7 🍹

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Chan's eyes widened as he turned around to face me. "Y/N, you're drunk, you shouldn't say those things so carelessly." I was quick to deny him. "But I really do love you!" Chan tried to gently push me off him, but I only hugged him tighter. "Y/N..." Chan called out my name, unsure of what to do or say. His hands were awkwardly beside me, not touching me.

"You should really go back to sleep Y/N, if you remember this and mean what you said in the morning we'll talk about it then," he said, now pushing me away with a little more force. I could feel tears well up, feeling as if my emotions were so much more intensified than usual. "But don't you love me back?" I begged. Chan didn't look angry or stern, but all that was written on his face was sadness. "I can't love you back Y/N, I'm really sorry."

"Ah... I understand. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable," I muttered as my heart had just shattered into a thousand tiny pieces. I knew I shouldn't have said that. "That's not it, you're not-" Chan hastily tried to answer, but I already shut him out of my mind, his words turning into a blur like I had formed a soundproof invisable wall around me. I got rejected. My first and only love, and I got rejected.

I still couldn't even walk straight, yet went to the kitchen counter, hadding noticed the bottle of wine on it already. I opened it, chugging a lot of it down like it was just some water. Chan hastily got up, taking it out of my hands. "I don't want to remember this," I spat out, snatching it back from him to take another few sips. Chan's eyes stayed on me, unsure of how to act. What would you say to a wasted girl you just rejected? He had seen girls drunk before, he had people hit on him before, that was his job, but this felt different. Maybe because she felt different to him, but even if so, he shut it out. She was always like a little sister, right?

I put the bottle down again, hanging over the sink as I could feel the liquids rising up again. "I'll turn on the shower for you, stay here," he instructed, almost running off to the bedroom, but it just gave me an excuse to escape. I didn't even think, but just ran out of the house, down the street, in the cold. I wanted to get away from him, away from the stinging sensation in my heart.  I didn't want any more tears rolling down my face. I let out a scream in frustration, running until I no further could.

After minutes of running I stopped, sitting down under a bridge. I hugged my knees, letting everything out that had bottled up inside me. I tried to reach for my phone, only then realizing it was still at Chan's place. I cursed under my breath. There was no way I'd go back there now to retrieve it. I honestly didn't even remember how to get even if I wanted to.

"Excuse me, miss? Are you okay?" A voice called out besides me. My head jerked to the side, my red and puffy eyes meeting those of a rather unfamiliar man. His hair was dyed blond, up to just above his shoulders. He wore a black suit, making him look classy. I instantly looked away again. No matter how handsome he was, I didn't care. Even drunk, I knew it was a bad idea to talk to a random guy.

"Leave me alone," I stated sharply, maybe meaner than I intended to. The man hesitated. "Do you know where you live? Do you need me to call someone for you?" I finally looked back at him, feeling furious. "I lost my keys, left my phone at the guys house that just rejected me and there's absolutely no one's number I know!" He seemed taken aback, making me realize how bad it sounded. I buried my head in my knees, letting out a groan. "Sorry," I muttered under my breath.

"How about I get you a hotel room? I'll pay for it, so don't worry about that. You should at least have a safer place than this to stay the night." I shook my head again, too tired to even fully answer. I got up, tumbling to the side a little. "I'll go somewhere, I can do this," I said out loud, trying to convince myself more than him. I looked around, feeling like everything was moving in slow motion. The wine must have kicked in.

My arm moved up, swung around the man's neck. "You lead the way, I'll bring you there. You're in no state to walk like this." I started walking, every now and then feeling my legs wobbly. I didn't even know where I was going, simply following where my feet lead me.

"A bar? Miss, you really shouldn't be drinking more," the man sighed, making me look up. My old job. "It's closed anyways," I mumbled annoyed. "It doesn't seem like it to me, looks like there's someone in there." I looked up at it, trying hard to focus on the hazy looking person inside. I cursed loudly as I met Jisung's eyes. His eyes widened, as he instantly ran up to the door.

"Y/N? What on earth happened out here?" His eyes shifted from me to the man beside me, his gaze burning. "Did you do this to her?" The man instantly shook his head in denial. "I saw her like this under a bridge, just wanted to get her somewhere safe." He turned to me. "Do you know this guy?" I let my arm off him, looked up at Jisung, hitting his chest. "You... I hate you!" I shouted loudly, starting to walk away again. "Now take me to home, I'm cold, I wanna sleep and everything hurts!" I slurred after. Jisung didn't hesitate to reach out to me, holding my waist to support my walking, looking back at the man. "Thank you..."

"Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin."

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