Chapter 27

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It has been six months since we told everyone of our engagement and Ant Alice has already planned out the whole wedding out from the venue which is going to be at the house just like Grandma Bella and grandad Edwards down to the dress and shoes. She had also sent out all the invitations before she told me what date she had planned our wedding to on.

We started to get some of RSVP cards back saying wither or not they could make it. After the eighteenth one arrived saying that would  be there and that they would see us all in three weeks.

I was definitely not expecting that. I mean I thought we had a couple of months yet before the wedding no just a few weeks. I took the letter up to Ant Alice and Uncle Jaspers room and knocked on the door and waited for her to tell me to come in. Once she did I throw the RSVP card to her and asked her what the hell was going on and why was Danalis saying that they would see us in three weeks when the wedding wasn't for another three months.

I stared at her with my arms crossed over my chest waiting for her to answer me. When she finally spoke she said it was because the wedding is in three weeks not three months. I looked at her in confusion and said that's not possible. The wedding is on the 25th  of June. Alice once again smiled and shook her head at me.

Kahlan this is the the fourth of June which means there is only three weeks left till the wedding. I couldn't be that would mean that I have some how lost three months, but then again with everything that has been happening I'm not supervised I've managed to lose track of time. After a few minutes of gathering my thoughts I turned back to Ant Alice who had a huge smile on her face and said before you ask we already have the wedding, flower girls dresses and the men's kilts etc sorted out so all you two need to do is show up on your big. I smiled and hugged her then left the room.

Flash back  

It has been two weeks now since Jake purposed me and we had asked all of the pack members and their imprints to meet us at Sam and Emily's house at lunchtime today as we had some new about the wedding to tell them. As we pulled up in front of their house and got out of  the car we were greeted by everyone and they asked what the new was. I looked to Jake with a smile on my face and are you going to tell them or should I? He replied with it's up to yourself. I took a small breath and then headed into the house and we all gathered in the livingroom .

Why I was so nervous about telling everyone that we had finally decided on who was to be our bridesmaids, flower girls etc, but I was. After everyone had come was seated I looked at everyone and said that we were getting married on the 25th of June and that we had also had a few questions to ask them. Emily was the first person to speak and said that we could ask them anything and to stop being so nervous. I smiled back at her and nodded my head. I then turned to Emily and  Kim and asked them if they would be my bridesmaids? The both smiled big at me and said yes. I also asked Emily if it would be okay if  Amelia and Zoe would like to be our flower girls?

Before Emily could answer both Amelia and Zoe came running into the room screaming with excitement along with Seth as they had been in the kitchen finishing off there lunch. Everyone laughs at there reaction and both Sam and Emily turns back to me and Jake and said I think you just got your answer. This made the girls jump up and down with more excitement hugged bother their mum and dad and then come over to do the same to us.

Jake then turn to Seth and asked if he would like to be his best man? Seth smiled at Jake and said yes. He then looked over to Seth's imprint Susan who was heavily pregnant with twin boys who was due any day now and asked if it was okay with her could her boys be our page boy and ring barer? Susan looked at Seth and then back to Jake with a smile on her face and said yes.

End of flash back

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