Chapter 12

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Edward POV

Bella I had told me that Amber was my daughter and all I could think about was how I was going to make up for all the yearsof her life that I had missed. Then it hit me what if she hates me, what if she wants nothing to do with me. As mind was going into over drive with the what if's Bella brought me out of my thoughts by saying that there is nothing to worry about as Amber wants you to be in her life, to be the dad she needs and wants, to get get to you better.

As Bella was telling me that Amber wanted me there, to be apart of her life I could feel all my worries slowly disapearing until there was only hope and happyness left in tt's place. Bella and I stayed in our meadow for most of the talking, enjoying each others company and making up for all those years that we had been apart.

After we noticed totice that it was getting dark we decided that it was time that we made a move and headed back towards Bella's car. Once we reached the car Bella unlocked the doors and we both got in the car and headed for home. Well Bella's home. Once we arrived at the house Amber came out of the door and ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug she could possibly manage and there is no words to discribe how wonderful it felt to see her so happy to see me. Espically after she only found out yesterday that I was still alive.

Amber POV

It was starting to get dark and there still was no sign of mum and I had not heard from her since she left this morning to go see dad and hopefully explain to him why she left the they way she did. Just as I was about to phone her to see if she was okay I heard her car pull up in the drive way and ran to the door to see if she was okay.

When I opened the door saw that it was not my just my mum who was getting out of the car, but my dad as well. I was so happy to see him that I ran to him and gave him the biggest hug I could give. I had often thought what it would be like to have a dad and when I found out that the was still alive I could not wait to see him and  to hopeefully make up for all those years that we had missed.

After I finally let him go we all headed into the house and dad had told us about what had happened after mum left and how he ever gave up looking for her. He also told us that after he had been changed by Dr Carlise that he and his family took him in and showed him their way of life and  how Carlise and his wife Esme treated him as if he was their own son.

As the night went on we had heard amazing thing about dad and his life both before and after he had been turned into one of us. Mum also told dad everything that had happened before she left and what had happened during the 150years that they had been apart. The next next thing I knew it was going on 1.30am so I said good night to my mum and dad and headed up the stairs to have a quick was, do my teeth and then go to bed. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep.

Esme POV

It was now 1.30am and Edward had still not come home and none of us had seen or heard from him since he left to go to his meadow  this morning. I had been really worried abou him these last few week as he was not coping well after he had seen a girl a girl called Bella at the school who had alway had her face covered by her hair every time he seen her. He had told that there was something familiar about he, but he could not put his figner in what it was. He had also told me about the summer breeze and roses sent that we had come across when we first moved back here was driving him crazy as he could not get it out of this mind.

Then after seeing Bella's face for the first time yesterday at the canteen was too much for him to the point where he had to leave the school because she reminded him so much of his Bella that he had never gotten over and still to this day loved her. Then whilst out hunting he came across the same sent that was driving him crazy and when he followed it. It led him to Bella and Amber where he then found out that the where both vamipre hybrides and that Amber was actually Bella's daughter.

I decided to phone him to find out if he was okay and when I did I heard his phone ring and that is when I realised that he had left it at home and that we had no way of contacting him. Then I remembered Alice could see the future so I went to find Alice to ask her if she could search the future to see if Edward was okay. Alice did as I asked and when she was finished searching she told me that he was with Bella and Amber and that Bella had told him everything about what happened all those years ago.

Once I heard this I was relieved as I know that from now on Edward was going to be okay and that everything was going to work out.

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