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"I'm sorry, did you say months?" I asked in disbelief. Just before meeting everyone for dinner, I got a phone call from my landlord. Turned out I had not only been behind on rent that could get me kicked out, getting the lock changed could take up to six months. The landlord apparently swore to use the help of only one person due to loyalty or something, and he was booked for the next couple of weeks. "Y/N, I understand that you're going through a difficult period, but I think it might be better for you to search for another place, don't you agree? I'll forget about this months rent then."

"Wait, sir, I promise wire you the money this month! And, the locksmith, I'll figure something out, please just don't-" I couldn't even finish my sentence, or the line got cut off. I let out a groan, running my hand through my hair. How could he be so heartless? "Everything okay there darling?" Mama asked, coming to check. I quickly tried to put away my phone, only to realize the dress didn't have any pockets. How did people live like this? "It's nothing important!" She gave me an up and down look. "And for real?"

"My landlord is kicking me out. I was already a month behind on rent, and now with me wanting to change the lock, he's probably had... he just hung up on me, so I'm gonna guess I need to actually find something soon." She shook her head, seeming to understand. "Listen darling, you can live here for a while, I don't mind, especially since Chan I'd paying for it, but I'm not a charity donator. I can't keep on letting someone live here when it could cost me a possible future employee. So if someone wants the job, you'll have to find a new place, you understand?"

My head hung low as I nodded, eyes fixated on the ground. Of course I understood, but the situation itself just sucked. "Now, if you do decide to take the job, you'll of course get to stay here as long as you'd like, until you earned enough here to move out yourself." Another silent nod, but inside all of the frustration was building up more and more. She patted my shoulder, smiling at me. "I know it might not be the ideal job for most, and it may not seem that respectable, but believe me when I say it's just like any other job. If you can be professional and keep work and private separated, it's just like all of those other costumer service jobs."

I finally looked up at her, all sorts of negative emotions raging through my mind. "Mama, tell me, how on earth could I possibly do what you're all doing? I'm as awkward around people as could possibly be, I have never in my life had a boyfriend, and besides giving 50 year old men too much beer, I have absolutely no idea how you're even supposed to talk to costumers. This is probably the only job I could even get, but I just can't do it. I could never do it, I could never actually give people satisfaction with just myself!"

Before I knew it I was pulled in a strong hug. It felt weird, but so familiar. Nostalgic even. Something I hadn't gotten in so long. My arms hesitantly went around her, hugging her back. "Listen honey, I know it's hard on you right now. You've never done anything like it, it's new, it's scary. I understand. I used to be the most prude little girl when I was your age, but honey, you might just find yourself to have a hidden talent. A whole new world might open up for you if you step out of your comfort zone you know?"

Was it supposed to comfort me? Probably, but it didn't work. It did, however, make me decide not to care anymore. "F*ck it," I cursed under my breath. "Can you tell me about the pay? And any sort of training?" She tried to conceal it, but a grin was evident on her face. "The first month or so, while you're still building up a client base, I'll pay you full time, minimum wage. During this period you won't have many costumers, so it'll be an investment for me as well. When you've build up a good amount of costumers, you'll get paid per hour, but a much more generous amount. After about a year, if you do well, you'll be able to afford penthomes like Chan and Minho."

Oh, how great that sounded. "And the training? I won't be able to build a good client base if I don't know what I'm doing." Her grin widened. "I like you sweetheart, you're keen on detail. I'll be sure to train you myself, let some of the boys help as well with practicing. How does that sound huh?" The job description? Terrible. The profits. Much needed. "I'll take the damned job. Where's the contract?" She patted my back, signing for me to follow her.

"Just a quick note for the details. What type of costumers? Male, female, or both?" My eyes widened. "Ehm, male, I guess." I never thought about it, really, but I surely wasn't going to give myself another sexual identity crisis on top of it all. "Good, good. What about comfort zones? How far are you willing to go?" How was I supposed to know all of this? Didn't one of the girls say another girl started off with just talking? "I heard you can start off with just flirting, so for now just that." She hummed, quickly scribbling some notes down on paper. Just as quickly she typed things out on the computer, having a document printed in no time. "Just sign here, and here, and you're good to go!"

I couldn't help but stare at it. My eyes scanned the document. Contract for one year... money as we discussed... preferences noted... free meals and housing... I had to say, I couldn't find anything wrong with it. And there I was, signing the contract. Mama took the documents back, hugging me tightly. "Congrats darling!" She took my hand, taking me to the common hall, seeing everyone sitting around the couch, waiting with food in front of them.

"Baby's, meet your new colleague!"

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