2 🍹

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What was I supposed to do? Chan said he wouldn't come here tomorrow, so I'd have to wait until the day after, but it's his wallet... he'd probably need it sooner than that right? I sighed. Maybe I could check if there was anything like a business card in there to go and give it to him, but I'd probably have work tomorrow as well around the time he works, so it probably wouldn't work...

But it was the only thing I could think of. I felt pretty bad for checking his wallet, but it was just to give it back, so it wasn't like I was doing it for a bad reason. It was a black leather wallet, quite simple, yet it fit his style well. I opened it, immediately seeing his drivers license. No Y/N, don't look, there won't be any info in there to return it. Of course I was curious about a lot of things like his age or last name, since despite all the talking I barely knew anything about him, but finding out like this wouldn't really be fair now would it?

He had quite a lot of cards in his wallet, making it hard to find a right one that could actually help, well, until I saw a simple dark blue one. 'All in', it said, with a crown logo on top. Could that be it? I turned it around, seeing a number and an address. I pulled my phone out, looking it up. All in... my eyes widened as I scanned through their site. It was a host club? Could that be his job? Was that why he worked those hours? Or maybe he was a client...

I shook the thoughts away. I wasn't here to judge, I was here to give a wallet back. There was a page on their site, called hosts, probably a list of them all. I hesitantly clicked on it. At first a couple of girl's pictures showed up, each more beautiful than I could ever imagine. Soon after, the guy's made the list. There weren't a lot, but his picture instantly got my attention. Chan really was a host.

I wasn't going to lie, it felt kind of sad. All the flirting back here he was probably used to already, it highly likely didn't mean anything to him. I let out a disappointment sigh. So much for hoping he could be interested in me as well. I looked up the contact page of the sight. This wasn't the time to be dwelling in my feelings, I had to get it back to him.

Well, when they opened that was. They had just closed, just like us. "A host huh?" a voice called out from behind me, making me drop my phone. "Jisung, you startled me!" I complained, quickly picking it up. Luckily it wasn't broken, having to spend more money was the last thing I could do right now. I was already tight on money and rent was due soon again.

"Didn't know you were into that stuff," Jisung continued with a monotone voice, continuing to clean up the last bits. I instantly shook my head in denial. "I'm not! Chan accidentally left his wallet here, so I was just trying to find a way to return it to him since he wouldn't be here tomorrow, and I thought it was urgent, so I-" I ranted, but Jisung's laugh interrupted. He didn't laugh a lot, so it kind of took me by surprise.

"What?" I pouted. "You don't have to explain it all, it's okay," he chuckled. "Though it honestly makes sense now why I didn't trust him, those guys flirt with just about anyone for pleasure. Here, I'll return it to him, it's probably for the best not to get too close to a place like that." He already reached out, but I quickly pulled the wallet back. "I'm fine, I'll figure out a way. I'll ask boss if I could get the day off or anything tomorrow."

Jisung frowned, but shrugged it off, not looking too happy with it however, but who was he to judge? "Ask me what?" our bosses voice called out as he entered again, ready to lock up. "I was wondering if I could get the day off tomorrow actually..." I hesitantly asked. He laughed, smashing his hand loudly on one of the tables. "Kid, you have the rest of your life off. The bar is soon going out of business."

My eyes widened in shock. Was he serious? I cursed under my breath. I seriously needed the money and this was just about the only place that I could work at, no one else was hiring. "Why? I thought you loved this place!" The owner nodded, but pointed behind him, outside. You could see a police car outside, two cops waiting outside. "I did, but I got busted for doing some black business you don't need to know about, so I won't be able to run this anymore."

"Can't I take it over from you?" I asked somewhat desperately, but he shook his head. "Sorry kid, you gotta find something else. I'll pay you for the month, but that's all I can do." He turned to Jisung. "You too son, I can't let you run this place on your own so I'll find you some other place to work." I would have almost forgotten Jisung was his son with the way he got treated, but from the look in his eyes Jisung wasn't even surprised, solely filled with disappointment.

We all went outside soon, boss taken away by the cops. "You okay?" I asked, seeing Jisung look down. "I'm fine, it happened before. I just thought he had finally lived up to his promise and got out of the business, but I guess he never stopped... Guess I'll be living alone again." I wanted to ask about it more, what business he was involved in since it at least felt like I deserved some explanation as for why I was suddenly jobless, but Jisung already looked in a bad enough state.

I pat his shoulder, smiling at him. "If you ever need someone don't hesitate to call okay? You have my number right?" Jisung finally looked up, looking more shocked about this than his father. "You would? But we won't be working together anymore, why would you still want to be around me? Especially after what my dad did."

I felt so bad for him. Was this really how he thought people viewed him? Judging from his words it seemed like he didn't have all that many people to turn to, right when he needed it... I felt awful for him. It was gonna be rough for me to keep up with everything, but Jisung seemed to have it a lot worse right now. I couldn't just sit here and complain about it all when he was in a much worse state than I was. I shook it off and smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Of course, that's what friends are for right?"

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