8 🍹

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My head hurt like crazy. I could barely even open my eyes, feeling a sharp pain behind them when I did. I let out a groan, sitting up straight, only just noticing I had slept on a couch... whoever's it was. An instant panic took over as I tried to remember what on earth happened last night, and moreover, where I was. I could remember up to the point of bringing Chan his wallet and Jisung coming in, but after that it was only a big blur. Did I go back with Jisung last night?

I rubbed my eyes, trying my best to wake up a little more, get a clearer vision. I got up, feeling an instant dizziness arise. I put my hand on my head, letting out an annoyed groan, waiting until it has passed. I quickly put my hand over my mouth, feeling awfully nauseous, but luckily I didn't actually have to throw up. I walked up to the kitchen, getting myself a glass of water to try to sober up a little. A tad late, but better late than never right?

I pondered over what to do. Would I try to look for whoever's house this was? Or would I grab my stuff and walk home. With no idea what happened anymore, I could just as well be at a complete stranger's house. I looked around, trying to find where I had put my belongings. I completely patted myself down, trying desperately to find them, only to notice these clothes weren't even mine. I cursed at myself, what even happened last night?

I suddenly stopped moving, hearing a sudden sound behind me, a thud, like something fell. I slowly turned around, almost too scared to look who it was. "Y/N? Are you feeling okay?" A luckily familiar voice called out, finally making me face him. "Jisung, thank goodness, it was you after all," I sighed in relief. Jisung looked up surprised, yet somehow also with a sense of relief. "I... didn't do anything stupid last night did I?"

Jisung didn't answer for a while. "Up to where do you remember?" I tried hard to think, but most really was a blur. "I remember us fighting over something and going back to the club again with... ah what was his name again? Min... something, but I don't even remember why we fought in all honesty..." Jisung looked to the ground. "I... we had a little misunderstanding, it was nothing big really. You ran off to the club again, and after a while you and a man showed up at the restaurant, and I didn't know where you live so I took you here..."

It was a lie though. He did know, but since she had lost her keys, or so he learned, he took her to his house. It wasn't fair of him to hide it, but if there was a chance that she'd trust him again, and even grow closer, he'd take it. He could only hope she didn't tell anyone else that night, or rather that they wouldn't remember either. He had to find a way to make her stay with him, a way to keep her attention. Whatever it took to keep her close.

"Jisung, do you know where my wallet, keys and phone are? I can't find them," I asked hopefully. Without those three I'd practically be doomed. Jisung shook his head, making the panic that had finally left rise up again. "How about we get back to the club later to check? For now there's not much you can do about it now, so why don't you take a shower to freshen up first, I'll get you some clothes in the meantime, we can go out for breakfast after, my treat."

My eyes turned into big puppy eyes, thankful that I stayed with him. I quickly hugged him, smiling genuinely at him. "Thanks Jisung, you're the best!" I smiled, waddling off to find the bathroom. Jisung soon came in with a fresh pair of clothes, just like mine a hoodie and pair of sweatpants and placed them on the small cabinet just under the sink, together with a towel and a washcloth. "Take all the time you need, I'll just be chilling in the living room in the meantime."

I locked the door behind me, humming a song that was stuck in my head. The warm shower rays were streaming down my body, making my body relax a little, the headache luckily seeming to lessen a bit. I got out again after a few minutes, drying myself and putting on the clothes he got ready for me. I smiled to myself upon wearing them, they were seriously comfy. I chuckled to myself, remembering the hype of girlfriends wearing their boyfriend's sweaters. Was this what it would be like?

I went out again, opening it shyly. I walked back into the living room, seeing Jisung scroll through his phone. "Jisung?" I asked softly, seeing his gaze slowly shift up from his phone to me, his mouth slightly agape. "Does it look okay?" I asked, making him nod vigorously. "It does! Really! You look really really good, like, very pretty," he ranted, making me laugh. "I don't think I had ever seen you talk this much. Jisung instantly shut down again, making me quickly shake my head. "It's nice for a change though, I like hearing your voice."

I had no idea why or how it got there, but for some reason he seemed like someone you'd automatically want to take care of. The corners of his mouth rose up as he got up, grabbing his jacket from the coat rack. "Come on, let's go for breakfast!" he said happily, making me look at him amused. I didn't know what it was, but something in him seemed to have changed. He seemed a lot more open. I had no idea what had changed it, but I was glad he felt comfortable enough around me, especially with him also being alone now.

Maybe I had finally found a friend for the first time in ever.

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