9 🍹

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"Oh, I think I saw this place once while walking past," I said after pondering for a while once we had gotten inside. It already seemed familiar, but I just couldn't remember. "It's my favorite place to go actually. It's always so peaceful and quiet here, it's nice be out of the busy atmosphere at work for once in a while... though now I wouldn't have to worry about that," Jisung laughed, not sincerely though.

I couldn't help but feel bad for him. Sure, I lost my job. It sucks, but he lost so much more than that. He lost his dream of taking over the restaurant, his job, his dad... well, he could still visit him in prison, but still. That I wouldn't wish upon anyone. I put my hand over his, laid upon the table, with a shy smile. "It'll be alright, don't worry too much. We'll figure something out together."

There it was again. The slight guilty yet desireful look. It's like he wanted take me up on it, but something was holding him back. "You really don't have to feel bad about anything towards me by the way. You can't help what your father did, so don't hesitate to ask if you need help okay?" I quickly added, hoping to relief him from some of the stress. He nodded, the guilty look not lessening any bit however.

I followed Jisung's gaze, which he had now for a while, looking down upon out still intertwined hands. "Ah, sorry," I apologized, instantly pulling them back maybe just a bit too quick. What was I even thinking? I know that I just wanted to feel like he wasn't alone, but I shouldn't be too open. Other's might not view it solely like that. He shook his head, a soft smile curling his lips. "No no, don't worry. Your hands are really warm, it's nice." I chuckled. "Nice during the winter yeah, but in summer? A drama!"

Jisung laughed, finally looking genuine again. "I still don't understand how you constantly wear hoodies even during summer. No wonder they're all sweaty!" I let out an awkward chuckle, avoiding having to answer. "By the way, what happened to your clothes? I thought you were wearing something different yesterday when you left for work." My eyes widened. "They weren't yours? I just assumed so since I don't remember anything else!"

Jisung couldn't help but show a tiny annoyed expression, quickly adjusting himself however. Though they did seem to fit Y/N, those weren't her clothes. No alcohol smell could mask the smell of the laundry detergent she always used. The smell was so heavy that you could smell it from a mile away or so to speak. This one didn't have that signature smell however, rather that of a man's perfume. Besides, Y/N wore hoodies, not shirts.

Jisung thought back about last night. He did check it, her location. It was horrible, he knew, especially since he got caught right on the spot, but with her alone in the night, in a sketchy neighborhood? There was no way he could just leave it as it was. She could have been kidnapped for all he knew. The signal went dead when they had reached her home though. He even went to check, but by the time he got there, she was gone.

That was when he went to the restaurant. Did she go there? He sat there waiting for hours honestly, much to his luck eventually finding her brought in by an unknown guy, Hyunjin he remembered. Not that he trusted anyone around her, the guy didn't seem to be lying when he said he found her under a bridge. He seemed too chic to own the clothes Y/N was wearing, meaning they were someone else's.

His blood started boiling, making it harder for him to conceal it. For all he knew, some guy touched her. I mean, with a change of clothes, seeing just how drunk she was, someone must have. Y/N didn't like alcohol, and the only one he knew that could get her to drink was... Chan. The regular. He knew he couldn't trust him! Not that he could let Y/N know though. They'd just go back to the club, in the hope her belongings were there, and no one else from last night. Who knew what she said. All that he needed was for her to forget, and be happy with him.

"If you don't mind me asking, what make you drink so much by the way? I thought you hated the taste of it?" Jisung continued, trying to change the subject, not changing it to anything better for him though. "I... honestly don't remember," I sighed, burying my head in my hands. "I seriously don't know. I think it was the friend from Chan that gave it to me."

My mind shot back to Chan. What even happened last night? "Ah, maybe Chan knows what happened last night! We should probably ask him if he knows, maybe he's seen my stuff as well," I noted somewhat excitedly, yet with an embarrassed hint to it. Who knows what I did yesterday. I could only hope it wasn't anything bad. Still, Chan seemed like the only person I'd trust enough, yet apparently I got found under a bridge or something like that, Jisung mentioned.

Just how badly did I mess up last night?

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