Chapter 5

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Carlise POV

It has been 150 years since Edward had joined our family and as the years past he grow more and more distant from all of us. It was as if the was something missing in his life and then it hit me he was lonely he was living in a house where everybody had some one to call their own. To love and to protect. As much as he tried he never got over Bella Swan and he even kept up the serch for her for for many years after he had been changed, but finally realised that he was never going to find her. It was at that point that he started to distent him self from us and even left to be on his own for a year. During which time he had been unsucessfuly in staying away from human blood. Which he never forgave him self for it.

Edward had always seen him self as a monster after that no matter how much we had told him other wise. Today we were going to see the Danali coven who where also vegetarians as we call it as we only drank animal blood. As we pulled up to to the house we where greated by Tanya and her sister Irena. Tanya had always had strong freelings for Edward from the first time she had seen him, but saidly he never was able to return the same feelings which hurt Tanya deeply, but at the same time she knew she could never fourse him to love her and in time the became good friends.

Later that nigt we all decided to hunting so we headed off to the nearest forest and after we had our fill we headed back to the cabbin and for the rest of the night we just talked about random stuff and laughed at old memories. After a few days as we where getting ready to go Camerin asked us when it was that we where moving back to forks and if we needed any help with moving. I told him that we where moving back today and that we didnt need any help as everything was already at the hoise, but thank you for your offer.

Rosalie POV

We where all getting read to leave the Danali's to go back to Forks. It was a weard, yet nice feeling to be going back to forks after such a long time. To tell you the truth I was actually looking forward to it. I missed the views, animals and the sound of the birds singing first thing in the morning. The one place I missed the most was the meadow that was a short walk away from our house. It was a beautiful and piecesful place to go. It was surrounded by trees with a small opening to it and the grass was a  shade of green with beautiiful pink, white, blue and read flowers. It also had a small sream running next to it which was nice and relaxing to listen too.

All of us enjoyed going there to have quality time with our partners or just to relax. Although the meadow was more often than not referd to as Edwards meadow as he was the one who showed us where it was and he told us that his mother had taken him there alot when he was a little boy and that him and Bella would spend hours after hours there just enoying each others company and listening to the stream that was near by. In fact Edward used to spent all of his free time there when we where last in Forks.

Edward POV

It has now been five weeks since we moved back to Forks and I have spent more or less every day at my meadow. The meadow my mother used to take me to when U was a boy and the meadow I took Bella to we where together.  How I miss so much. I never did find out what her letter ment and still to this day I have struggled to figger out what was so bad that she was afraid to be near me. Had I done or said something to hurt her. No that can't be it. Her letter said it wasn't safe for me to be around her, but what could possibly be so bad that she thought she had to leave without so much as I good bye. Was she afraid of what I would say or react if she told me what was wrong.

ionsI guess I will never find out and all I will have is the what ifs and the all of the un answered  un answered questions I had for. I wonder if I will ever be able to love again. Over the years I haved tried to love again, but there was just no one who captured my heart.

I spent the rest of the day there thinking about everything that has happened to during my life both as a human and as a vampire. I soon noticed that I was getting late and I knew I should of left for home, but something was stopping me from moving which was strange as I have never had this feeling before. I decided to just stay in the meadow for a while longer so I lay back down and stared at the stars wondering about the past and present.

As I was laying there deep in thout i was suddenly brought back to reality when I head some one move in the trees. I got up and left my meadow to go see who it was but I could not see any one, but I knew by the sent that was there that it was a vimpire. The sent was like a summer breeze with a hint of roses in it. I decided to follow the sent to see if I could find out who it belonged. The sent lead be right back home and then out of no where disapeard. I opend the front door to find the house empty so I went up the stairs to my room until they arrived home and would ask them if they knew anything about this new weared, beautiful sent that for some reason I could not get out of my mind for mind for some reason.

Emmitt POV

Carlise, Rosalie, Esme, Jasper,Alice  and my self where deading home after being out hunting and as we aproch the house we caught a sent that we did not recognise so we desided to follow it and then discovered that it lead us back to the house and then disapeard into no where which was weard.

Once we had entered the house we heard Edward coming down the stairs and asked us all to come into the livingroom as he had something to tell us. So we all followed him into the livingroom and we all sat down and waited for him to start. He told that when was at the meadow he heard someone moving in the trees and that when he went to go see who it was there was no sign of any one, but he knew that it had been a vampire due to the sent that was left behind and that he followed the sent to see if he could out how it was. He also said that the sent lead him here and then disapeard. At that moment I  told him that we too had come across an unfamiliar sent which we also followed with the same idea of finding out who it belonged to and it lead us here.

At this point we where all confused on who this mysterious vampire could be and how their sent could just disapear without a trace. After a while of complete silence Alice finally broke it by shouting in fustration as she could not see how this vampire was whuch was unual as see can see the future and when she tried looking to see if could find out who the sent belonged to she could not see anything.

At this point she turned to Edward and asked him was the sent was like to see if it wasthe same one that we had also followed and lead us here. Edward said that here sent was like a summer breeze with a hint of roses in it and that for some reason he could not get the smell of the sent out of his mind and it was driving him mad. After he had told us what the sent was like we knew that it was the same one that we had also followed.

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