Chapter 6

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Esme POV

It was now 11.30pm and we where no closer to finding out who the sent belonged to so we all decided to leave it for now and deal with it later if we ever came across it again. So we all decided to go off and do our own thing to pass the time as we did not sleep. Emmitt and Jasper where on the X Box, Rosalie had her nose in a book, Carlise was in his study going over stuff for work, Alice was on the computer ordering more clothes for us all no doubt, Edward was at is piano and I just decided to do some more cleaning although it didnt really need to be done.

Edward POV

After we all decided to ignore this un known sent unless we came across it again I decided that I would go to my piano and play for a while. As I was playing I could not get this new sent out of my mind no matter how hard I tried. Why was I having such a had time trying to forget about this new sent I had found. Its not like its the first new sent I have come across in the past 150 years that I have been a vampire and all the other sents that I have come across during that time I have never had any problem forgeting about them, so why was this one so hard to shake. Yes it is the most beautful sent I have ever come across, but why should that make a difference. At that point a new tune poped into my head so I decided to play it and for some reason it sounded fimilar to the melody that I had made for Bella which was weard, but I just kept playing and thinking about this mysterious visitor and how their sent could just vanish into thin air. Did they have a gift that enabled them to hide their sent from others when they did not want to be found. The other thing that botherd me was that until I heard this person move in the forest was quite bar the sound of the animals and the stream near the meadow. Normaly if a person was within 2 miles of me I would be able to hear their thoughts as I have the ability to read minds. Why could I not hear this persons mind. After an hour or so I decided to ask Carlise if he had any ideas or knew why I was not able to hear this persons mind.

As I was heading up the stairs I could hear that he was speaking to one of the medical staff at the hospital and it did not sound good so I waited outside his door until the conversation had finished and he had put the phone before knocking on the door. As I knocked the door Carlise said to enter and I asked him if everything was okay and he told me that there had been 5 patients found dead with their blood drained from their bodies so I am heading to the hospital now to find out what is going on and to see if it was the same vampire that we found the sent of earlier to day. With that I decided to leave my questions for an other time, but as Carlise was leaving the room he asked me what was bothering me and said don't tell me nothing as I can clearly see that there is something. So I told him about not being able to forget the sent of this vampire and that for some reason I could not hear what they where thinking and asked him if he had any ideas to why the would happen. He told me that because I could not hear this persons mind they must be a sheild and then left the room.

Carlise POV

As I left my study after speaking to Edward I decided to call a family meeting before I left for the hospital. At this meeting I told everyone what Edward had just old me and and about the call I had from the hospital. I also informed Emmitt, Rose, Alice, Jasper and Edward that the would be starting school tomorrow at Forks High School. To which they all sighed and left for there for there rooms to get orangized for as the only eight hours before they started. I then said good bye and gave Esme a kiss and told her I would be back as soon as I find out what is going on and if we are dealing with the same mysterious vampire or a different one and then left.

As I arrived at the hospital I was pulled aside by one of the nurses who told me about the screams and how they had found the bodies. I also noticed that David Swan the cheif of police was here questioing the staff members about what had happened. Once David had finished speaking to all the staff members that had found the patients he then came to talk to me asked me if I knew anything about what had happened to those people and if I had any idea of what could of done this. I told David that I had recieved a phone call from nurse Lucy asking me to come in as their had been patients screaming and when they got to the patients fooms they found them dead and their blood had been drained from their bodies.

After I had finished speaking to David I asked the Lucy who found the bodies to take me to their rooms so I could assess and examin them to see what could of caused this. Off course I knew exactly what had caused this but I could not tell them that as that would mean telling them about vampires which was not even an option as we where not aloud to tell any one about our kind. As I entered the room I got the sent of the vampire that had drained this man of his blood. The sent was not the same as the one that we had come across earlier today so I now knew that there was more than one new vampire in the area and the only question that was left now is are they together,  working together or have nothing to do with each other. Only time will tell.

As Lucy took me to the other patients rooms that had also been drained of their blood I found that it had been the same vampire that had killed them all. After a few hours of sorting out paper work and gathering as much information as I could from the medical staff I headed home to inform the rest of the family of what I had found out.

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