Chapter 8

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Bella POV

I headed to my biology class after lunch and as per usual I was the first one there. Not long after I had arrived a tall medium bult boy with rusty blond hair came in the class and handed a slip to the teacher to sign and then Mr Owns told him to sit in the only  availabile seat which was next to me. As he sat down I noticed that he was the spiting image of my first and only love Edward manson.

The boy I had left because I had discoved that  my  parents where not actualy my biological parents and that they found me in the woods one day when they where out hiking in the forest next to my mother who was dying after given birth to me . They told me that she had told  them that my father had been killed and that he was a vampire where as my mother was human and she then asked  them to take me in and raise me as their own until I turned 17 years old and then tell me the truth about who and what I really was and to tell me how they had found me.

After being told this I did not know what to do as I had also found out that day that I was pregnant with Edwards child. So I paniced and left without saying goodbye to Edward as I was afraid of what he would say if he found out the truth about me, plus the fact that I was carrying his child. The only thing I could think of was to leave him a note telling him that it was not safe for him to near or around me and hope to god that one day he would be able to forgive me and move on with his life.

So for the rest of the class I made sure that he would not be able to see my face by covering it with my hair. I knew that it could not possible be Edward as it was over 150 years ago that I had left too scared to face him or anyone else. As the class went on he introduced him self to me, but I could not bring my self to speak espically after I had heard his voice. Not only did he look like Edward, but he also had the same first name and sounded exactly like him which was strange.

After the class ended I met up with my daughter Amber who was pretending to be my sister at school and as we both had the same lst two class we walked together to our next class. As we walked to Phycology Amber could see that there was something  bothering me and asked what was wrong and I told her about the new boy in my biology class and how he reminded me of her father. After that she did not ask me any more questions.

Amber POV

When we entered our Phycology class we noticed that their was a new girl who was like a pixie with short brown hair. Mrs Miller had put her in the seat next to me and mum. She said hello and introduced her self to us before the class started. As soon as she had said her last name mums head shot up from her text book and looked at Alice. She asked her if she was any relation to Edward Cullen and when she said that was her brother my mum then said that she had him in her biology class and that he sat next to her. She also said that he reminded her of someone she knew many years ago and asked them where they where from.

Alice Just looked at  mum for a couple of minutes and then spoke. She said that they had moved here from Alaska with their other her other brother  Emmitt and their fiends Rosalie and Jasper.  after the bell rang at the end of class I asked Alice what class she had next and she said that she had maths which was also the same as us so we asked her if she wanted to walk with us to class and she said yes.

When we reached our maths class my mum froze and both Alice and I both asked her at the same time if she was okay. At first she did not reply and then said she said there he is again and he is in the seat next to mine again. As my mum said there he is again and told us where he was sitting I looked up to see the tall medium built boy with rusty blonde hair and I could see what she ment by he was the spitting image of my dad. He looked exactly like the boy that was in the photo that mum had of her and dad.

Mum had told me what had happened when she was 17 and how she was too scared to tell dad what she was and that she was pregnant with me so I never have had any bad or negitive feelings to wards him.

Alice POV

As Bella, Amber and my self reached our maths class Bella froze and when she told me what was wrong I could not believe what I was hearing. Could this possibly be the Bella that Edward told us all about all those years ago.  No it couldnt be she was human. Then it hit me the note she had left him saying that it was not safe for him to around her. This was it, this was her secert. This is why she ran away. she found out that she was a vampire or a hybride and she was scared that she would hurt him so she did the only thing she could think of to keep him safe she left.

As we entered the class room I handed the teacher my slip to sign and put me in the chair next to Edward. As the class went on all I could think about was Bella and what I had figgered out, but was what thought correct or was my mind getting the best of me. Before I knew it I was the end of class and Edward was up and out of the class quicker than you could blink. I couldnt help but wonder what was wrong with him and then I remembered he could read minds. Oh crap now I have some explaining to do.

After we got home Edward disapeard up the stairs and locked him self in his room. When I went up after him to explain he told me to go away so I did as he said and went into mine and Jaspers room to think of a way to explain to Edward what happened and what made me think that she was the same Bella Swan that he loved and lost all those years ago. At that point Jasper entered the room and could tell that something was upsetting me so he used his gift to help calm me down and then I explained to him what had happened this afternoon and how Edward had read my thoughts after I put the two together.

Jasper POV

After Alice told me what had happened I went to see Edward to see how he was coping this new information, but with my gift I did not have to see him in order to know he was hurt and upset by this. When Carlisle came home from work I asked him if I would have a word with him in private so he took me to his study and I told him everything that Alice had told me and asked if it was possible. He told me that he had heard of vanpire hybrides before, but the thought it was just a myth. He also said that if Alice's theory was right then it would explain why she just up and lest with out so much as a goodbye and only leaving him a note that he could not understand.

As the days to follow past Edward refused to go back to school and spent all his time at the meadow. The days soon turned into weeks and he still refused to leave the house unless he was going out to hunt or going to his meadow. Everyone was becoming more and more concerned about Edwards behaviour and I had, had enough of all these different and constant changes with all the emotions in the house and had decided that when we went back to school tomorrow I was going to confront Bella and find out the the truth.

It was Monday morning and again Edward was refusing to go to school, but today he had no choice in the matter as both Carlisle and Esme had, had enough of his moping about and told him to get his act togther and deal with it. As the do not know for a fact that it was the same bella Swan that he had loved and lost all those years ago.

With that he when up to his room and recieved his bag and came back down the stairs to join the rest of us. We then said our goodbyes and headed to the garage to get in our cars and then left for school.

Later that day

It was now lunch time and we where all in the cantean sitting at our usual table when I seen Bella and Amber come into the room and when straight to a table without getting any lunch. As they both sat down I noticed that Edward had seen them and he froze. I could feel that he was in shock and asked him why. He told me that she was the spitting image of his Bella and with that he got up and left the room. Alice noticed this and went after him.

I used this as an opportunity to find out if Alice's theory was right or not. As I approuched  their table Amber looked at me and then turned to Bella and told her that that Jasper a boy from one of her classes wanted to speak to her about Edward. As I heard those words I couldn not believe my ears. How did she know I wanted to speak to Bella and how did she know that it was to do with Edward.

At that moment Bella turned round to look at me and said I will talk to you but not here. So we left the cantean and went for walk around the school grounds.

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