Chapter 4 - The change

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Edward POV

After I had accepted Dr Cullen offer he told me he was called to an emergency and had to leave. As he was leaving he told me that he would be back soon and explain everything to me on what was going to happen.aying alive if thats what you want to call it, but at the same would Bella be able to going to happen to me.

After he had left I started to wonder if I was doing the right thing. I knew that I would be for filling my mothers dying wish by staying alive if that is what you want to call it. Would bella accept me for what I had become. Should I tell her the truth about how I managed to survive after I was inches away from death. Then it hit me Bella was gone she had disapeard months ago only leaving a note that said.

Dear Edward

I love you, but I can not stay with you as it is not safe for you to be around me at the moment as I do not want to risk hurting you or worse and I hope you can some day forgive me for the way I left you and I hope that some day I will be able to see you again.

Love Bella xxxxxx

I never did understand what she ment and it drove me crazy trying to figger out what she ment by" it's not safe for you to be around me." After I had read the note I went looking for her I had to know what she ment, I had to see her, Talk to her so she could explain why. I search for her for weeks on end with no luck, but I was determand I was going to find her and then I became too ill go looking for her and it broke my heart as I knew I would never find her.

I was brought out of my thoughts when my mother asked me if I was okay and if I was sure that I wanted to do this. I simply said it's what you want. You want me to survive, to live. I am for filling ur dying wish mum. As I said those words her facual experssion changed from sadness to happyness, to worry and when I asked her what was wrong she said that she did want me to survive, but she also knew what was going to happen to me and that I had to do this because I wanted it and not because it was what she wanted.

I told her that all I wanted to do was make her happy and to be able to find Bella, my Bella and she said nothing, but her facual expression said it all.  After speaking about the past both happy and sad memories. Not long after that I drifted off to sleep. I was woken up in the the early hours of morning by Dr Cullen. He apologized for waking me so early, but if I still wanted to be changed I would have to do it whilst everyone was a sleep annd that he would have to take me back to house so no body would hear my sreams. As he said the word "screams" I started to wonder what was going to happen during the change that would have me screaming.

After a few minutes I was finally able toAs I remembered this a te full my self together enough to speak and asked him why would I be screaming. All he said was that he would explain everything once we got to his house. As we were getting ready to leave I asked Dr Cullen if I could have a few minutes with my mum alone as this would be the last time I would see her alive. Dr Cullen said that he would be out side the door waiting for me.

Carlisle POV

As I left the room to give Edward time with is mother alone I suddenly heard a scream come from one of the other rooms on the ward and ran to see what was wrong. When I arrived at the room I found a young woman dead on the floor drained of all her blood. At that moment I realised that the was an other vampireor vampires in the hopsital and they was feeding  on the weak. As I was leaving the room I heard several more screams in the ward to see what was going on and found another six people that had been drained of their blood.

At this point all I would think of was Edward and I ran back to his room to find him crying over his dead mothers body. As I come in the room he looked up at me his face as stained with tears and he said that he was ready to go and with one last goodbye to his mother we left the hopsital and headed to my home.  Once we arrived I introdused him to my family and then we all went into the livingroom and sat down. Rosalie and Emmett was on the love seat, Alice and Jasper was on the couch and my wife Esme, Edward and my self was on the other couch next to the window. I asked Edward if he wanted some time to him self before we began and he said that he was okay and that he was ready for what was to come. I then turned to Esme who gave me a reasuring smile and asked me if I wanted her to explain to edward what was going to happen. I said thank you but it would be best coming from me as he knows me. I then turned to Edward and started explaining what was going to happen and how he was going to be changed. After I finished I gave hime some time to take in everything that he had just been told.

Edward POV

After Dr Cullen had finished telling me the whole ins and outs of what was going to happen and how I was going to feel durring the tranformation I started to panic and I guess Esme noticed as she came over to me, gave a cuddle and reasured me that everything was going  to be okay. She also told me that everyone here went through the same thing and that they will all be here to help me durring and after the transformation.

That made me feel slightly better and after a short will I asked Dr Cullen who would be the one to change me and he said that it would be him and to please call him Carlisle as I was now apart of their family. He then said that he would have to do soon as my heart was growing weaker by the minute and soon it would be too weak and I would not survive the transfromation. As he said those words I remembered mum laying there and and then the promise that I had made her and told Carlise to do it now before my heart was too weak.

At that moment everybody exept for Carlise left the room and the next thing I knew he had bitten me and everything went black. Not long after that I suddenly felt as if my hole body was on fire and the pain that came with it was more than I could bear. I tried to call out for help and then realised that I was parolized and could not move any parted of my body.  What felt like hours had past and I was finally able to move my body and then I could feel my eyes becoming lighter and when I finally was able to open my eyes and when I did everything seemed to be in high definition. I could see every speck of dust everything seemed more clear. As I looked around I could see six pairs of eyes watching me. Watching my every move as if I was going to pounce on them them or something. At the moment I suddenly felt a strange burning sensation in my thoat and my hands otomaticaly went to my throat and they did that Carlise slowly aproched me saying that I needed to feed and that they would help and show me how.

My first hunt was rather funny well for Emmitt any way. By the time I was done I had finish I had finished of   two elks, three mountin lions and a bear and my clothes was covered in blood.

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