Chapter 21

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Sorry it has been so long since I last updated. I have had writers block and was unsure how to go about writing this chapter. Hope you like.


we were have no landed in Italy and are waiting to for Ross to come back from the car rental shop so that we can make our way to Voltaria and rescue Kahlan from this nightmare. I can only hope that we make it in time and that our plan works and we get in and out with out being detected and get Kahlan home where she belongs with her family. After being on the road for what felt like an eternity we finally arrived at our destination and parked the car and got out.

We all went over the plan once again before Logan used his gift on and we heading in to the building and hope of finding Kahlan and hopefully not running into any trouble. An hour has past and we still haven't found her. I had almost given up all hopes of finding her alive when suddenly we heard Jane and Felix speaking about how much fun she was having with there latest prisoner and how she just loved to her her scream and beg for her to stop. As I heard his I struggled to hold back a growl that was building up in my throat, but with the Help of Jasper I managed to stay came. I knew that they were scum and but to hurt someone who has never done anything to them was just beyond me. I sniffed the air one last time hoping that I would be able to find her sent before they were able to torcher her any more than they already have or worse kill her.

As I sniffed the air I finally got her sent and ran as fast I could in the direction in which she was in and the rest of her family was on my heels as we ran through the halls and down the stairs until we came across a metal door that led to what looked like the dungeons. I tried the door and found it to be looked. Ross turned to us all and asked now what? Logan for some reason had a massive grin on his face and I just wanted to punch him. I mean how could be be happy at a time like this. Kahlan was just beyond that door which was locked and we had no possible way of getting through.


As I stood there with a massive grin on my face I could see everyone looking at me in disbelieve and anger. I simply just shook my head and turn to them and told them to try the door again which just earned me more looks of disbelieve and shock. It was quiet for a few minutes and the Jacob turned to look at me and if it wasn't for the fact that were sneaking in undetected I know he would of been screaming at me in disbelieve mixed with rage. I again shook my head and walked back over to the door and pushed the handle down to open the door. Everyone just looked at me with questionable eyes and I told them that I also had to ability to undo locks of any kind with my mind and then headed through the door and told Jacob to lead the way as he was the one who was following her sent.


After following Logan and the others through the metal door Logan turned to me and told to lead the way and I once again sniffed the air to see where Kahlan was. After I caught her sent once again I followed it down the hall where we found to guards standing next to a wooden door and one of them had keys attached to belt. There was no way we getting into that room with them there so we had to work out a plan of some sort get rid of them, but before I could say anything Ross, Jasper and Logan where running towards the guards and pulled the decapitated and then set there bodies alight after removing the keys from the guards belt.

Ross then opened the door they where guarding and just froze on the spot and I couldn't help but think the worst as I ran over to them and looked through the door to what had him frozen to the spot in the doorway to the room that his daughter was in and once I reached him I too froze as I took in Kahlan appearance. She was unconscious and her clothes were ripped and torn and she was covered in blood. After a few minutes we were both able to move and we both ran over to her and Ross picked up is daughter bridal style and we left the room. As we came back out in to the hallway everyone gasped at the site in front of them and Logan used his gift on Kahlan as well so that we could all get out undetected.

Once we where out and back in the car Logan gave us all our scents back and then took of down the road and to the airport. On Ross received a phone call from Alice telling him to take Kahlan to a hotel and that Carlisle would be there waiting form with a new set of clothes and to check her over.


As my brothers and I were attending to some business in the throne room both Jane and Felix came barging into the room with a look of shear terror on their faces and apologised for bursting into the room, but they had just discovered that Kahlan was gone. After hearing this I completely outraged, I mean how could the possibly lose one of the prisoners. They are vampires for crying out load and someone has managed to enter into my castle undetected and then escape with her.

I looked up to see both Jane and Felix waiting for me to say something, but I was speechless. Once I had gathered my thoughts I finally asked them how the hell was someone able to get in and out without being detected and how did they manage to get into her room with the metal door being locked. They replied with we have no idea and there was no trace of any new scents so who ever it  was, was able to cover their scent.


I am currently sitting in a room at Rome Marriott Grand Hotel waiting for the boys and Kahlan to arrive. I just hope that she is alright especially after the vision Alice had of Jane Torchering her. After thirty minutes they finally arrived and I was able to check Kahlan to see how badly hurt she was. I looked her over I realised that she was lucky to still be alive with the amount of blood she had lost and the numerous amount of bruises that covered her body. Once I had cleaned her up I noticed that she also had a few broken ribs and a broken wrist. I quickly grabbed my medical bag and took out everything I needed to but her broken ribs.

It has been six hours since the boys arrived with Kahlan and she is still unconscious which has everyone worried. As I was about to check her vitals again my phone rang and I looked at the caller ID to see that it was Amber. Hello Amber no she hasn't come too yet, but I will phone you as soon as she does and I could hear my granddaughter crying on the other end of the phone terrified that she was going to loose her daughter. After a few minutes had passed she asked if I could pass the phone to Ross so I did and then went back to sit with Kahlan and Jacob.

The next day


It is now ten am and Kahlan has yet to wake up and we are all now scared that she will now wake up and and all I can think is her poor family having to go through this and that she never deserved any of this. I mean why did they take her in the first place and why was I me that received the note and not her family did they know something I didn't. I was taken out of my thought when I felt Kahlan's hand on mine. I looked down to see that she was awake and when our eyes I left as it was no longer gravity that kept me here it was her and I would do anything to protected her, be anything she she wonted wither it be a brother,  protector, friend or lover. She my imprint. 

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