10 🍹

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"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? There's quite some... interesting people here, who knows what they'll do to you," Jisung tried one last time, but I kept on being headstrong. Whatever happened back at the club, it was probably best to not involve Jisung. He surely already had enough on his mind. "Really, you've already done enough. I'll text you when I got everything back okay? I'm sure I just left it all there, don't worry!"

Jisung sighed, knowing that insisting any further wasn't going to help. He couldn't pressure her either, not when she still seemed to trust him. Now was the time when he had to he extremely dangerous. He could only hope that she didn't tell the others about what happened, or if so that she'd never talk to them again. "If you don't find them, just come back to my place, okay? You could stay here as long as you'd like. It's... rather empty here on my own anyways," Jisung answered with a small smile. I nodded, giving him a short, rather awkward hug before going out the door quickly, shutting it behind me.

I had to be honest, the closer I got to the club, the more nervous I became. A thousand possibilities started playing through my head. I didn't even know what kind of drunk I was. Did I completely embarrass myself in front of everyone there? Ah, I didn't even want to think about it. I stood still in front of it, hesitating to open the door. I did, eventually, seeing the lady I recognized from last night, when I she offered me the job. Mom, I think it was they called her. One of the little things I remember.

"Ah, you're back again. Feeling any better sweetheart?" she called out, sweet and calm. "I... well, at least the nausea and headache are lessening if that's what you mean?" She gave me a look that I couldn't quite make out, only making me more nervous. "You don't remember much from last night do you?" she asked. I shook my head, looking rather guilty. "I just hope I didn't do anything wrong..."

She seemed to hesitate. "I don't know all the details, but I think you should have a talk with the fellow you were supposed to go home with. Ah, and Chan as well. He came here awfully worried yesterday night, looking for you. I'm just glad to see you're doing alright." Chan came looking for me? A light blush crept up my face. Does that mean we were together after all at one point? "Is that why you came here by any chance?"

I looked down. "In a way, I guess. I lost my belongings as well, and woke up in, well... different clothing. I was hoping he knew more, in all honesty." I couldn't even bare to look at her. She must think the worst right now. "Don't worry dear, I'll call him for you. I'm sure he was worried about you, you know?" She laughed, making me look up rather surprised. "You probably shouldn't drink too much, would you start working here after all, but I'll figure something out especially for you," she said with a wink. "For now, take this. I'm sure you'd rather cover that up right there," the hinted at the side of my neck.

I reached out, taking a cover up and beauty blender from her in confusion. "Just go to the bathroom and look in the mirror, I'm sure you'll see what I mean." I did as I was told, my eyes growing almost twice as big. A hickey? Oh gosh. I messed up. Big time. Different clothes, a hickey, just what did I do? I squatted down as panic took over. Who was it? Min... Min... Minho? Or the man Jisung said I came home with? Jisung himself? Or maybe even Chan? I honestly couldn't imagine. I really shouldn't go drinking again!

I could hear a knock on the door. "Dear, Chan will be here in a few minutes, turns out he was in the neighborhood all along. You should probably hurry if you want to cover it in time." I yelled back a thanks, leaning over the sink, trying to get my act together. I didn't have time to go crazy. Come on Y/N, get yourself together. I opened the liquid given, looking at it rather confused. How did this even work? Did you just put it on and leave it?

I started stroking the brush over the hickey. Was this supposed to look like your skin? It looked horrible. I quickly remembered the squish she gave me. Maybe this'll help. I started tapping the liquid with it, noticing the change for the better already. Ah, so that was how you did it. Who knew, I never even got to look at make up, let alone use it. It was a completely different world, one that I had nothing to do with.

"Y/N?" Chan's voice louded, the front door of the building slamming open. Oh gosh, this could not be good, judging from the tone in this voice. I glanced in the mirror one last time. It wasn't completely gone, but my hair covered up most of it anyways, luckily enough. Until I figured out who's it was, or rather what happened last night, no one should see it.

After getting enough courage I opened the door, meeting Chan's eyes. He didn't even hesitate for a second, cupping my face, inspecting it before engulfing me in a tight hug, his arms wrapped around me like he was never going to let me go, making my entire body heat up.

"Thank goodness you're okay, never make me worry like that again!"

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