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"Hey Y/N, forgot to text but I got home safe" ~Chan

I still couldn't help but smile at my phone. Guess it wasn't that easy to get rid of feelings when you had them for so long. "What, you're still grinning at that stupid text Chan sent?" Minho chuckled. My head shot back, seeing Minho right behind me sipping a newly bought milkshake amused. "Oh shut up, weren't you supposed to be at the toilet or something?" I shot back at him with a playful glare, watching him sit back down in front of me while I quickly put my phone down.

"So, tell me," he asked, nothing more added. "About what? My favorite color or my childhood trauma, be specific," I joked, he handed me the second milkshake he got with a laugh. "Your crush on Chan, what else." I had just taken a sip, now barely keeping it in. Minho couldn't help but to bust out in laughter. "Come on, you two act like both the awkward flirting fase and the 1 week together couple at the same time, so I figured one of you had to have had a crush on the other, if not both. Judging from that lovestuck smile you just had it's definitely you."

I took another sip of it, now actually tasting the strawberry flavor instead of tasting panic at the earlier one. "Oh please, apparently I confessed while drunk and got rejected. Maybe it's a good thing I don't remember what happened that night." Minho cocked his brow, seeming to get more interested. "He did? I genuinely thought he liked you too with how protective he seemed over you, he seems like your stalker but out in the open or something with how much he's keeping other's from you," he ranted.

I shrugged, letting out a sigh. "Well, it's probably for the best things won't work out. I mean, with the host and hostess life it's probably nearly impossible to actually get into a relationship, let alone keep one. You'd have to have zero jealousy to maintain one, and I don't know if I even am that chill. Never figured out what type of relationship type of person I am," I laughed it off, still trying to convince both myself and him it was really for the best. "Who cares about guys anyways. They suck." Minho stated determined, as if he wasn't one to begin with. Well, I wasn't going to argue with him though, but silence probably said enough.

"Still, text him back though," Minho added after a while. Oh shit, I completely forgot to. "Knowing him he's gonna go balistics if he doesn't hear back from you, I don't wanna be bothered with a call about where you are." As if on cue, Minho's phone buzzed. Solely a text though. "Don't tell me it's actually Chan," I asked upon seeing him roll his eyes, both curious and in disbelief. "Nah, it's from the client from earlier. Don't even know how she got my personal number, but apparently she has a breakdown and wants to meet up."

"Isn't that creepy though? Getting personal messages?" Minho shook his head, trying to hide clearly some annoyance. "I'm gonna step outside for a bit, call her and tell her not to contact me on here and stuff. I'll be right back. You go flirt with some men in the meantime or anything." He left, already dailing the number while still walking away. I decided to drink some more of the milkshake, picking up my phone again which was still displaying Chan's chat. I didn't even know if he'd actually be worried, but it was Chan. I couldn't just ignore Chan.

"Good to hear. I'm out with Minho for midnight snacks, we're as good as finished so I'll probably be back home soon as well."

I was about to put my phone down again, but almost instantly got a reply back.

"At this hour?"

Another message followed right after.

"Nevermind, I don't have a say in late timing"

A chuckle left my mouth, yet another smile stuck on my face.

"Be sure to stay safe and have fun! Text me when you're back :)"

I quickly typed back that I would do so, wishing him a good night as well. I glanced over at the table, which was still filled with the trash we had now made. I got up, throwing it away in the nearest bin. We'd probably leave soon anyways. I couldn't help but glance outside, seeing Minho quite aggravated, still on the phone. Of course I felt bad for the client, but poor Minho. It was still his job after all, he needed breaks too. Maybe there was something I could do to help? Probably not, but I couldn't help but want to.

Like that, I packed up, gathering all our things, getting ready to leave. I looked up, seeing the guy from earlier... shit what was his name... ehm... Ah! Changbin, leaving with a small wave, pointing at his phone right after. As if on cue, I got a message from an unknown number. Enough to know it was him without having to check the message. I gave him a thumbs up, waving goodbye as well, walking out soon after him to rejoin Minho.

"Irene, how many times do I have to tell you, I can't come right now. Whether I have a girlfriend or not doesn't matter, what matters is that you crossed a line by invading my privacy," Minho spat out. Well, that was probably the last time I'd see her as a client looking at it. Minho paced around in frustration, his eyes landing on me after a matter of seconds. "Fine, you really want to know? Yes, I'm with my girlfriend now, so leave me alone." Minho looked at me with pleading eyes, trying to hand me the phone. Oh goodness gracious, what was I supposed to do? Act like his girlfriend. I took a deep breath, putting on my nastiest girlfriend act I could possibly imagine.

"Listen up you whore, if you don't want to be sued for breaking the contract considering privacy, I suggest you stop calling my boyfriend, and don't you ever think about booking him again, you got it? He's mine, bitch!"

And before I could get a reply, I hang up.

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