My dad once again cleared his throat and Jerad seemed to come back to reality. He then got up and went straight over to Amy and stood beside her.


As we all head people enter the room we all looked up to see how it was and I noticed that it was Jake, Nessie and there kids. As my eye met with one of the girls everything changed my hole changed. I had imprinted on one of Jakes daughters and she was beautiful. There are no words to explain how beautiful she is. I heard Jake clear his throat so I turned my attention to him and noticed that both him and Nessie were smiling. Well thats a good start. I then got up and headed over to Jake and his family and stood beside my imprint.  

As I reach my imprint Jake introduced us to his family and I lent that my imprint was called Amy and her sister was called Abigail and her bother was called Lochlan. I asked Amy if she wanted to go for a walk and she said yes. We then left the house and went for a walk along the beach.


I can't believe it I found my solmate  or imprint as dad likes to call it. A few days before we moved to Forks mum and dad sat us all down and told us about imprinting and how mum was his imprint. At the time I thought it was just another family take and us learning more about our wolf gene and what comes with it, but now I realize that he was preparing us and telling us what to expect if we found our imprints as he knew we would be coming her to visit grandad Billy and the rest of our family on dads side.

I don't know how long we stayed at the beach for, but I have to admit I liked the time I spent with Jerad and the conversations we had. As we headed back to the house Jerad stopped us left go of my hand and then cupped my face in them and kissed me sweatily on the lips which surprised me, but I also liked how it felt and after a seconds I kissed him back and pulled away, grabbed his hand and continued to head back towards the house.


After Amy and Jerad left to go for a walk to more people entered the house. Grandad Billy introduced us to them I found out that the girl was called Leigh and the boy was call Seth. I noticed that both of them had the same weird look on there faces as Jerad had on his when we first came here. It was then that I realized that both Leigh and Seth had imprinted on my brother and myself.     

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