Chapter 17

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Today was Monday I was told that that I was going back to school and there was no room for negotiation so I finished getting organised for school went down stairs, had breakfast and then headed to the garage where my mum, sisters and dad where waiting for me to get in the car then we were off and it was not long before we reach the school and as we where all getting out of the car I noticed her again. She was getting out of the car and she noticed I was staring at her again, thankfully this time I had hunted before I got ready for school so I was able to control the burning in my throat and I could tell that it showed as she didn't look away or look scared.  I only hope that I can control my self enough around her seeing as she is my mate an all. Why did my mate have to be human, and not just any human but my singer. Why?

I was brought out of my thoughts once again this time by uncle Jasper and grandad Edward. Jasper by sending me came waves and Edward by telling me that there is nothing to worry about. As they were speaking to me I watcher her walking into the school and minutes late r the bell rang signifying that the school had started so we all head towards our first class. As I entered my English there she was again and my throat began to burn again, but it was bearable, which was good as I sat next to her. 

Today we had an exam so we where all spaced out. As she got up from her seat to move to another  table she dropped her pen, I bent down to pick it up for her and as I did our hands met each other and the sparks that I felt where unbelievable, my family weren't kidding when they said the sparks that you feel when you and your mate touch are magical. I noticed that she also felt them as she looked at me for a few minutes before thinking me and then moved over to her table. I couldn't help but get lost in those beautiful blue as of hers and it wasn't until Mrs Brooke placed the test papers down in front of me and cleared her throat that I realised I was daydreaming. Once everyone had been handed their test papers and Mrs Brooke sat back down at her desk tand told us all that we had forty minutes to complete the test that everyone was aloud to start.


After fifteen minutes had past I had finished will out all the questions and got up to hand in my paper to the teacher as I approached the teachers desk I noticed that Logan had also gotten up from his seat and was also heading up to hand his test papers in too. Once we reached the teachers desk she gave us both a surprised look and said your done already to which we both replied in union. She then told has to go back and sit down until she had looked over our papers. As we headed back to our tables our hand touched again and there was the sparks again, the first time it happened I thought it was just a static shock, but this time it was more powerful and I have never had this feeling when I had touched someone before. I will definitely need to ask my mum about this when I got home. Once I had sat back down and packed all my stuff  back in my bag again I notice that Logan had already put all his stuff back in his own bag and was smiling at me. Why I have no idea, but I smiled back at him. The rest of the day passed without any problems and I now in my last period before home time and there he was with smile on his face that f or some reason made me weak at the knees. I went to my seat and sat down and got my stuff I needed for my biology class out my bag. Logan then turned to me still with that smile on his face and introduced him self to me properly.


After we she had gotten out everything that she needed for class I thought that now would be a good time as any to introduce my self to her so I did. Once I finished introducing myself she told me that her name was Amelia Smith and then she asked me what had happened last week when I first came into biology? I froze again, what was I supposed to tell her, she was human and I wasn't allowed to tell her my families  secret. After a few minutes I was able to answer her and I told her that I there was a family emergency and that I had to go home. She didn't ask any more on the subject which I was thankful for as I didn't like the idea of having to lie to her and technically it was a family emergency as I could of killer her last week if it had not been for my dad telepathically communicating with my grandad Edward and him tell him what had happened. I once again brought out of my thoughts by Amelia saying "a penny for your thoughts." When looked back at her she was still smiling and I couldn't believe she was my mate. No all I had to do was control my thirst around, which so far was proving to be difficult, but I was in control.


After I arrived home from school mum had asked me how much day had been and I told her about the new people that had started the school and that they vampires and hybrids. My looked at me questionably  so I told her that last week six of them where vampires and the other six where vampire hybrids. To which mum said I wonder if they are the same ones that moved back here a few years ago? I think the question was more an out thought rather than to me as she then walked out the room and into the kitchen to make dinner.  As I was heading upstairs to my room to do my homework she said that we where having some friends of the family round after dinner and to make my self presentable.

What she meant by that I have no idea and more to the point who where they as since dad died ten years ago mum has barley mentioned anything about anyone other than family and I don't remember much of when I six. After I had finished my homework I had a shower and then got out dried off and put on a blue lace top, black dress trousers and flats. I then left my on-suite bathroom and went back in my room to do my hair and make up.


After everyone had gone hunting and those of us who eat had been fed Carlisle called us all to the family room and told us that today whilst we where all in school Esme ran into an old family friend that they haven't seen since his friend Simon died ten years ago when he was protecting his family from the volturi. He had given up his life in order to spare his wife Sarah and his daughters life. He also said that simon never told him the reason why the voltuti was after him or what his daughters name was. It was Amber who asked first if the where vampires to which he replied with Sarah is a vampire, but here daughter is a hybrid like you Amber. Sarah was human when she was pregnant with their daughter and if it hadn't been for Simon changing  her into one of us she would of died during child birth. It was Logan who was next to speak and he asked when are we going and who all is coming to meet these people?


After I had explained to everyone that we where going to meet an old family fiend both Amber and Logan started asking questions, which I don't mind. As I was getting round to telling everyone when we would be heading out to meet them Logan bet me to it by asking "when are we going and who all are coming to meet them?" To which I replied with we will all be going in thirty minutes to meet Sarah and her daughter and that we will not be needing the cars as it will be quicker if we ran there. After I had finished everyone went off to do their own thing until it was time to go. When the twins and Logan came back into the family room five minutes before we where due to leave I noticed that Kahlan and Leighsa Marrie had matching outfits on... well nearly matching. Kahlan had a red lace top on with a black short skirt and high heels where as Leighsa Marrie had a light green lace top on with the same black skirt and high heels. Logan had on black dress trousers and a light blue dress top and his leather coat on top of that. After everyone had once again gathered in the family room we left the house and started to make our way over to Sarah's.

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