3 🍹

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The night ended with a lot of mixed feelings. I was stressed since I just lost my job, worried about Jisung who must have had it rough, afraid I wouldn't be able to pay for the rent, and the underlying sadness because you got your hopes up too much when it comes to a crush. The rest of the night I barely slept. I had no one to go to, no one to talk to, I felt crushed. Usually when I had any troubles I'd rant about them to my boss since he felt like a dad to me, but now I even lost that. What was I supposed to do now that I was all alone?

I hesitated to call Jisung, but when I finally did he didn't pick up. I guess it was only normal, he was probably asleep. The day too passed slowly with nothing to do. I left Jisung a message, but he never seemed to receive it. Must have left his phone off. I sighed, looking over at the wallet that was laying on the nightstand. I honestly didn't feel like going at all, but I couldn't just leave it here. Besides, just maybe Chan could offer a listening ear. His schedule was as messed up as mine anyways, and though I hated to admit it, I really needed someone.

I now stood in front of the club, hesitating. Should I just give the wallet to the first and best person I could find? Or would that be too insensitive? I had to say I kind of wanted to see him again, but who knew how he'd respond? No, I convinced myself. I was just going to give it to him, with the news that the bar closed, and then I'd leave. Simple as that.

Not that it was simple though. I finally opened the door, only to be welcomed by a smokey air filling my lungs. There were neon light strips everywhere, a couple of doors, leading to private rooms I thought, with a bar right in front of the door. Just behind was a couch, a couple of people sitting there, looking all too handsome and beautiful.

Woah, there really are people that look this good, I thought. I quickly glanced down, comparing the way I was dressed to the way the people here. My baggy clothes completely hid my body shape, while their bodies were only accentuated more. I guess that was part of the job though, to attract people.

"Hello sweetheart, can I help you?" the voice of an older lady called out from behind the bar, getting me out of my trance. "Ah, I was looking for Chan actually... Is he here by any chance?" I hesitantly asked, feeling more uncomfortable by the second. I could feel a couple of eyes on me, just knowing they were judging, making me feel more and more self-conscious.

"Chan... Chan... Ah, there he is," the lady said to herself while scrolling through the screen. "Did you make an appointment beforehand?" I quickly shook my head in denial. "I'm just here to return his wallet! He accidentally left it at the bar yesterday I work, I mean used to work at."

I held up the wallet to support the story. The lady smiled and nodded. "I'll call him in for you okay? He'll be here in a minute or so." I nodded, finally feeling a bit more comfortable. The lady leaned over the counter. "So, what happened? Did you lose your job?" I pursed my lips together. "My boss just got arrested, so now the restaurant closed down... I'm honestly feeling like shit as you can probably see since I'll have to find a new job now, but I'm trying to stay positive."

The lady eyed me down, smiling again. "If you want I might have a spot for you, though there is some work that needs to be done, but it's yours if you want." She handed me a business card, the same as Chan had in his wallet. "Thank you for the offer, but I honestly don't think it's something for me," I declined. She took my hand, pressing the card in it. "For if you change your mind."

"You called for me, mom?" Chan's voice rang through the room. My head instantly shifted to his direction, as our eyes met. His eyes grew wide in confusion, looking from the lady to me, and back again. My heart was beating loudly, it felt like there was a lump in my throat, preventing me from both breathing and speaking.

"Y/N?" he finally called out. "What are you doing here?" he continued in confusion. The lady gazed at me, laughing as she noticed how flustered I was. "The young lady here found your wallet, apparently you left it at a bar?" I hummed fast, holding it out for him. "You left it yesterday... I thought you might need it, and I saw your business card so got here, I'm sorry!" I hastily added.

Chan laughed, much to my surprise. "So that's where it was, thank goodness. I tried to call the bar earlier but no one picked up, everything okay there?" I bit the inside of my cheek. "The ehm, bar closed, the owner got picked up by the cops." Chan's laugh faded quickly, worry coming back for it in return.

"Wow, that must have been quite a shock," he said, placing his hand on my shoulder, matching my eyelevel, standing a bit too close. "Are you okay?" How I both love and hate that sentence. Normally it would feel like no one really wants to hear the actual answer, but with him it was as if someone actually looked out for me, and I hated how vulnerable it made me feel. How vulnerable he made me feel.

"I'll be fine, no worries," I answered, trying my best to smile at him. Just as Chan was about to go deeper in on it, an arm swung around his shoulders, making his attention shift from me to the awfully good-looking guy next to him.

"Chan, you never told me you had such a pretty lady by your side!"

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