11 🍹

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To say I was flustered was the biggest understatement. It felt like my entire face was as red as a tomato, maybe even worse if that was even possible. Chan moved his hands to cup my face once more, scanning me. "You're not hurt are you? Nothing happened right?" If I knew, I'd tell him right away. "I don't remember anything from last night in all honesty..." I said quietly, still rather embarrassed, avoiding his gaze.

Chan let go, finally allowing me to breathe normally. Well, sort of. "It's honestly not weird with how much you drank." No wonder I was still feeling unwell. "Ah, Chan, have you seen my belongings? I honestly don't know what happened anymore, and frankly it's driving me crazy." Chan's lips formed a sweet smile as he shook his head. "I have them in the car, since you ran away I've been searching all night for you. Come on, I'll tell you what happened."

I turned back to the lady once more with a thankful smile. "Thank you once more," I told her, following after Chan. "I have your clothes, wallet and phone with me, but Minho still has your keys. I'll bring you there, so no worries. I got the day off for it." Chan has my clothes... oh gosh. I buried my head in my hands, making Chan only then think of how bad it sounded. "Ah, nothing like that happened, so no worries!" I let out a relieved sigh. Thank goodness. That was one worry less.

"I guess that means you don't remember going to my place?" I shook my head. "I only remember giving you your wallet, and going back to the club for some reason with your friend, but I don't even know why anymore." Chan ruffled my hair, opening the car door for me. "I'll tell you all I know on the way, don't worry," he said, closing the door once I stepped in.

The first part of the ride was filled with an awkward silence, the both of us seeming rather flustered. Chan cleared his throat, gaining my attention, making me look at him rather than outside of the window. "About yesterday... you first have to promise me that you will listen until the end of the story before you ask anything okay?" Oh no. That just made things sound ten times worse again. I nodded hesitantly, looking down at my lap. I didn't want to face him just yet until I knew what I did.

"So, from what you remembered, I forgot my wallet, you came to return it. You met Minho, a colleague of mine, who tried to hit on you, but I explained that you were just here for my wallet, and he seemed to understand. Your friend, I think Jisung was his name, came in, saying he'd take you home, and you went out. That's up to where you remember right?" I hummed. "Something like that yeah."

"I wasn't actually there at the moment, but apparently you came running back, saying your friend had been stalking you. Minho kept you company and gave you alcohol, which probably was why you don't remember much. Minho also... ah, it's nothing," he cut himself off. She probably is better off not remembering what he did. Meanwhile my brain was still processing the first part. Jisung, stalking me? That couldn't be. I just couldn't see him do anything like that. Was I just mistaken last night?

"Anyways, I went to bring you home, but it turned out you left your keys, Minho has them right now since he took them with him, which is why we're on our way there. I took you home with me since I didn't want you to end up somewhere unsafe and let you change clothes, since yours were rather smelly," he chuckled to himself. "You gave me your phone to look at and tried to sleep, but you suddenly came out and..."

No. There was no way he could embarrass her even more by telling her. She was drunk, she probably didn't even mean it. He couldn't tell her. "And you started drinking more. When I went to turn on the shower for you, you suddenly disappeared, leaving the rest all behind with me... that's all I know really." Partially a lie, but it was for the best. I spotted my phone, taking it in my hands. "What came out of it by the way, did you find anything?" Chan shook his head. "There was nothing like a bug or anything in there, are you sure he was stalking you?"

I wasn't. Not in the slightest. I couldn't even remember telling Chan, how could I be sure. "I really don't know anything anymore..." Chan smiled, a hint of uneasiness hidden behind it however. "Let's just hope it was a mistake, right?" I nodded vigorously, still unable to believe Jisung would do something like that, especially since Chan didn't find anything. "Still, it might be good to get a new one though, just in case," Chan adviced.

Another silence arose. "I'm sorry," I broke it with. "For what?" Chan asked innocently. "For all I did yesterday, and all the worry I caused you. I heard you had been up all night searching for me... I don't know why I ran away, but I hope you can forgive me." Chan's gaze softened as he put one hand on my leg, stroking it with his thumb for a couple of seconds while keeping his eyes on the road. "Don't worry about that okay? You were drunk, you had no control. I'm just glad to see you safe again."

Another blush appeared on my face. Just how much deeper could he make me fall for him?

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