Chapter 20

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As I entered the Cullen's house I could see that everyone was in the family room upset and trying to come up with some kind of idea to get Kahlan back. It was Kahlan's dad Ross that was the first one to notice that I had entered the house and he came over to me and asked if I had come up with any ideas of how to get his daughter home safely? To which I gave him an apologetic look and shook my head. He then asked me to join the rest of them and see if they could come up with something, anything to get back.

A few hours had passed and we where running out of time when finally Leighsa Marrie thought of an idea.  All our heads turned in her direction to to see that she was on the phone to someone and then after a few minutes she hung up the phone and noticed that we were looking at her.  After she finished changing Sophia and Elaine she said that she had just been speaking to  Aaron and that he said he would be more than happy to help us get Kahlan back and that her could be here in four hours. After she had finished taking I reminded her of what the note said. She just smiled and said I am well aware of what the note said and that Aaron as the ability to cover up someone's scent along with his own and that he would be able to get us all into the Voltaire and out again without being seen. 


I had Just come of the phone to Leighsa Marrie. My wife Carrie was in the family room with me attending to our son Andy. Once she had finished giving him his lunch she turned to me and asked if everything was okay? I told her who it was that I was speaking to on the phone and that Leighsa Marrie had told me what had happened and that I had offered to help them get Kahlan back from the Voltaire. Carrie sighed and nodded her head in understanding and then left the room to go pack all of our stuff and then we got in the car and were off to the Cullen's.

As we pulled up on the Cullen's drive way all we could smell was wet dog. I was unbearable there had to of been at least five maybe more werewolf's here, but why? Leighsa Marrie never mentioned anything about them, just that there friend Jacob had revised a note from the Voltaire saying that they had Kahlan. As we stopped outside the house the smell really strong and we couldn't help but scrunch up our noses. A tall tanned boy with short dark hair came out to great us and that is when I realised he was one of them. I asked him as politely as possible where Carlisle and the rest of the family where. He told me that they were hunting and that they should be back any time now as they left not long after Leighsa Marrie had hung up the phone after to speaking to me.

Later that night

After the Carlisle and his family had returned from their hunting trip they explained to me my Jacob or Jake as they called him along with a few of his pack members were here and that the letter was given to Jake from Jane. Alice also told me about the vision she had not long after receiving the not. By the end of the night we had a plan and had worked everything out and gone over every detail of what was to happen and had also booked a plane to take us to Italy in the morning. 


I woke to the sound of my alarm going of and looked up at the clock to see that it was six thirty am and our plan was due to leave in two hours time. I got up, went into my en-suit and turned on the shower and hopped in. Once I had finished washing my hair and cleaned my body I stepped out of the shower, dried my myself and my hair and then put on the clothes that I had picked out for the day. I then did my hair and make-up and then went downstairs to meet up with everyone. Once everyone who could eat had finished the breakfast we all  left the kitchen and went to the family room where Carlisle and Aaron where waiting for everyone. After Jake and his pack arrived both Carlisle and Aaron took it in turns to explained to us how it was going to go down and that as long as everything goes as planned then there would not be anything to worry about. They also told us that it would only be Aaron, Ross, Jake, Edward, Emmitt and Jasper that would be going as the less that where there the easier it would be to go undetected. I didn't like the idea of Ross going and me being left behind along with the rest of the girls, but at the same time I know it was for the best.

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