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I knocked. Twice, just in case. On my own door, how idiotic does that sound? Well, not as idiotic as that I apparently left my room unlocked, making it easy for him to get in. Was I glad I didn't keep a diary, but still. It didn't feel great to have him there with all my stuff. He wouldn't do anything with it, I knew that too. He was one of the most respectful people I knew. But then again, I'd rather not have to look him in the eye already. It felt terribly awkward.

And I probably wasn't the only one who felt that way, because as soon as I entered, the atmosphere became as awkward as could be. "Hey," I mumbled. He was sitting down on the edge of my bed, which I luckily just made today. Thank goodness I got a random burst of motivation to clean just before, or it would be a complete mess. He tapped on the bed, hinting me to sit down. Again, on my own bed. This felt extremely weird, but oh well. Let's hear him out first.

We both sat on the bed, looking everywhere we could but at each other. I knew my own room quite well by now, so it made no sense to pretend I was searching for something to avoid him, but I honestly didn't know what else to do. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked after a few minutes had already passed. I knew I wasn't going to be able to completely avoid him forever, but I was hoping to do so for at least a little longer, until I sorted out my feelings. I'd luckily been busy enough to get distracted by it, but getting rejected by your crush still sucked.

"I was just... wondering how your first lesson went," he answered, just as awkwardly as I had asked. He'd been excluded from the lessons by mom, and with how everything had been going she probably didn't tell him much about me. Maybe it was for the best too, he had other things to focus on as well, so it would probably be best to be apart for a while. But then again, when does anything ever go as planned, am I right? Because here we were, sitting next to each other.

"It was difficult, but alright," I answered quite curtly. Maybe a little too much for my liking, but it felt weird to add more after now. "Ah... I see," he replied back, clearly searching for words. "I heard you got another client, by the way. It's faster than I thought to be honest," he chuckled. Damn it, why did his chuckle have to be that cute? "Tssk, you don't believe in my seduction skills? Before you know I'll have the guys swarming around me," I teased, finally able to crack a smile. And just like that, it was as if the tension in the air was slowly fading.

"A little longer and I'd have to hit them all off of you for a little attention," he joked back, shooting another wink. This felt so much more right than whatever that awkwardness between us was just now. Just like how it always had been. "Probably the same for you though, I'd have to stay up until late at night if I even want to see you!" These days his schedule had been even more packed than usual. Another client had come in not too long ago, but had been filling his schedule up whenever she could, from what I heard.

Chan let himself fall back on the bed. "I know right? Oh, I'm exhausted! You know I like the job, and the money too, but I'm so tireddd," he whined. "Go get some rest then you idiot, instead of staying here," I told him. I quickly glanced over at the clock. Already a quarter to two. "I have another lesson in a bit anyways, so I can't stay for too long... in my own room. Which you entered before I did..." His ears turned bright red. "Oh god, I look like a burglar right now don't I?" I hummed, nodding together with it. "You absolutely do, so 'fess up!" I tried to sound serious, but I couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

Chan got up, stretching out. "Alright alright, it's time for this criminal to flee the scene." He paused for a second, giving me one of those fond stares. "I'm glad I came by. You good luck with your lesson, make sure you still get rest though, can't have them waring you out already when the actual job hasn't even started yet. Text me how things went okay?" I hummed, already waving at him. "I will, don't worry. You text me when you get home safe!"

Just as Chan reached for the door, it already flew open, Minho bursting in happily. "There's my favorite student! I thought I still heard voices." His eyes met Chan, flickering between Chan's and mine. "Did I... interrupt something?" I shook my head, smiling innocently. Honestly, nothing really happened anyways. We just, cleared up the tension without even talking about the reason it was there. Probably for the best if you asked me. "Nah, he was just checking in on me, that's all."

Another quick glance at the clock, only five minutes further. "You finished early by the way!" He rolled his eyes, barely keeping I his laughter. "She got a call from her husband in the middle of.... the session, let's keep it at that, asking where she was this late. Not sure if I'll be seeing her again," he finished it with, now completely laughing at our astonished faces. "Well that's... something." I got up as well, joining both guys. Minho smiled, patting my head. "Good girl, now come, let's get this started. Don't wanna end it too late if you don't mind." I instantly agreed with him, turning back to Chan.

"Don't forget to text," I smiled, waving goodbye. Chan couldn't help but give Minho a stern stare, actually seeming quite serious to my surprise. "I swear Minho, don't do anything weird like last time or you're done for, got it?" He turned back to me. "And you, don't drink anything tonight, got it?" Minho gave Chan another eye roll, still keeping that evil grin on his face. "We'll see!"

And just then I realized that both of these guys knew something more about what happened that night that they didn't tell me yet.

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