13 🍹

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Talk? About what? My social skills weren't exactly the best, let alone when it came to random people! Before I could speak up, Chan did so for me. "I think it's best if Y/N and I go, we've got some more plans," Chan said, still standing in front of the salon table. "Oh? You do?" Minho asked looking at me, while I was just eyeing Chan for help. Indeed, we do? "Yeah. I wanna check some things at her place just in case, after what happened last night." Minho seemed to thing hard, suddenly getting it. "Ah, you mean about her stalker!"

Chan's face suddenly became even more serious as he finally sat down in a chair in front of us. "You remember?" I couldn't help but feel slightly anxious. Was Jisung really not what he seemed like? "Barely in all honesty, but I don't think I've ever seen a girl that upset, so it's gotta be bad." Chan sighed. No luck again. "But let's forget about last night, what happened happened, nothing we can do about it anymore." Minho said upbeat, handing me a controller. "Come on, let's play some games while you're here," he urged, putting ready Mario kart. My face slightly lit up. Games were one of my favorite thing after all.

"Okay, but one round. I don't wanna make Chan wait too long," I gave in, looking at him with hopeful eyes. He just nodded, looking slightly off though. Oh well, one round won't be too bad right? Well, that was what I thought at first, though an hour passed already at this point. "I want a rematch, that was unfair!" I shouted as Minho had just won by using a blue shell at the ending. "Awhh, does the sore loser need a rematch because she didn't win?" he mocked teasingly, booping my cheek.

"Y/N," Chan spoke again, finally. Shit. "Chan, please, one more round?" I begged. "I can bring her home too if you need to leave. I guess we've gotten quite close already haven't we?" Minho hinted, making me nod. I guess we did one way or another. He at least seemed to be a really good person. "No way that's happening," Chan answered firmly, standing up, taking my hand to pull me up as well. "Fine, but next time I'm gonna win for sure!"

"Ah wait," Minho stopped us just before we left. He quickly scribbled something on a note, putting it in my pocket. "Save it for when you want the rematch," he winked with a cocky smile. "I-" I called out to him, ready to get back at him, but Chan pulled me back by my hand. "Come on, I'd rather make sure your apartment is safe too before it's getting too late." I quickly waved bye to Minho, following Chan back to the parking lot.

"Sorry, it took too long didn't it?" I spoke a couple of minutes into the ride. He had been awfully quiet since, having an annoyed look on his face. "A little maybe, but don't worry about it. I'm just glad to see you're smiling again. You really had me worried last night so it's a relief seeing you back to your normal self. Really, don't drink anymore you got it?" Why did it feel like a dad scolding his daughter?

The rest of the ride luckily was a bit more upbeat. Chan seemed to have his smile back again, making it not too long to my home. "Which one of the keys is it?" Chan asked while holding the car door open for me. I got out quickly, taking the keys from him and holding up the right one. "It's this one," I smiled, slightly proud of having an own place. Wait. Did I clean up though? Ah, what if there were still empty cans everywhere. I ran up to the door, blocking it.

"Thank you again for everything really, I think I'll be fine from here on. I'll compensate you for the ride, so I'll come back to the club later!" Ah, please let him buy it. "Cute, but no. If you think I'm gonna leave you alone with the possibility of having a stalker you're completely wrong. I at least want to make sure he didn't place any hidden cameras or whatever." Meaning he'd have to search through every single corner of my place? Oh come on!

He took the keys back out of my hand, slipping past me to get in. I hurried after him, running past to clean up what was necessary. At least the worst bits. There goes my good impression, if it wasn't lost already. It took quite the while for him to have searched through it all. Only logical I guess, but it still felt embarrassing. "Chan, I really appreciate it, but you don't have to go this far for me. I know I don't exactly look like it, but I can manage," I tried to convince him. I had already taken up so much of his time I was starting to feel bad for him.

He sat down on the couch, leaning back. "Y/N, listen. I'm sure you can, but how am I supposed to just let you be after last night? You really scared me, and I don't think I can trust that you're safe. If he truly was stalking you he might just as well have your apartment key printed out or something." "Chan, I really appreciate you doing all of this for me, but I'm honestly not sure why... I mean, sure we know each other as a costumer and employee, but other than that we never even talked, so why..."

A silence filled the room. "Honestly? Even I don't know why, but it's just this feeling inside of me telling me to make sure you're okay and safe and everything. I don't think I can feel at peace when this feeling isn't going away, so it's for a selfish reason too actually." Him? Selfish? That wasn't right even in the least bit. "Y/N, do you have any friends you can stay over at? Or maybe your parents? I want to at least get the lock changed if you're gonna stay here." Haha... great.

"I don't really have any friends, and my parents and I don't talk anymore after the fight, but I can probably just stay in a hotel or anything?" That was if I even had any money left. The business had been going slow anyways, so I didn't earn too much, but if I can't find a job, which is very likely without proper education, I might even have to move out. Chan shook his head, making a quick phone call.

"Don't worry. I called mama, she'll let you stay over at one of the empty staff dorms until the locksmith fixed it."

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