12 🍹

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"By the way, those aren't mine, are they? What happened after you left?" Chan asked on the way back to Minho's place. He had already washed my clothes and put them in a plastic bag, together with the rest of my stuff. Thank goodness for him. Now just my wallet. Ah... should I really be telling him all? I didn't even know much, but apparently I stayed with some random man, plus the guy I accused of stalking me, that didn't sound too good now did it? I sighed. Could I really lie to him though? Nope.

"They're Jisung's. I have your's here with me," I said, raising yet another plastic bag. A green one though, contradicting to his simplistic white one. "Ah, I didn't get the chance to wash them yet though, I was planning on doing that the first thing when I got home again. I'll return them after!" Chan shook his head, taking the bag with one hand while steering with the other, our fingertips grazing over each other.

"No need, I can do that myself too," he chuckled, ever so carelessly. I was both too flustered and slightly disappointed to join his laughter though. There went my excuse to see him again. "As for what happened... I'm not too sure either, but according to Jisung some random man helped me get to the bar where I met Jisung again, and he let me stay at his place. That's really all I know." Chan nodded, his face quite serious. I couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking, but it surely didn't seem too good. "Just be careful around that guy. I don't quite trust him after seeing you yesterday."

It was quite the while, but we finally managed to arrive to what apparently was Minho's home. A seriously cool penthouse, it turned out to be according to Chan. I looked up just before entering the garage. It truly did seem luxurious. Did the job really pay all that much that these guys were able to live like this? I shook my head. Was I actually considering taking the job? I must be out of my mind. Me? A hostess? What a joke. It would be easier for me to get potatoes to fall for me than actual human beings.

"Why don't you stay in the car? I'll get your keys from Minho." Chan got out, about to lock the car already, when I quickly got out as well, confusing Chan ever so slightly. "Maybe he knows a little more, you know?" I quickly explained, walking up to Chan like some sort of small toddler waiting for the approval of their parent. Chan put his hand on my back, lightly pushing me forward to go with him. "Let's make this quick then, I don't quite trust that Jisung guy because I don't know him, but I trust Minho even less, especially because I do know him."

I didn't know whether to find it funny or attractive. It did sound funny, but thinking it through it really did sound like he was trying to protect me wasn't he? Ah, why did he have to have such an affect on me? It truly was driving me crazy. Chan pressed the doorbell as soon as we had reached the penthouse, having gone up 14 floors. It truly was something alright. Anyone living here most definitely shouldn't have a fear of heights alright. "Who is it?" A groggy voice sounded from the intercom, making Chan smirk. "Don't tell me you're hangover too," Chan laughed. "Ah, it's just you," Minho said, turning the intercom off.

Ten seconds... twenty... thirty... fourty "Is he even gonna open up?" I asked after quite some time. Chan scoffed, pressing the doorbell again. "Are you still here?" Minho asked again. Chan nudged my arm. "You say something," he whispered in my ear, so close I could feel his breathing, making my skin all tingly. "Ehm Hello? I- This is Y/N? I believe we met yesterday?" I awkwardly managed to get out. Ugh, really? I couldn't even say hello normally? Were my social skills this terrible?

Within only a matter of seconds the door flew open, a smiling, rather handsome, face visible. My eyes slowly traveled down, only to be covered by Chan's hand within a split second. "Put on a shirt you pervert," Chan called out, leading me in with my eyes locked to the ground. "Alright alright, you know it's rude to be so demanding in someone else's home don't you?" Minho grabbed a shirt from the couch. The place wasn't exactly messy, a shirt or pare of pants lying around here and there. Despite that it still was covered in all golden accents woven into the decoration of the home.

"You're looking for these aren't you?" Minho spoke, dangling my keys right in front of my eyes to get my attention back. Without even thinking I grabbed them, letting go of Chan's hand in the process. "Oh thank goodness, you're a life saver! Where even were they?" Minho laughed. He brought his hand close, pushing my hair behind my ear. His eyes traveled slightly down, a small chuckle coming out before answering. "I found them on the floor last night, we really had fun. Played games all evening!"

Playing games, that didn't sound too bad did it? "I just hope I didn't embarrass myself too much?" I asked, slightly flustered from his sudden movement. Minho shook his head. "Not at all, don't worry. To tell you the truth I don't remember much either, but I'm just glad I got to remember you!" Chan rolled his eyes. "Can you stop flirting with people for just one minute please? You're not even at work." Minho chuckled upon seeing Chan slightly worked up. There was just something about the way Chan reacted that made it seem like a fun game to him. Minho reached out, taking my hand, leading me down to sit on the couch, bringing back two cups of tea.

"Why don't you stay for a while longer! I like talking to you!"

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