Chapter 13

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Hi everyone sorry it has been so long since I last updated this story. I've had a lot on this year and have not had the time to do a lot of things this year. Hopefully you like this chapter.

Edward POV

Amber had just left to go to bed and she must of seen the confused look on my face as she told me that because vimpire hybrides where half human that they needed to sleep unlike normal vampires. After Amber had gone to bed Bella and talked some more and then I could see that she was starting to get tired and I asked her if she wanted me to leave so she could go to bed?

As I was waiting for her to answer me I was hoping that she would ask me to stay. The thought of having to leave her after I just got her back was unbearable. I know that she said she would never leave me again, but there was something in the back of my mind that was not  so sure about that.

Bella POV

After Amber had gone to bed Edward had stayed and we talked some more and he must of noticed that I was tired as he asked me if I wanted him to leave so I could go to bed. I didn't know what to say. I knew that I was tired and that I needed to sleep, but at the same time I did not want him to  leave. I had just found him again.

After a few minutes I caught him looking at me and that is when I realised that I had not answered his question. I did not know what to say so I decided to listen to my heart and before I knew it I was kissing him again. Oh how I have missed the feel of his lips against mine, the feel of his touch on my skin and how it had always given me goose bumps and sent a tingling feeling up my spine. I never wanted this to end, I never wanted to let him go again, I was soon brought out of my thoughts when he broke the kiss and Pulled away from me, but kept his arms around my waist.

Edward POV

After I had asked Bella if she wanted me to leave so she could go to bed she did not say anything and and after a while she cought me looking at her and she must have t

hen realised that she had not answered me as she then turned to me with a blank look on her face and the next thing I knew she was kissing me. I automaticly kissed her back whilst deeping the kiss at same time. I the wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer and she then put her arms around my kneck. After a few more minutes of us kissing with it becoming deeper and more passionate I was finally able to brake the kiss and pull away from her but still leaving arms around her waist. She then looked at me with a worried look on her face to which I just smiled and and said I take that as I no then and leaned back into to kiss her again. We spent the rest of the night in each others arms and when she finally fell a sleep I just layed there on the bed next to her and watched her sleep. As she slept she started to speak and kept apologising to me over and over again for leaving me.

The morning after

In the morning after both Bella and Amber had eaten I had asked Amber if she would like to meet her grandparents, Antie's and Uncle's. To which she looked at Bella and when she nodded her head Amber started jumping up and down saying that she would loved to and when are we going? I answard her question by saying when ever your ready. She then ran up the stair, changed and came back down saying ready. Both Bella and I looked at Amber and then at each other and laughed.

Amber POV

After dad asked me if I would like to meet the rest of his family, my family I started jumping up and down with joy and asked when? He told me when ever I was ready so I ran up the stairs, had a quick shower and then dried my self off, got dressed and did my hair and make-up. Once I was happy with the way I looked I ran back down the stairs to see both mum and dad looking at me and then at each other before the both started laughing. Once they both managed to compose themselve enough without laughing dad turned to me and said take it you are ready then? As he said I could feel my face becoming more and more red.

After mum had gone up stairs to have a shower and get her self organised and then came back down we left the house and took of for my grandparents house. I had always wanted a big family and now I have one. I had found out last night that I had granparents as well as two anties Alice and Rosalie and two uncles Emmitt and Jaspter and I could not wait to meet them all.

Afer 30mins we finally left the road and turned up onto a road that was hidden by trees and as we drove up the drive way the house slowly started to come into view. The house was at least three stories high and with loads of windows. When we finally pulled up outside the house someone came running out the front door sceaming with excitement and jumping up and down. I turned to dad to ask who she was, but before I could ask he said hello Alice. Alice then turned to mum and me and said welcome to the family and then gave us both a bone crunching hug.

We then went into the house and I could not believe how big and open it was. Dad then took mums hand and lead us into the livingroom where everyone was waiting for us. Both mum and I said hello catching everyones attention. They all then at the same time said hello to us as and a young short lady with long brown hair got up from the couch and crossed the room to great us properly and thanked mum for coming back into dads life and making him happy again and that she could not wait to get to know us and that we where always welcome in their home.

Then one by one everyone else came up and introduced them self to us and told us what their special gifts where. Uncle Emmitt then asked us if either of us had any gifts and both mum and I said yes at the same time whuch made eveyone laugh. Once the had all camed down mum told them that she was a sheld and that she also had the ability to cover up her sent when she wanted to so no one could follow her. I then went on to tell them that I could read peoples minds and communicate with people telepathicly. As the day went on I learnt about everyones pasts and how they came to being a vimpire and we also went out to hunt.

Five Years Later

Bella POV

It has been five years now since Edward and I got together again an within that time we had gotten married and Amber had found her mate his name was Ross and he too was a vampire hybrid. They too have a family of their own. They had  two girls Leighsa Marrie and Kahlan who are four years old, but look as if the are eighteen and a boy Logan who is two years old, but looks like is fourteen. Both Edward and I could not be happier, everything was finally falling into place.

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