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My first ever relationship, and it would be a fake? Maybe my fantasies of a relationship were too unrealistic, but this definitely wasn't what I had in mind. It was probably quite easy to read my face, considering he quickly rambled on. "No but hear me out, okay?" I nodded, trying my best to stay focused. It wasn't exactly working though. "You want to keep this job right? Need the money, housing stuff like that." Well, that was obvious. "Of course. It's not like I'm gonna find something else so easily right now."

He took a deep breath, as if he had a lot to say. "That means that if you want to keep it, you'll need to bring costumers in, but more importantly keep them as regulars. If you can get enough regulars you'll be profitable for mom. It's quite harsh, but if you're not doing well enough the first few months, she won't keep you. Again, harsh for you, but understandable for her." He was right. It would really suck, but it was logical. I wasn't some sort of charity case, I needed to make her money.

Now, to keep regulars, it means that your first session with them has to satisfy them. How, I'll let Sana teach you that, but you'd at least need some form of experience with catching onto signs. Be able to see what they're thinking and learn to react to it. Most people get that automatically throughout a relationship, but if you've never even had one... It seems almost impossible." Did that mean everyone in here had been in a relationship before? "I'm sure Sana will help you with attracting the guys, but if you don't respond to their wishes there's no way you can keep them as a costumer to be honest. I don't meant to say you this to only bring you down, but just... another harsh reality of the job."

He was right, and I absolutely hated it. I was used to some sucking up, to some playful flirting, that was already part of the job I had before. Needed to keep the costumers coming, so you needed to give them just the little extra service. It wasn't even too bad or anything, but I never once even noticed if they ever really intended any more. So far I'd been quite optimistic, but it seemed like all that was slowly fading as his words slowly went through to me.

"Or how about just one 'date' first. We could always continue then if you want to, plus it'd only be for a little while anyways, until Seungmin books you. You'll probably get the experience from him after too, but it'll be nice to have a good base to start with," he suggested, probably noticing my still uncomfortable look. But really, how bad could one date be? "Let's do that then." First, it wouldn't be a real date. Second, I really did need more experience for the job. I let out a sigh, putting on a smile. I shouldn't be taking this so seriously. As long as I didn't actually view it as a date it should be good. It wasn't really one anyways.

Minho smiled, nudging my arm. "Why don't we meet up tomorrow- I mean, this afternoon? It's my day off anyways, which means we don't have to get up early. I like you, but not that much." I couldn't help but chuckle. "Of course, you met me like, two weeks ago? I've known, let's say Jisung - the only person I really knew long enough and was still sort of in contact with - for six years now, and if he'd ask me to get up at seven in the morning I'd personally laugh at him right in his face." Minho let out a curious chuckle, raising an eyebrow. "Six years already?" Damn girl, you must have started working at the bar early then!"

I took another sip of the cocktail, already getting a little more relaxt. Not necessarily because of the alcohol, I barely had any so far, but work at the bar was about the only thing I was truly confident about, because that was practically all I knew. "I have actually! Started at 15. Way too early obviously, but oh well, that's what you get when you get thrown out right? I frankly stumbled upon it that night, the only thing open in the area at that point of time, went there, cried my heart out with the owner, and he offered me a job on the spot. Every night I could just do the dishes, which was close to doing nothing, do some cleaning, and that was it. In return he'd let me stay at the attic of it, gave me above minimal wage and helped me get back on my feet. If not for him I wouldn't have been here today I think."

Minho grew quiet for a second, seeming unsure of how to answer. I couldn't blame him, for someone I barely knew I just completely dropped something seriously heavy sounding. "Is it rude to ask..." he started, but I already reassured him. "Me and my parents never really bonded. I wasn't doing as well as I was supposed to do according to them, didn't really blink out in anything, wasn't the prettiest either, so they just grew up resenting me for something I could do nothing about. Grew up with quite some issues, lots of fights, barely home due to it, got mentally unstable, grades dropped so badly I got kicked out of school, and that's the night I got thrown out."

I smiled, drinking more until it was finished to give it a rest for a little. "But really, I don't like to complain. I still managed to get here, get a job, get a place to stay, had someone willing to look after me, and still grew up sort of okay? At least I was able to build a life, so I'm already thankful for that!" Minho refilled my glass, giving me a sweet smile. "Then let's spend tomorrow doing the things you never got to do as a kid, shall we?"

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