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Chan looked at the guy rather uncomfortable, I just felt like I had to help him out somehow. "I only came to return his wallet, that was all really." I looked back at Chan, the same fake smile still on my face. "I should probably get going, I don't want to keep you from work. Maybe I'll see you again some day!" I swiftly turned around, but Chan grabbed my hand. "Wait!" he quickly called out. "Minho, this isn't really the time. She's not a costumer if that's what you think, I used to be a regular at her job." Minho smiled, ruffling my hair, making me step back a little. "Sorry, my bad for assuming! I was already wondering why I hadn't seen you around earlier, if it was you I'd surely remember," he chuckled.

"Y/N?" I heard a voice from behind me. I rapidly turned around, seeing Jisung behind me. "Jisung, what are you doing here? I asked confused. "I thought it was you... What are you doing in a place like this?" He looked around, recognizing Chan. "Ah, you're the regular that always flirts with Y/N," he spat out, almost making me choke on thin air. I couldn't even bear to look at him. I elbowed Jisung. "Why would you say that?" I hissed at him. "That's me I guess, you are- sorry, were her coworker right?" Jisung hummed. Minho blank a couple of times. "Wait, so Chan claimed you already? What a shame, and here I was thinking I had a chance," Minho laughed, not seeming to read the situation.

You could see Chan glare at Minho. "Dude, cut it out. She's not that type of girl, and if you don't mind it, I was talking to her." Minho glanced between the three of us, nodding eventually. "Well, it was nice meeting you, miss...?" "Y/N," I answered. "It's Y/N," I repeated, this time with a smile. He didn't seem to mean any harm, but you could clearly see why he was fit for this job. He must have been a natural. Minho shot a wink, waving goodbye before joining the group on the couch. "Mom, could I use one of the rooms for a bit?" Chan asked, turning back to the older lady. Was she really his mother? She shook her head, looking at her screen. "You have an appointment in a minute or so, you should say goodbye." Chan looked down, seeming to think for a bit. "Y/N, give me your phone," he concluded, making me frown, yet I gave it to him. "Why?"

Chan seemed to smile, giving it back to me shortly after, leaving it open on his contact info. "Text me later okay, I don't want to leave it like this, especially if I can't see you at the bar anymore." I nodded, smiling shyly. "I will." "Need me to walk you home later? You can stay here if you want?" he offered, quickly looking back at the lady who seemed to nod in approval. Before I could answer Jisung did so for me. "No need, I'll make sure she gets home," he said, almost sounding strict. Chan looked up rather shocked, his brows furrowed, but hummed eventually. "Get home safe okay? Text me when you do!" I smiled. "I will, thanks Chan! You too miss!" The lady smiled. "Call me mom, everyone does!"

Jisung took hold of my hand, tugging it slightly. "Come on, we should probably get going." Although I was still rather confused, I shrugged, just going with it. "Yeah sure. Thanks again, good night," I told Chan, waving goodbye to him, as well as the lady.  We got outside again just when another pimped up girl went in, the smokey air from inside being replaced with a thick fog, the streets almost looking mythical. Jisung didn't say a word, only kept on walking with a straight face, still holding onto my hand. I pulled it back, finally making him look at me.

"What were you doing here anyways? I didn't expect you here at all," he asked. He was right though, the neighborhood was kind of run down and sketchy, not a place I'd normally go to. "I was here to return Chan's wallet, he left it at the bar yesterday remember?" "Ah," was all he said. "What about you? I didn't expect you here either," I laughed. "I... was just in the neighborhood, that was all. I saw you inside, so I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I frowned. "But there were no windows there, how'd you see me?"

Jisung seemed to be looking for words. "I meant that I saw you go in." There was just something about it that seemed off. "So you saw me, and waited for minutes to go in?" I continued asking. Jisung didn't answer, taking my hand in his again, trying to keep walking, but I quickly pulled it back again. "Jisung, you're acting weird... Is everything okay?" Jisung's phone buzzed, his eyes widening in fear. He instantly snatched it out of his pocket, frantically tapping on it. "Why isn't this..." he muttered. I glanced over, taking it out of his hands to see, only to make me drop it.

"What on earth was that? Why was my phone's location in your phone?" Jisung shook his head in denial, but soon realized that there was no point in denying. "I... I just wanted to make sure you were okay! You know, with you being all alone and all, it could be dangerous! What if Chan or that Minho guy did anything to you?" Jisung picked up his phone from the ground, trying to reach out to me, but I stepped back. "Still, you're stalking me? That's insane!" Jisung tried to find the words to defend himself, his expression pleading for me to understand, but how could I? This was stalking!

I stepped back more and more, eventually running back, the way to club again. I thought that Jisung was just the poor misunderstood kid, I thought that was why he never seemed to out himself much, but this was crazy. He was crazy!

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