Chapter 23

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It has been three years since I found out that I was Jakes imprint and this couldn't be better. Tonight Jake is taking me out for a meal and then we are going to go see a movie and I can't wait. It is now ten am and I am in the kitchen eating breakfast with Leighsa Marrie and Logan. Jake is on patrol at the moment with Leigh and Seth. After I finished breakfast I went through to the living room to join the rest of my family. Uncle Emmit and Jasper where playing on the xbox, Ant Rose was looking at some magazine, and both grandma Esme and Bella along with dad and grandad Edward where taking about our our trip to Alaska to to see Danalies in a few weeks time and Alice was was jumping up and down with excitement and looking at me with that look. I looked back at her and said no. Her smile faded away only to be replaced with a frown and asked me why and gave me those puppy dog eyes which she knew I couldn't ignore and after five minutes I gave in to the annoying little pixie and I heard   grandad Edward laugh.

Later that day

It was now four o'clock and Alice had dragged me up the stairs and told me to have a shower and then put on the outfit that she will set out on my bed and once I'm ready she will come back to do my hair and make-up. After Alice left the room I turned the water on and jumped in the shower to wash my hair and body. Once I was done I turned the water of and wrapped a towel around my body and hair and stepped out. After I had dried my self of and my hair I left my en-suite and back into my room to find the clothes that Alice had set out for me and seen black underwear and a red satin dress that came down to just bellow the knees. Once I had gotten changed into my clothes Alice came back in and told me sit down on the seat next to my dresser so that she could do my hair and make-up. After two hours she had finally finished my hair and make and I heard Jake come in and started talking to my dad. Before I went downstairs I put on a pair of black kitten heels on and looked in the mirror to see what I looked like and I actually didn't look to bad. My make-up was lightly down and my hair was curled and up to the side.


As I was speaking to Ross I was tapped on the shoulder by Edward who pointed towards the stairs and I was completely speechless she was  gorgeous and I couldn't believe that she was mine and that she loved me. Once she reached the bottom of the stairs I wrapped my arm around her waist and gave her a soft and gentle kiss on the lips and then asked if she was ready to go? She smiled and nodded her head. We said good by to everyone and then left out the front door and towards my Rabbit. I then opened the passenger door for Kahlan to get in and then closed it and make my way round to the other side and got in the car. I put the key in the ignition and started the car and then pulled away from the house and out of their driveway and on to the main road and make our way to the restaurant in Port Angeles that I was taken Kahlan to.

Once we arrived at the restaurant a waitress asked if we had a reservation? I told her that we did and that it is under Black. She looked through the list she had in front of her and then turned back to us with a smile on her face and told us to follow her to our table. She led us into a quiet area to a table next to the window and handed us our menus and asked if we would like anything to drink? I looked to Kahlan and said ladies first. She blushed and smiled before turning to the waitress and asked for a glass of lemonade and fresh orange juice and and I asked for a glass of coke. She then left to get our drinks and told us that she would be back shortly to take our orders.

Once she had left we looked through and I decided that I would have the stake with potatoes and vegetable and then asked Kahlan what she wanted to eat? She took another look over the menu and then said that she liked the sound of the cabonara. The waitress came back over with our drinks and asked us if we were ready to order yet and I said yes and we told her what we would like and she wrote it down and then disappeared and came back twenty minutes later with our food. After we had finished and I paid for the food we left and headed back to my car so that we could go the movie theatre to see a film.


Once we arrived at the movie theatre Jake turned to me and asked what I would like to watch so I looked up at the noticeboard to see what films were on and decided to go with an action film. Jake went up to the counter to pay for our tickets and then we went into watch the movie. After the movie had finished we came walking out the room laughing and headed to back to the car and headed home. As we were coming back into Forks Jake missed our turn off to the house and I looked over at him and told him that he missed our turn off. He looked back over at me with a smile on his face and said no we didn't as we're not going home yet. I then gave him a questionable look and then asked where we were going all he said was a surprise.

As we were entering La Push Jake puller over on the on the side of the road and then reached over to put a blind fold over my eyes and then started up the car again and took off down the road. The car finally came to a stop and Jake got out and walked round to my door and opened it for me and then helped me out of the car and I could smell the salt from the sea and knew that we were near the beach. Jake lead me down what to the beach and then removed the blind fold. Once my eyes readjusted after the blind fold from being taken off I notice that the beach was covered in candles that read MARRY ME!

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