Chapter 19

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It has been five years since I have seen Kahlan and when she phone me last night to tell me that her sister had had the babies and that they would be moving back to forks today I was over the the moon. I mean I haven't seen her in five years and a lot has happened within those five years. I am now a werewolf and as of two days ago I was made alpha of the pack here and I just hope that doesn't interfere with our fiend ship as I will not be able to spend the same amount with her that I used to before she and her family moved away.

Two days had passed since I spoke to Kahlan and still hadn't seen or heard from here which was strange, but then she did have two nieces to spoil and give all her attention to. As I was doing my runs around the border later that night in my wolf form my second in command Leigh Clearwater came up to me said that she caught the sent of a vampire she didn't recognise near the borders so I went to check it. When I go to the spot where she said she got the sent from I found a girl with blond  hair and red eyes wearing a black clock. I growled at her and she just smiled at me and had an evil look in her eyes. I backed up to a tree that was behind me and changed back into my human form always keeping my eyes on this red eyed stranger. Once I had changed I put on some shorts and came back out  from behind the tree never taking my eyes of the girl.

As I approached her once again I asked her why she was here and told her if she was to kill anyone here or in Forks I would killer to which she just smiled and handed me a note and then she was gone. I opened up the piece of paper that she handed to me  and it read.s

We have the girl and if you ever want to see her alive again to come to Italy within the next forty eight hours alone. V

Who tell is V and what girl are they talking about? I ran straight home and showed the letter to my dad. Once he had finished reading it he looked back up at me with a scared look in his eyes and I asked him what was wrong. He told me that the V stands for Voltaire and then explained to me who they where and that if they had taken someone then it was never a good thing and to phone the Cullen's and ask for Alice's help so we can find out who the girl is.


It has been two days since we moved back to Forks and everyone has settled back in perfectly and we haven't seen or heard from Kahlan since yesterday after she told us she was going down to La Push to see Jacob. Just as I was about to phone her my phone rang and I answered it and said hello. Then I heard Jacobs voice and he sounded worried and I asked him if Kahlan was all right and then the phone went dead. I quickly phoned him back and once he answered I asked him what happened and he told me that he had dropped the phone. which just confused the hell out of me as all I said was is Kahlan all right?

It was a few minutes before he spoke again and he said that he know who she was and then the next I know he was growling. Okay now I'm completely confused. why is growling at me? I didn't do anything and what did he mean by I know who she is? I waited for him to calm down a little then asked him to explain what he was on about. After a few minutes He told me that he had phoned because he had received a letter from the Voltaire  saying "We have the girl and if you ever want to see her alive again to come to Italy within the next forty eight hours alone " and I was going to ask if you could check their future to see if you could find out who this girl was as it didn't say who the girl was. Then the first thing you said to me was is Kahlan okay and then it hit me the she in the note was Kahlan.

After Jacob had told me his I realised that she never made to La Push and that is why we haven't heard from her. I then ask Jacob if he could meet us at the house in ten minutes and we will sort everything and come up with a plan to get her back.

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