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Well, that trust faded quite quickly. "Excuse me, Y/N?" an unknown voice called out. Both Chan and I turned around to see a well dressed guy about our age standing in front of us, all suited up. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked hesitantly, looking back at Chan who had already seemed to get closer to me. "It is you, thank goodness," he laughed. He laughed? Why would he laugh? Did he know me? "I'm guessing you don't remember anything from last night, do you? You seemed to have quite the amount of drinks."

Oh shit. I was screwed. I met another guy yesterday while I was drunk? When did I even? From what I had heard so far, I went to Chan's, left, and ended up at Jisung's place with... a man, wasn't it? Oh no, was this him? He was handsome, for sure, but who even knew what happened. "I'm sorry, I don't remember anything no," I answered uncomfortably. "Sorry for the unterruption, but do you mind explaining what happened last night?" Chan butted in. The guy looked a bit taken aback, but didn't get himself intimidated, turning back to me.

"I found you crying under a bridge on my way home. You told me you lost your keys, left your phone at the guy's place who rejected you and didn't have anywhere to go. I offered to get you a hotel room, but you refused. Since there was a group of guys around I decided to stay with you, letting you lead the way to make sure you would be okay. We ended up at a bar which you seemed to know. This guy came out, you told him you hated him, but still went with him in the end, that's all."

Wait, hold up. That's too much information at once. I left my phone at the guy's place who rejected me? But my phone was with Chan... My eyes widened, looking over at Chan who seemed just as panicked as I did, just trying to hide it. He wouldn't even look at me. "That must be Jisung then... Did she say anything else about the guy from the restaurant?" The man shook his head. Chan let out a sigh, finally turning back to me.

I was gonna get to the bottom of this later, for now I couldn't just leave the guy hanging. "I'm really sorry for all the trouble I caused, thanks for helping me out..." "Hyunjin." I smiled at him, suddenly hearing a voice behind me. "Hyunjin, there you are! I was wondering where you were," Sana said laughingly. "It's been a while since I've seen you, so I was excited to hear from you again." She looked around, noticing us. "Oh, you know each other?"

And then it clicked. He must be a costumer here. From the sound of it someone who visited quite regularly if she knew him well. Even Chan seemed to have remembered. "No wonder you seemed so familiar. I'm so sorry for coming off rude, since something happened last night I was simply worried for my colleague, I hope you can understand." That's right. We were colleagues now. It felt weird, almost too weird. Maybe a little sad too, because now that was all we were. Hyunjin looked at me intruiged. "Colleague? You must be new here, then? I never saw you around."

I nodded. "It's my first day actually, I was just about to sign contracts." Sana smiled, swinging an arm around me. "Isn't she pretty? You should really book her next time, I'll be sure to train her well," she said with a wink. Hyunjin's eyes lingered on me for a little longer before going up to Sana. "I'll be sure to do so then. Can't wait to see you, Y/N," he smiled, his hand scraping against mine when the two passed, leaving just me and Chan again.

What just happened? Did I just get my first costumer? A guy that had seen me crying under a bridge? Was he even sane? I couldn't even begin to process it all, only to go back to his words. I wasn't a genius, but even I could figure out that that must have been Chan, the guy that rejected me. It felt like a shot through the heart. What was I even thinking? And why didn't he tell me anything? This was the absolute worst that could happen. I was doomed. Screwed for eternity.

Neither of us said anything, though Chan was still standing close to me. Why would he be so protective if he apparently had just rejected me? I could actually feel myself become annoyed at him. Was it fair? Of course not, but I couldn't help it. It felt like it was all false hope. But it made sense. That was probably why I ran away from him.

"Y/N, last night was a misunderstanding," Chan said. "You were drunk and not in your right mind, so I told you you shouldn't say things like that so easily, that was all that happened. I didn't want to embarrass you, so I left it out. Please don't be mad at me." I didn't even know how to feel. Was I mad? Upset? Sad? Happy? What was I even? Maybe a little bit of everything mixed and mashed together. "You're right, it was just a mistake! Turns out I get flirty when drunk," I chuckled, pretending like it was nothing. It did help though, because Chan instantly seemed to be more relaxed as well.

I knew better though. It wasn't a mistake, none at all. The only mistake I made was telling him. I turned back to the door, walking up to it. "I should probably sign the contract." Chan hummed, following my lead. Maybe it was for the best to just forget it all happened. Though it did make me think something through...

Was what happened with Jisung really just a misunderstanding?

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