27 🍹

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Our reactions after hanging up the phone call couldn't have been more different. Though Minho had been grinning from ear to ear the whole time, I stared out the window like my life had ended. "Come on, come on, say it again," he whined for the sixth time already. "It sounded good! He's mine, bitch," he imitated, while I buried my head in my hands. I didn't even know I had it in me to say something like that. I was supposed to be a snob and a bitch for this job? I thought those girls were supposed to be either sexy or cute or anything, not one of those two...

"How's your leg though?" Minho asked, placing his hand on top of it. Well, over the jogging pants of course. It was as if he switched instantly from joking to worrying, though with both there was still a calm aura around him. "It's fine, really. Might leave a little burn since it's still stinging a little, but it could have been a lot worse," I explained, thankful this was all it was. "But seriously though," I suddenly remembered, "just how expensive were those pants you made me wear? If I had known just how expensive they were I would have never worn them in the first place." Minho kept looking straight at the road, not saying a word about it. I probably wasn't going to find out, but then again, that already said enough.

"Don't worry about the pants, me and that Changbin guy will figure something out. Give me his number after I brought you home though..." he paused for a second, seemingly contemplating something, "or do you want to stay over at my place?" My eyes widened, my head shooting in his direction. Our earlier conversation still didn't leave my mind, making me unconsciously rub over the spot the hickey used to be at.

For what seemed to be a first, Minho actually got flustered this time, his ears glowing bright red. "Not in that way! I know I'm a host, but that doesn't mean I'll just bring any girl back home to- nope. Just...nope. I literally just meant sleeping. We have our date tomorrow, well, today, so I just figured, you know, it would be smarter to- well- you get what I mean!" Just like his ears did, my cheeks were starting to burn up, now completely embarrassed I even thought differently.

"I'll just bring you back to the club, pick you up again tomorrow," he hurriedly decided, but I still felt too flustered to let it be. What even would he think of me, some kind of pervert? "No no no, you're right. Let's just go to your place, it's fine!" After a couple of minutes back and forth-ing, he finally gave in, indeed driving past the club now to go back to his place. "By the way, if you don't mind," Minho started after a while of driving, the hyped up radio music making up for the awkwardness that still lingered. "Could you keep it from Chan?"

I was supposed to text Chan when I got back, but hearing Minho's voice so soft and almost even uncomfortable was already enough for me to not do it. Besides, maybe I should distance myself from him a little. Not completely ignore him, but just... not stick around him as much. He didn't have to know every little thing about me, we were only friends. "Not just about the staying over at my place, but the entire 'date' too," Minho continued, emphasizing the sarcastic meaning in his voice as he said the word date. "Like I said earlier, he gets really protective over you, and given the way he views me, I can already see him breaking into my apartment to get you out of there."

I wanted to laugh, but for some reason it didn't come out. I guess it was quite hard to forget about someone's feelings when they really are that caring for you, because what Minho just insinuated would probably actually even happen if I did tell him. "I know I've got quite the reputation, but I'm just trying to help you out here to get started with your career, that's all, I promise. I just don't think Chan will believe that." I gave him a small smile, patting his shoulder a two times, keeping it on there just a little longer. "Thanks Minho, really. Don't worry, I'll just tell him I'm in my room again, and that I went out shopping tomorrow if he does ask."

Minho finally smiled as well, seemingly relieved by it. "Thank goodness, I was almost certain you wouldn't agree." He turned up the volume, giving me a smirk. "Now that we got that cleared, you ready to party?" He brought his hand to a button in his car, counting down from three. And just at the moment the beat dropped, he pressed it, revealing disco lights all around the car. My jaw dropped in amazement, a smile forming immediately after. "Dude, this is the coolest thing ever!" Minho grinned proudly, knowing all too well that reaction would come. So far, it never disappointed to lighten up a mood.

And that, it most certainly did. I couldn't remember just how long ago it had been since I sung my heart out like that, dancing along in the chair, and the party continuing back at his apartment until he had passed out on the couch. It was already six in the morning at this point, so I couldn't even blame him. We had both been playing games, singing karaoke and telling each other life stories like our life had been depending on it. After a short search, I took the blankets from his room, draping them over his body, while cleaning up after the mess of chips bags and energy cans.

Though I still wasn't sure about the actual fake dating, at least his image to me had changed a bit after our conversation in the car. For the better.

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