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He was here again, for the second time this week, and it was only Thursday. I couldn't help but smile, happy to see him here again. "Chan, come in!" I mentioned to him. He noticed me, his smile widening. "Back again?" I giggled as I was cleaning the tables. It was a calm evening night at the bar, so he was the only one. Logical, since it was three thirty already. Chan nodded, shooting a wink at me. "I couldn't leave my favorite waitress alone now could I?" My smile unconsciously grew wider, a blush creeping on my face. "Sit down, I'll bring you your usual in a bit!"

One red wine and a pasta carbonara. The though we didn't serve many foods as we were only just a bar, the carbonara just seemed to always go in no matter what, he said it went well with the wine. Chan shook his head. "Just the wine tonight, I already ate, but I couldn't just skip on you now could I?" I nodded, walking up to the bar again. "Thank goodness you didn't, it would be too boring with you," I flirted back, handing him the wine.

It had been going on for about a month or ten already now. He one day came in the bar, saying he just moved for work, and came back every single week. As the waitress and bartender it's only usual to make some small talk to the costumers, but sometimes it felt like the conversations lasted hours. The bar was open from 6 pm to 5 in the morning, and he'd come in at whatever time. Sometimes he'd come in just a little past six for dinner, sticking around until just a little before eight to go to work, and sometimes he'd get here around three in the morning after work.

The shifts were horribly long, but with enough breaks and it being calm most of the time I could get my rest. We were only a small business anyways with just me, my colleague Jisung and our boss. He was a nice man, just a bit odd at times, but Jisung and I simply laughed it off. We didn't knew each other that well, but since he was my only company for so long and basically the only one I was actually in contact with given the odd work and sleep hours you'd start to crave at least some interaction.

"So, how was work? You still won't tell me what you do?" I teased, leaning over the counter. He shook his head, taking a sip of his drink. "Sorry sweetheart, still a secret." I pouted, but couldn't help but smile. "Y/N, can you do the dishes here? I'm gonna step out for a bit so it'll just be you and Jisung here," my boss called out. "I will, no worries!" I turned back to Chan, who gave me a sympathatic smile. "Don't take too long, I don't want to miss my late night conversation partner for too long!"

As soon as I got into the kitchen, out of sight for Chan, I couldn't help but to burst out in giggles, the smile completely stuck on my face. "He's back again isn't he?" Jisung whispered, startling me like crazy. "I thought you were cleaning the toilets?" I whisper-yelled back, feeling like a fool. He shook his head, making me sigh. "Yeah, he is." Jisung shrugged. "I still don't get too good of a feeling about the guy, so just be sure to be careful around him," he said with a straight face.

My smile instantly disappeared as I walked past him towards the dirty dishes. This was the fourth time he said it already, I already got it after the first, but I could judge for myself. I quickly finished it up, taking the glasses back to the bar with me to polish them over there, not quite in the mood to talk to Jisung. Chan looked up happily, but chuckled when he saw my expression. "What's with the sour face?" he asked, leaning on his hand, his elbow resting on the bar.

I cursed under my breath. There just was something about his gaze. His eyes were captivating, as if you just couldn't stop staring into them. "Just annoyed at my coworker, that's all," I muttered, starting polishing. "Jisung? The kid probably doesn't mean bad, so don't take it to heart princess, your smile is way prettier anyways." And there it was, the smile breaking through again. It wasn't hard to admit I was head over heals for this man. Chan put his card on the table. "Why don't you join me for a wine? My treat."

An hour flew by as fast as lightning, the bar was soon closing up. I didn't usually drink, I didn't like the taste, but I just couldn't reject Chan's offer. So, two wines later, having drunk them together together Chan, talking to him non stop since he still was the only one here. He usually was at this hour. Chan got up. "I should probably get going, it's getting late." I glanced over at the clock, nodding, somewhat sad he'd go, but relieved my shift was soon over. "Will you be here tomorrow?" I asked hopefully. Chan smiled sadly, shaking his head.

"I got a busy schedule tomorrow so I'm stuck at work all night long. I'll get back the day after to make up for it okay?" I nodded with a smile, waving him goodbye. "Bye bye, sweety, get home safe okay?" I put two thumbs up. "You too, goodluck at work tomorrow!" I locked the door behind him, walking back stretching out, cleaning up everything when I suddenly hit something while sweeping the floor.

Shit, he left his wallet!

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