Final Chapter

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It has been eight years since I imprinted on Abigail and life couldn't be better. We got married two years ago and have to beautiful girls Kate and Samantha. Just now we are in Edward and Bella meadow with the rest of the family and everyone is enjoying each others company and the children are playing happily with one an other. I sat down beside my beautiful wife and watched our children play with there cousins, Kate, Dylan, Oscar, Samantha and Leigha.

Kate and Samantha was Amy and Jerad's daughters and Dylan, Oscar and Leigha was Leigh and Lochlan's Children. Everyone was deep in conversation and laughing at Emmit's jokes. Soon it was twilight and we all headed back to the main house and got the children ready for bed, gave them their supper, did their teeth and put them to bed with a good night story. By the time I had finished reading the children their story they were sound asleep.

I quietly left the room and headed downstairs to join the rest of the family. As I entered the living room I noticed that there was only Esme. She seen me come in and before I could ask her where everyone was she told me that they had gone hunting.


We were all out hunting went my antie Rose came across a strange smell and decided to follow it and uncle Emmit followed behind her intrigued with what had caught his wife's attention. After we had our fill we headed back to the house and when we arrived I was met by Seth who brought me into a hug and then kissed me.


As I was hunting I could a of sweet honey and for some reason I just had to find out what it was do I stopped what I was doing and followed the sent I didn't even notice that Emmit was following me until I came to a stop next to a rose bush and he put is arms around my waist and kissed my cheek before asking what I was doing? I said can't you smell that sweet honey sent around near that rose bush. Emmit closed his eyes and took a deep breathe in through is nose and then said yes before opening them again and asking what is it?

Emmit then let me go and I went over to the rose bush to investigate more and hopefully find what the fell was coming from. As I pulled back a few branches of the bush back I saw a baby wrapped in a blue blanket. I picked him up and passed him to Emmit. I then looked to see if I could find is parents and after ten minutes I found them. They had been killed by a vampire. I made my way back to Emmit and they baby and him what I had found. After a few minutes silence Emmit finally spoke, but what he said took me completely by surprise.


After Rose put the baby in my arms and left to see if she could find his parents he opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled. I instantly got the feeling I had to protect him and I couldn't believe or understand why someone would leave a child in the forest all alone under a rose bush, unless they were hiding him from someone, but who and why?

After about ten minutes or so Rose returned with a sad and yet at the same time angry look on her face and said that she had found the child's parents, but they were dead and they had been killed by a vampire. So that's why they had hid the child in a bush they were trying to protect him. As I absorbed  everything that Rose had just told me my need to protect this child in my arms grew more stronger so I turned to Rose and asked her if we could keep him and raise him as our own? As I said this I seen a mixture of emotions on my wifes face and I swear if we could cry she would be crying tears of joy. After a few minutes she finally looked at me and said really? I could see she had hope in her eyes, but at the same time she wasn't sure if I was being serous or not.


I couldn't believe it I have always wanted children, but due to being a vampire I could never have that and now Emmit is asking if we could keep him and raise him as our own. To say that I was over the moon would be an understatement. I looked at the baby in my husbands arm and then up at him and I could see that he was holding laughter and I then stated to think that he was joking about keeping him.  I finally looked at him and said really?

As I said this he burst out into laughter and I swear if it wasn't for the baby in his arms he would be rolling on the ground. After he had managed to control himself and stopped laughing he finally looked at me in the eyes and cupped by left cheek with one of his hands and said of course you beautiful silly woman. All you have ever wanted is a child of your own and now you can have it. I was only laughing as I couldn't believe your reaction to my question. Did your really think I would joke about something as serious as this?

I shook my head unable to speak at that moment and took the child out of his arms and into my own. I couldn't believe it I was finally a mum and I got the child I always wanted. Yes he was not mine through blood, but I didn't care I would love this child as if he was my own and I would never allow any harm to come to him. I could tell by the look on Emmit's face that he would also do anything to protect this child our son. I looked down at him and everything will be okay now Max I promise. Emmit looked at me and said Max? I like it our wee max welcome to the family.

Nineteen years later


I was woken up by my mum saying happy birthday and that I need to get up and get ready for my big day and then gave me a big hug and let the room. I went into my en-suit and had a shower and I was finished I put a towel around my waist and went to my cupboard and got a pair of black jeans and a black button up shirt and underwear. Once I was dressed I headed down to the kitchen where mum was making me breakfast as I came in the room she smiled at me and handed me a plate with bacon, eggs and sausages and a glass of orange juice. Once I finished my breakfast I cleaned and put away my plates and then headed through to the living room. As I entered the room I seen all the family bar my Anti Alice, Anti Bella, mum and grandma. My told me to come sit down beside him so I did as he asked and then he asked me if was nervous. I looked at my dad and nodded. I maybe a vimpire hybride like my cusin Amber, Kahlan, Abigail and Lochlan, but even Im aloud to be nervous on my own wedding day.

Today I was marring my solmate Kate. I have nown Kate all my like and not even mum dad are botherd about the fact that she is a werewolf. Okay maybe mum was a bit mad in the beging about my mate being a werewolf, but once she seen how happy Kate makes me she soon changed he view on things and welcomed Kate into the family with open arms. A few hours past and my mum came back down stairs for something and she was heading back up she notice all us guys just sitting there doing nothing. She gave dad a dirty look and everyone to go do the finishing touches to the decorations etc and we all got up and headed out the back yard where the ceremony was going to be taking place. As I was about to leave with them mum turned to me and said "Oh no you don't.  Your going to get your ass up here and go to your room to get changed in to your tux." She then went back into the room Kate was getting ready in and closed the door.

As I was about to put on my tie Antie Alice came in the room to sure I was ready. She put my tie on and the stood back and looked at me. Perfect now get your bum down that stairs and go to the alter the ceremony will be starting in ten minutes.I did as she said. Not long after I seen all my family come and take there seats and then the my uncle Edward started to play the pino and after a few minutes I saw Kate walk down the aisle with her dad and I could get over how beautiful she looked.

Her hair was curled and up to one side she had light make-up on with a white gold necklace with a ruby in the shape of a dimond on with matching earings and her dress was red. It had a sweatheart kneck, was fitted at the bust and then flayered out at the waist. I couldn't keep my eyes of her and before I knew it she was standing next to me and her had put her hand in mine and then went to take his seat.

We turned round to look at the miniser and then the ceremony began. After the cemony was finished and the minister pronused us man and wife we walked back up the aisle and was greeted by all our fiends and family. We then sat down at our table and the speaches began and then the food was served. Offcourse it was only the humans, werewolves and vampire hybrides that ate.

After our meal we mingaled with our guests for a while and then it was time for our first dance as man and wife. As our song came onThinking out loud by Ed Sheeran we headed to the dance floor and after so long everyone else joined us. The rest of the night was fantastic and neither of us wanted it to end.

The End

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