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"Aaand... done," the guy behind the camera said. His name was Seungmin, and he turned out to be the photographer the club used. As a freelancer he usually had a spot open around this time, since he didn't take on many clients. He was one of the few people actually willing to work with a business like this. Turned out most people thought the business would be bad for their reputation, but apparently that didn't really matter for Seungmin. He did it for fun anyways, not for money. He had enough of that.

"Did they come out okay?" I asked, already walking up to him quickly to check. He smiled, showing me to pictures. "It's nice to see a new face in here, it's quite refreshing. You're quite different than the rest here," he said. "Ah, but in a good way! I like it, you're pretty," he quickly added, making sure not to hurt my feelings. I laughed somewhat awkwardly, never great with receiving compliments. I had to say, the pictures came out exceptionally well. He knew exactly how to pose me to get my best side, to make me look like the better version of myself, even with make up on. Luckily for me Sana kept it to be quite the natural look, full on glammer didn't suit me anyways.

"She's free if you want to ever book a session," mom suggested with a laugh. "Oh please, you know I'm not into that sort of thing. Though honestly, if I don't find a girlfriend soon my parents will arrange a marriage for me, so I could use a fake girlfriend," he chuckled. "Wouldn't you rather want someone you actually love?" I asked, genuinely curious. I didn't want to pry on the situation too much though. "Of course I would, but I guess I just haven't found the right person yet. At least I'd be able to give myself some more time with fake dating rather than trial and error of breaking up every three months."

He had a point, but it must still suck for him. "I hope you find someone soon," I told him with a smile, hoping to cheer him up a little. He seemed kind. Mom just hummed, not saying too much. "I'll send the pics to the usual email after some more editing," Seungmin ended it with, packing up his camera. "Let me at least get you a drink as a thank you," mom offered after getting rejected for every offer she made him for compensation. He finally gave in with a silly smile and a nod, making mama haste to the bar, leaving us two alone in the room.

"I'll be honest, when miss Jung called saying she had a new hostess I didn't expect someone like you," he chuckled. Miss Jung? Wait, was that mama's real name? "Most of the girls here are either absolutely adorable or super hot, you have like, this mixture of the both that's just right, it's nice to see something in the middle for a change." That was a compliment right? Why did it sound like he was calling me average in everything instead? I still laughed though, trying to laugh the awkwardness away. If I was going to be a hostess this was the least I'd probably have to get used to.

"Do you host only in the club itself?" Seungmin asked. There was a possibility of being outside? How was I even supposed to know? "Ah, nevermind, it's only your first day isn't it? Sorry," he smiled. Though I had to say, it did spark my curiosity. "Why'd you ask?" He shrugged. "Just thought it might be an easy way out, to have a fake dating relationship. Would save a lot of trouble to find someone."

Honestly, it sounded better than having to find another way to entertain guys, but could I really? I never even learned how to date anyone since I had zero experience in the dating life, but still. I'd seen enough couples outside to kind of know how the girls acted. Cute, clingy, excited, all those sorts of things. That didn't sound too hard. Just like I was this morning with Jisung, that seemed like kind of... the same? I spaced out, not even noticing. Did we go on a date this morning? Did he view it as a date? Did I even view it as a date? Heck, we may have been on a date this morning when we apparently is under the suspicion of being my stalker. What kind of idiotic story was that?

"Y/N....YYY/NNN," Seungmin's voice finally got through to me. "Ah sorry, what were you saying?" I hastily asked, seeing him laugh. "You really are an airhead aren't you?" I looked down to the ground, nodding slightly embarrassed. "I want to ask miss Jung about some sort of possibility for booking you outside of normal hours, for example with family meets or weekends out, would you be okay with that? I know it won't exactly be the like your normal routine, but if I'm honest I really hope you'll say yes..." he answered quite shyly. It seemed like he also didn't have too much experience in the area, which somehow put me a little more at ease.

And then again, it might not be much easier since it'll be completely different, but it wouldn't be too bad. Mama said so herself, I'd need a client base, and for now I had practically nothing, besides Hyunjin who might come in once. And after all, being gone for longer hours would probably make me a lot more money. All in all, it sounded like a good idea. Especially to start out with. "If mama is okay with it, I'd love to," I told him with a shy smile. "Sounds good with me then," mama's voice suddenly called out, startling the both of us.

And that is how I got my first regular client!

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