Chapter 18

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It was going on seven thirty and the Cullen's where due any minute now. After bumping into Esme today at the supermarket we ended up back here and we caught up on everything that has happened over the year. I was glad to know that Edward and Bella had found each other and are now married with a family of their own. She also told me that Edward and Bella's daughter Amber had found her mate Ross and they too had gotten married and had three kids of their own two girls Kahlan and Leighsa Marrie and a boy called Logan. She also said that as of last week the kids were back at school again and that it was Kahlan's, Leighsa Marrie's and Logan's first time in school and that they were all bar Logan coping with being around human blood. She then went on to tell me the reason Logan was struggling was because there was a girl in his class who's blood sings to him, but what mad it even harder was that he had found out that is girl is also his mate. As soon as she had finished I autocratically felt for for the boy. I mean not being to be near your mate is the worst thing ever. Esme did say that he has been able to control his thirst around her by going hunting before he goes to school so that he can be near her. I really hope that it works for him I really do.

I was brought out of my thoughts by someone knocking on the door. I got up from the couch in the family room and headed toward the front door to open it, but as I got to the lobby Amelia as already opening the door as once she had opened it fully she  she asked them to come in and then stood there frozen for a few minutes then closed the door after I had called her name.


As I was was coming down the stairs to go meet mum in the family room I heard a knock at the door and so I answered the door Cullen, His wife Esme and their family. As I asked them to come in the boy with the bronze hair who was speaking to two girls who I recognised as the new girls in my history class Kahlan and Leighsa Marrie turned around to face me and I saw that the boy was no other than Logan. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He was here at my house, but why? These can't be the family friends that mum was on about. I would remember meeting these people before wouldn't I? I mean how could someone forget some as hot as Logan? I started to think back to when my dad was alive and to see if I had seem them, but has hard as I tried nothing came. I hadn't realised that I was still holding the door after mum called out my name and I noticed that everyone had gathered in the family room. I quickly closed the door and joined everyone. As I entered the family room I noticed that the only available seat was next to Logan so I sat down next to him as as I as did the butterflies in my stomach where going mad. Why was I feeling like this, yes I liked him, but I just met him last week. How did he already have this power over me... I mean all he had to do was smile and I was week at the knees... why?

As the night went on everyone had exchanged stories of had they had been up to over the years and I noticed that both Amber and Ross would look over at Logan and I every so often and when they did they would have a smile on their faces and I noticed that even Logan himself could not stop smiling, why I have no idea, but I wasn't complaining, I liked it when he was smiling. I just wish I know what he was thinking about. As I thought this Edward and Logan both turned to me at the same time and then looked at each other and if I didn't know any better I'd say they where having a conversation between themselves, but that was impossible right. I was brought out of my thoughts by the sparks that started to go though my right arm and I realised that Logan had been trying to get my attention.


Amelia was deep in thought most of the night and for most of it I kept of her mind by focusing on others and it became impossible not to as she was practically shouting out in frustration at why she felt the way she did about Logan and how it made no sence as she only met him last week. I just smiled at her and thought if only you know. Logan must of caught her train of thoughts as well as the smile on his got even bigger if that was at all possible. All he thought about the entire time we where was that for some reason her blood was no longer calling out to him and he was trying to figger out why, but everything he could come up with just made me laugh. After a long while he gave up trying to find a reason why and was just happy that he was able to be next to her without the burning feeling in his throat. He finally got the curage to talk to her, but she was so deep in thought that she didn't hear him so he tried to get her attention by touching her arm and sure enough that worked she turned to look at him and apologised and asked if she could help him with anything?

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