Chapter 15

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After dad excused us from glass he took me out into the woods that was next to the school and explained everything to me and why some peoples blood are more inviting to some vampire than others are. After a while we headed back to school and dad took me straight to the school nurse and said that I was unwell and that we he heading home once we had informed my biology teacher.

Seven days later

It has been seven days since I ran met my singer in biology and I have been refusing to go back to school because of it. The other reason I did not want to go back was because there was something different about this girl and it was driving me insane. She had long wavy blond hair with natural highlights, sparkly  blue eyes that reminded me of sapphires and a smile that could brake any man's heart.  I could not stop thinking about her no matter what I did and the fact that I was a hybrid did not help either as I slept as every time I closed my eyes she was there as well. Who was she and why out of anyone in the who world did she have to be my singer. Grandad Carlisle called my name taking me out of my thoughts and back to reality. He asked if I was okay and I told him that there was something about the girl in my biology class other than she was my singer and that it has been bothering me all week and that I for some reason could not stop thinking about her. To which he just smiled and said it was bound to happen soon, but he did not think it would happen for a few years yet then left the room leaving me completely confused.

Later that day mum came to see me and asked me how I was and that one Monday I would be going back to school no questions asked. I told her what I told grandad Carlisle and she gave me the same look he did and then gave a big hug saying my wee man has finally grown up and then left the room. I just wish someone would tell me what on earth is going on and stop giving me the same look and then disappearing on me without so much as an explanation of why I am feeling the way I do.


As I was in the middle of going through some paper work for Carlisle as I too worked at the hospital with him Amber came running into our room with a massive smile on her face and saying that our wee man has finally grown up and that it has all happened so fast. I just gave her a confused look and waited for her to explain to me what she was on about. After about ten minutes she had calmed down enough to tell me that she had just been into Logan to see how he was and that he told her that he could not get this girl out of his mind and that it was driving him insane. Once she finished I looked at her and smiled. Logan had found his mate... now we just had to figer out how he came be with her without putting her in danger.

Later that night

I was now ten o'clock and Logan was still in his room and was refusing to come out unless he needed something from another room in the house. Amber gave me a look and I realised that she wanted me to be the one to tell Logan about what mates are and that he had found his and to figer out a way for them to be together without  putting her in danger. So I got up of the couch and headed up the stairs to Logan's room.

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