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Why was it so hard to fall asleep? It was ten in the morning already now, usually I'd already be asleep after working my nightshift by now, but that apparently wasn't going to work out for me either this time. I was tired, but wide awake at the same time; not exactly a great combination. Though my mind was running a marathon, my body wanted nothing but to lay down, my eyes closed, and do absolutely nothing for the upcoming fifteen hours.

At least the place what somewhat sort of cleaned up again, but there was still a lot to do if we still wanted to go out later. Luckily the mall was still open in the evening too, otherwise we probably wouldn't even have made it. Well, depending on whether I'll actually get some sleep soon or not. This did give me time to think some things over though. Or rather, overthink things may be a better term. It was one of the reasons I usually kept myself busy, either at work, or with sleep or chores during the day. It was one of the reasons I prefered living alone over having a roommate, there would be enough for me to have to do if my brain started malfunctioning again.

Still, I couldn't believe just how much had happened in the past week. From a possible stalker, to losing my job and home, being rejected by my long time crush, and becoming a host in training. On top of that, I already had two clients on my name, even before I had my first class. It was honestly a miracle I hadn't broken yet. I guess it was already an improvement seeing how I used to cry over every little thing prior. Then again, it could also mean I had gotten numb, which was probably worse. For now I was just greatfull, I was going to have to get adjusted to it all soon anyways if I wanted to survive this world.

And yet, my mind still wondered off to Jisung. I still didn't know what to think or believe. After all, who knows what drunk me could have misunderstood. It for sure wouldn't have been a first, remembering just how many costumers I had at the bar completely unable to even think normally. I've had grown man crying over a bill they miscalculated. And not even a lot of money, just a 100 won was enough for some of them to go into rage mode. I unconsciously smiled, remembering my old boss throwing them all out whenever they would even as much as try to shout at me. I could have handled it myself, but it was nice having someone look out for you.

Should I just go see him? Ask about that night? Though he didn't dismiss the night, he seemed quite vague about it all. It could be foolish to go see him if all was true, but if I would leave it at this, I don't think I could ever find peace about the situation. Besides, I still had to return his clothes, I gave myself as excuse. It would not be fair to him to completely leave him in the dark either. He probably had no idea what was going on either, for all I knew he could be worried. After all, so much suddenly changed. And he already had so much to worry about...

I mentally sighed, grabbing my phone, pulling out his contact. Maybe it was a bad idea, but knowing what he was going through, I couldn't let myself be guided by fear.

"Hey, do you think I could come over tomorrow? Talk things over?"

There, sent. I didn't even know if I was going to regret this or not, but there was only one way to find out. I noticed another couple texts from Chan, but for the first time in a while, I actually decided not to check them out immediately. I really couldn't keep on going to crush on him, and if I stayed this close to him, who knew what would happen. Maybe I'd never get over him. I let out a groan, getting up to go to the kitchen. Sleeping wasn't going to happen like this, with all of the worrying. I got myself a glass of water, drinking it quickly. My eyes went back to Minho, who was still soundlessly asleep. It must be nice, being able to sleep without a worry in the world.

As soon as there was a loud knock on the door, my heart stopped. My mind instantly went back to Minho and my conversation, saying that if Chan knew he would literally drag me out. He couldn't actually know I was here right? Thankfully for me, another voice spoke soon after. "Minho, please, I'm begging you. Answer me. It's me, Irene. Please, just let me come in." Why did that name sound so fami-. Shit. His regular. I glanced back at Minho once more, who thankfully hadn't woken up yet. Judging from her stalking skills, this wasn't going to stop anytime soon. I took a deep breath, purposely making me look like I just woke up, before opening the door.

"Sorry, who are you?" I asked her, already giving her a death glare. This girl needed to learn what privacy meant. Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped. Before she even got the opportunity to speak up, I interrupted her already. "Don't tell me you're the girl from the phone yesterday. I thought I told you to leave him alone, what are you? A stalker?" She was, but she desperately needed to hear it. "You're... his girlfriend?" she asked, still in disbelief as she looked me up and down. Wearing one of his oversized shirts as pj's right now really came in handy. "And what about it?"

"I thought- I mean-" she stammered, her words not coming out. "Listen, what you think quite frankly doesn't bother me, what bothers me is that you literally stalked him, found his address and won't leave him alone. Do I seriously need to call the police on you?" Her eyes widened as she took a step backwards, but within a second she seemed to have changed her mind, now charging forward, harshly gripping my hair. "You don't deserve him, you don't love him like I do!"

I let out a yell in pain, gripping onto her hands in a desperate attempt to make her let go of me. "You're crazy!" I shouted at her, feeling like any second she could actually rip out all my hair. But what stopped her wasn't me. It was Minho, who as soon as her hands were now off me held onto her wrists tightly, making her unable to move any further. "The police are here in a minute," he told me, quickly looking back at Irene.

"Coming after me is already bad enough, but if you lay even one more finger on her I won't hesitate to let go of my morals, you got that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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