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"Y/N, you already got a client?" Sana exclaimed excited. I had told her pretty soon after, though a few days had passed already. I had just been busy with moving into the new place, setting up my profile and all. Today was my first lesson with Sana. Since Seungmin didn't need me for many dates so far, mom and me had decided that so far we'd keep me for just the nightshifts outside of Seungmin's dates, if things progressed we could always do more daytime shifts. "I thought I was helping you out with Hyunjin, but it seems like you're managing just fine on your own already, you don't even have a profile and you already have two guys interested!"

I chuckled shyly. She made it sound like they were actually interested in me in a romantic way. Of course it wasn't like that, I knew that much, but it was still weird to hear. It did feel somewhat nice though, I had to say. I had never really been busy with romance outside from liking Chan before, but never really the interest of anyone before. And even with Chan things were a mess. After the incident, we hadn't really talked anymore. I couldn't even bare to look him in the eyes. So what was the only logical thing to do? Talk to him? Probably, but all I did was avoid him so far.

Luckily for me, Sana had been really open and kind to me. Whenever she was around, she'd always be sure to visit my room to talk or check up. Just like Minho though, he even picked me up yesterday to play games at his place after work. We stayed up all night snacking and playing until we passed out. He brought me back just a few hours ago, when he had to start. If it hadn't been for those two I probably wouldn't have survived these few days. "Honestly, I just got lucky these two were already familiar with the place, getting new clients for myself will be a real problem."

Sana shook her head, patting mine. "No worries, you're cute so you'll have no problem. We'll just have to find the best way to market you!" Market me? That almost made me sound like the newest toy model. "When was Hyunjin coming for you again? He already booked a session with you right?" she asked. "In two weeks from now. He asked to go earlier, but mom wanted to make sure I'd had at least some lessons before then." After all, I still had no idea what I was supposed to do. It was probably a mixture of what you were comfortable with and what the client wished for, but at this point I knew neither.

"How do you get to know what your client wants? Do you prepare yourself beforehand? Or do you only learn when they come in?" Sana sat down on the couch, handing me a drink. Alcohol? Probably, it smelled like it. I took a sip, my mind flashing back to an image of me and Minho, the both of us sitting in a room like these, me getting closer to him. I shook my head, blinking a couple of times. What on earth was that even? I took another sip, but nothing this time. And another, just in case, but again nothing. Was it a memory of what happened? Or was my brain going insane already?

"They mostly fill out a form with their likes and dislike if they booked beforehand. If there is a spontaneous costumer it's a little more difficult to figure it out sometimes, since you don't have time to prepare, but in that case just observe the client first, see how he reacts to you. How open is he, is he touchy, all those sorts of things! It can save you a lot of trouble," she laughed, from the sound of it speaking from experience. I almost couldn't even imagine how she started out, she looked like a natural.

"It all sounds difficult, seriously," I complained. How was I even supposed to be able to satisfy a client in two weeks? I understood what all the words meant she said, but to actually put it to work seemed impossible. How was I just supposed to look at someone and guess what they wanted? "Hey, no complaining," Sana protested. "That's what I'm here for. You don't trust your teacher?" She acted hurt, only making me laugh. "Sorry, sorry."

The lesson itself took about an hour, though it felt Like I barely understood a single thing. All I got from it is that I was going to have to learn to flirt and keep a conversation. Be attentive, kind and spoil them with compliments, those are some of the basics, she said. Though, luckily for me, Minho promised to help me out with all that. He had quickly come in inbetween his sessions to check up on us, and offered that if I wasn't going to sleep, we could have another lesson after he was done, which was around 2 in the morning. Me and sleep weren't a great combination anyways.

Sana and I both got out of the room, still happily chatting about some of her clients. She really seemed to adore them all, like they were just small kids. It'd almost even convince me they were, if I didn't know any better. "Sana, your client will be here in five minutes, be sure you're ready," mom called out to her. Sana cursed, something that didn't seem to fit her cute image. "I totally forgot!" She ran upstairs, probably to change.

"Y/N, sweetheart, how was the first lesson?" Mom asked me. A disaster, I didn't understand anything. "It was alright, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon!" She smiled proudly at me. "Oh, before I forget; Chan is waiting for you in your room. Said he wanted to talk things over, or something? I'm not sure, but I don't want any bad blood between my coworkers, so make up for whatever happened, got it?" I nodded, but deep down felt more and more anxious by the second. How was I supposed to talk to him after getting rejected by him?

Well shit.

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