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"Well, get home safe okay?" I told Minho again, waving him goodbye as he got in his car. The rest of the time had just been us talking over silly things, not actually getting to the lesson. We agreed to start on that tomorrow; the 'date' tomorrow, and at night the actual lesson, going over everything I had experienced and how to use them. "You sure you don't wanna go for a night time drive? I swear I'm craving fast food right now," Minho urged, keeping the passanger door open. I'd refused earlier because I was trying diet, something I wasn't exactly told to, but upon seeing all the other girls something I felt like I needed to.

However, he did make a valid point. I was craving something completely unhealthy, whatever it was. Ice cream, fries, a hamburger, chicken nuggets. I didn't even care, but I really wanted it. Plus, being somewhat tipsy wasn't a great help when it came to rational decisions. I wasn't nearly as drunk as I was last time, and sadly no memories came back yet, but I had to admit that I was in the mood for some more adventure. "Oh f*ck it," I smiled mischievously, quickly getting in right next to him. Minho stared me up and down for a second, shaking his head. "New plan, we're going to get fast food, and attract new costumers. Come on!"

He got out again, helping me out as well, ever so slightly against my will, but I did need to attract costumers, so in a way I probably should. "Mom already gave you some business cards didn't she?" Minho asked, hinting about the special made cards. Mom had printed me some just yesterday, as well as giving me a work phone, only if I promised not to use it personally.  Minho was already leading me upstairs, however skipping my room to go to the dressing room. Oh goodness gracious, he wasn't going to make me wear a fancy dress to go to like, McDonalds was he? Though frankly he would be somewhat overdressed in a way too, wearing those neat black pants with the white blouse. Still, in no way was I going to wear any formal night attire.

Luckily, we had less formal attire as well, that still showed off my body proportions like Minho had instructed me to. I still was by far not used to them, but it honestly wasn't too bad. Just... different. A little uncomfortable still, but I'd probably get used to that soon enough with how much I'd wear them. Thank goodness they had some in my size. I let out a sigh, checking myself out in the mirror once more. Did it really suit me? I honestly couldn't tell. I put on a smile, getting out to meet Minho who had been waiting for me.

A bright smile formed on his face, his eyes almost twinkling. "See, I told you you looked good!" He looked me up and down, nodding in approval. "Just so you know, you and I are gonna go shopping soon too. Because if you looked like this every day, I'd probably book you every day if I wasn't in the business." I couldn't help but laugh, shaking my head. He was just teasing me, I knew that much, but it felt nice to be complimented so much, even if I didn't like to admit it.

"Now, I don't know a single damned thing about make up, but wear this," he said, tossing me what seemed to be a cherry scented lipbalm. "And use this one too," he said, handing me a bag, a parfume inside of it. Queen of the game, from playboy, it showed. My eyes widened, looking at him in surprise. "You didn't have to!" Minho shook his head, taking the lip balm out of my hand, opening it. "It was literally like, 20.000 won, it's nothing. If you ever go shopping with Sana or anyone else from the girls, take my card to get yourself more expensive and better products."

He put his left hand on the back of my head, steadying it. "Now hold your lips slightly apart for me would you?" I did as told, though quite taken aback by how close he got. The balm glided over my lips, first the bottom, then the top lip. He backed away again, nodding. "Thought it might look good on you. Come on, we'll do the parfume in the car. Let's get going, 'cuz I'm as hungry as can be!" I followed him, definitely a darker shade of red than before on my face, but a shy smile still on my face. First time receiving gifts.... I never told my boss my birthday, and ever got anything from my parents, so it definitely new to me, but it felt pretty nice actually.

Upon finally arriving I couldn't help but smile, it had been ages since I'd went. "You wanna go drive thro- wait no, we have to show you off, we're going in!" Minho concluded, not even finishing the question, making me chuckle. Seriously though, who was even going to spot me, think, hey, that's a host, and book me? In no way was that going to work. But really, I'd get food, so I was completely fine with it.

"Come on, come on, let's hurry. I'm hungry," I pushed him, almost pulling him along with me. Maybe the child inside me was finally coming out, already happy to experience one of my favorite things as a kid. I walked backwards, keeping my smile on him, still pressing him to go faster. "Y/N-" Minho suddenly called out, his expression going from a grin to worry in a split second. Not that it worked though, because before I knew it I had bumped into someone, a brown coffee stain already on the new white skinny jeans. And goodness gracious did it burn.

"Owhmygosh, I'm so so sorry, are you alright?" a guy asked, just a little taller than I was. He wore a black leather jacket, black jeans as well as a black cap, making him barely visible if it wasn't for the streetlight illuminating him. "Hey, can't you look where you're going?" Minho shouted, now hurrying up to stand in front of me, examining the stain. "Do you even know how expensive these pants were?" Screwed. I was screwed. These things were expensive? And I just ruined them? "Minho, I was the one not looking," I shut him down, turning to the guy. "I'm sorry about your coffee, let me get you a new one."

He already refused, shaking his head. "Please, there's no need, but you might want to change, otherwise the burn might get worse." Did I even bring change? I know I didn't, and I didn't expect Minho to carry around any extra either. My gaze probably already gave it away before I could say anything, because here the guy was, opening the trunk of one of the most expensive looking sportscars I'd ever seen, handing me a pair of sweatpants. Finally though, something I was used to. "Why don't you put these on in the ladies room? I'll make sure the pants you're wearing now get to what they were like."

I couldn't help but glance at Minho, unsure of what to do. "I think that would be appropriate yes, thank you." Was this really how I was supposed to act from now on? Oh help, that made me sound like a snob. Something I couldn't even afford to say. I did as told, quickly changing into the somewhat largely fitting sweatpants, getting back to the two seeming to chat a bit more comfortable now. Minho already took the stained jeans out of my hands, handing it to the guy. "Y/N, you should hand him one of your business cards so he can reach you," Minho said, nudging my arm. Oh great, as if he wouldn't already have a bad impression of me.

But really, what else was there to do. I'd have to get them back somehow. I reached into my wallet, giving him one without looking at him. "Thanks, I swear I'll get those cleaned. So sorry again, I'll contact you later on okay?" he noted, luckily no sound of judgement in his voice. He probably didn't even really look at it yet. "Yess, thank you..."

"Changbin. Seo Changbin."

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