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Everyone was focused on me. Some looking nonchalantly, some, like Sana, staring with twinkling eyes, Minho had a small smirk on his face, and Chan... he was the only one who didn't seem happy with it. "Y/N?" he asked, trying to get any clarification. I was lucky to have already met a few of them, otherwise I would have completely lost my mind. Mama nudged my arm. "Well, go ahead, introduce yourself." I gulped, my eyes facing the ground. "Nice to meet you all, my name is Y/N. I'll be working with you starting today... I don't have any experience, so I hope to learn from you all."

A second of silence got quickly followed up by a loud cheering and applause, Sana already hugging me. "Welcome to the team," Minho smiled brightly, giving me two thumbs up. I heard laughter from the table, seeing one of the guys I had not met before laughing at Chan. "What's that sour look for!" Chan looked away, indeed annoyed. It was as if an arrow shot through my heart. He was annoyed at me, wasn't he? He told me not to, warned me this wasn't for me. He's probably right too. He did so much for me, and I was probably disappointing him. Great. Just great.

"Mom, I thought we discussed this," Chan argued, with no avail. "And I told you, I'll still try to persuade her. I see potential in her, just like I saw in you Chan. She wanted it herself, I didn't force her or anything, so I don't want to hear any complaining from you, you understand?" He let out a groan, looking away rather than actually answering. The same guy from before laughingly pat Chan's back, flashing me a smile. "Don't worry, he'll get over it." Well, I sure hoped so. Because I literally had nowhere else to go.

Minho stood up getting a spare chair next to him and another guy I didn't know yet, tapping on it for me to sit down. Was it that obvious that I had no idea where to sit? Chan was the only one I truly knew, and even him barely, and he seemed annoyed at me. Wouldn't have been the best choice. It was quite upsetting though, ever since yesterday it felt like everything suddenly changed between us. Even though he still made my heart beat faster, it felt like now it was because I was scared I did something wrong again.

Luckily for me, I did indeed feel quite comfortable around Minho too. Though I still had no idea what happened between us yesterday, at least he was easy to approach. Probably why he was a good host. I sat down, slowly getting to know everyone. For the guys, we had Chan, Minho, Yeonjun, San, Juyeon, Eunwoo and Changkyun, as for the girls we had Sana and Jessi, Hwasa, Yeji and Chuu. Maybe that was why mom wanted me here, there weren't that many girls compared to the guys. She must have had a vacant spot for a girl then.

My mind wondered back to Jisung. Did he even know I moved? Probably not, though he did seem to know about the club. I still had his clothes too, which I should probably bring back soon... But could I even? I honestly didn't know how to act around him with all going on. There was no way to prove anything truly happened yesterday, and I didn't remember a thing. Plus, I couldn't even believe myself upon hearing I ran away from him calling him a stalker. It could have easily been a misunderstanding. Chan didn't find anything anyways.

Ah, but speaking of Chan, he would call me insane if I did tell Jisung, or go back to bring his clothes back. I let out a sigh. Should I tell Chan? Should I not? I paused for a second. Did I even really have to tell him? We weren't dating. Heck, we barely even really knew each other. But then again, he had done so much for me, I had to repay him somehow. I mentally cursed out of frustration. This was leading me nowhere. I hand suddenly draped over my shoulder, making me come back to reality.

"Y/N, say 'ah'," Minho smiled, holding a piece of sushi right in front of me. I quickly looked at the table, seeing most of the food already gone. Had I been that deep in thoughts? I opened my mouth, happily taking it. I had been quite hungry already, so I was glad Minho noticed. "Yo dude, I think she can eat herself, she's not a baby," San laughed, who seemed to have noticed. Minho handed me my chopsticks back, encouraging me to take another myself. "Well, she wasn't eating, so someone had to take care of her if she wasn't doing so herself."

I let out a chuckle, swallowing the sushi to empty my mouth. "I can take care of myself, thank you very much. I was just lost in thought, that's all!" Minho patted my head. "Sure sure, whatever you say." My eyes automatically fell on Chan, who sat right in front of me and had been quiet this entire time. Had he even eaten anything yet? From the looks of it, he hadn't even touched his chopsticks yet. I instantly felt guilty. He was probably still upset because of me. I took another piece, placing it on his plate, finally earning a glance from him. "You eat too," I whispered with a small smile. He gave me a smile back, not genuine though, but still decided to eat nevertheless.

Right after dinner, mom held a short meeting, going over most of the details of what was to happen. While Sana would help me on how to act as a hostess, Minho would help from the other side, posing as a costumer. Mama seemed to have purposely left Chan out, giving him a side eye. It was probably for the best though, looking at the situation. She was probably right when she said Chan was getting too emotionally involved in the matter. He hadn't been his usual self after the incident.

We cleaned up, everyone going their own ways. Some had costumers, some went home, and Chan and I stayed behind with mom. "Y/N," she started, "keep on the make up and dress, I want to shoot your intro pictures later for the website, okay?" I nodded, stepping aside when another costumer came in. My eyes met Chan's, his hand finding it's way to mine as he took me right outside of the club.

"Y/N, can we please talk for a minute?"

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