14 🍹

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"Really, it's fine, you don't have to go through all this trouble for me. At least let me pay," I tried to tell Chan one last time right in front of the building, but he once again ignored it, pressing his hand on my lower back to guide me inside. "Y/N, dear, come in," mama called out as soon as I got into the club. It still felt unnatural, most awkward even to be there. It wasn't an environment I was used to, let alone comfortable with.

"Chan told me all about it, stay here for as long as you need okay? Until we find someone new, the room will be vacant anyways," she continued, coming up from behind the counter to hug me. "Thank you," I muttered, still finding it all weird. I still couldn't really believe that Jisung would do something like that. Stalk someone. He always seemed so sweet. Maybe just a little awkward, but when he gets comfortable with someone he can even look quite cute.

I shook my thoughts away, mentally cursing at myself. If only I hadn't drunk so much. It would clear so many things up. Well, I still wouldn't have a job, and probably still wouldn't be able to find something this easily... get thrown out of my apartment, become a mess... you know, it would probably not even be that much better come to think of it. "I'll call out some of the boys to help with your luggage, in the meantime why don't you go chat up with some of the girls? It's only early, so the club won't open for another two hours.

Even though I wasn't exactly comfortable with it, how could I refuse after what she did for me. "Come with me dear, I'll show you them." She looked back at Chan. "You go home for now, you've got the night off don't you? Since you left early yesterday, I planned you in for another two hours tomorrow," she told Chan. I turned back to him as well, guilt washing over. "I'm so sorry, if only..." He shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll work those hours, but for now I'd rather stay here for a while, make sure Y/N settles in okay." Though she didn't quite seem to agree, she didn't argue with him.

"Yeonjun, San, you guys help Chan with bringing her luggage upstairs," mom called to two of the guys on the couch. It was quite a simple yet nice lay out, this place. Right in front of the entrance, which was on the right side of the place, was the counter mom used, to welcome everyone and make sure all was going alright. More to the left was the way to the rest of the common room, where it seemed like most of the free hosts were waiting, probably hanging out until they had a costumer. After that the place was devided by quite some doors, leading to different rooms each.

"Oh, I think I've seen you here before, you're working here now?" one of the guys called out. The both got up, joining the conversation. One of them got up very close before I could even answer him, taking my hand and pulling me in to kiss my cheek. "You still need some help with the styling and make up, but you definitely are a diamond in the rough. If you ever need practice I'll let you know where to find me," the guy winked, stepping back again. That... was that supposed to be a compliment?

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm afraid it won't happen. I'm just staying here until... something that happened gets sorted out," I answered him, stepping back back little, accidently hitting Chan's chest with my back. Were all of the guys here this open and forward? If so this would be an extremely long time. "No doing anything to her Yeonjun, you got that?" Chan instructed him sternly, the guy giving an innocent pout. "Geez, no need to glare at me like that. It's not like you aren't like this with all of the other female costumers."

Reality check. Right, Chan was a host. Chan would do this for anyone. I couldn't believe I even thought he was treating me specially. He did things like this on a daily basis. Chan didn't say anything, making the other guy, probably San, chuckle. "Oh? You're growing shy? Since when, you're the star here, you're not actually awkward because there's a girl now that isn't a costumer right?" I quickly looked back, indeed finding him to be uncomfortable. "I should probably meet the other girls just like..."

I paused for a second. Could I really call her mom? She must have noticed, already laughing. "Darling, I told you right? Call me mama, mom, anything alike. Since I'm scouting you anyways it'll get you used to it for later." I gave her a boxy smile. "Like mom said then, thank you for helping me with my stuff." I quickly hurried to the couch, leaving the guys behind to meet some of the already present girls. The closer I got to them, the more beautiful they all seemed to become.

"Oh sweety, you're the girl from before right? With that one stalker? Oh honey I'm so sorry," one of the girls came up to me, coming right in for a short hug, holding onto my arms after. "It must have been scary right? I used to have it too before working here, but thankfully mama made sure something like that never happened again." She had a stalker? It must have been so hard on her. "I'm sorry," was all I was able to bring out, rather unsure of what to say. "Don't worry, I'm over it already. Now there's only sweet guys treating me right," she chuckled.

"Sana luckily became a lot stronger, she was quite the mess when she first got here," another girl with short, black hair answered, embarrassing her. "Really Jessi?" They both started talking more comfortably, actually quite quickly making me feel at ease, talking happily about work. About cute costumers they have, the free time they had, and especially the money they made. I couldn't believe I actually was curious about it, let alone consider it, but I couldn't help but ask;

"What exactly is it that a host does?"

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