23 🍹

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Could it have been Minho? Was he the reason the hickey was there? I'd quickly excused myself to the bathroom, giving myself another minute. At this point the hickey wasn't even visible anymore, but I still knew quite well where it was. I touched the exact spot, closing my eyes, but memories still weren't coming back. It could still be anyone, but I had to get the facts straight. I came back after a fight with Jisung, Minho took me in a room, and what happened in there... I didn't know, but it clearly seemed like the both did. Oh just great.

Could I really leave it at that though? Because honestly, it had been a week already, but I still couldn't help but wonder about it all. About whatever happened with Jisung, about who's hickey it was. At least I figured out how I got to it all, about what had happened at Chan's place, sadly, about Hyunjin. I knew more at least, but I wasn't even halfway through all of the details of it yet. And to be frank, I still couldn't let it go. Especially about the part with Jisung, but now that this came up again...

If we went through the process of elimination, it couldn't be from Chan, he had just rejected me, and Hyunjin didn't seem to be lying about what happened, so frankly that just left Minho or Jisung the only ones possible. And if I had to really think about it, I didn't know which was more weird to imagine, though of course Minho would make more sense. He's a host after all, and I didn't see Jisung doing anything like that. I let out a groan, giving myself another few seconds before getting back to Minho. Maybe if I drank some of what I drank that night, more would come back to me. It was way better than actually asking him.

"There you are, I thought you fell through the toilet or something," Minho teased, already holding up a glass. "I know Chan said no alcohol, but..." he paused, handing me it, "when did I ever listen to him anyways? You really liked it last time, so one won't hurt. I smiled at him, taking a sip. It did taste familiar, but I couldn't exactly place it yet. Then again, this was all going a bit too smoothly already. I sat down, making him sit down next to me. "Was this the room we were in last time too?" It felt like a deja vu, though nothing really came up yet.

"Oh, you remembered?" I shook my head. "Sadly no, but it just feels familiar." Thinking about it, he really didn't tell me anything about that night. "You're right though, guess part of you still remembered it," he chuckled. "It's good right?" he asked, hinting towards the drink. "It is, I guess I see why I drank a lot of it." "Then, wanna recreate our first night here?" he asked, winking at me. Oh there was definitely something that happened here.

"Depends on what that was," I teased back. Maybe a little too much, but if it meant I'd get to know that was good enough. Minho bursted out in laughter, shaking his head. "I'm just teasing you, don't worry. Are you sure you need lessons? Because with that you'd honestly be good to go if I was your client," he finished, trying to catch his breath. Oh come on, he had to be kidding me. "Considering I have no idea what happened in here I'm pretty sure I need those lessons," I awkwardly chuckled.

Minho let out a small "ah," only then seeming to remember that I actually didn't. "It wasn't that bad, really, but you should watch your alcohol intake with costumers. You really are a flirty drunk after all." Oh great... Could I bring up the hickey? Or would I totally embarrass myself if it wasn't him? Just while I was still contemplating on what to do, Minho leaned closer, lightly tucking part of my hair to the side, getting awfully close.

I instantly scooted back a little, startled by his sudden action. "No worries, I'm just checking if the hickey is still there, but I guess it's already gone huh?" My eyes widened, and before I knew it I shot up, pointing at him as I gasped. "So it was you!" He couldn't help but stare confused for a few seconds, only to burst out in laughter again, this time leaving me baffled. "Aren't you too shocked? I mean, you literally sat down on my lap asking me to show you what we do here. Besides, come on, don't tell me you never had a hickey before!"

I instantly shut my gaze down to the ground. Fuck he was right. I never had a hickey before. "Oh god, don't tell me..." I stayed quiet, the silence already answering for me. "Have you ever even kissed someone? Or had any form of relationship or intimate moment with someone?" Again... nope. None, at all. I wasn't exactly the most attractive girl around, my lack of keeping up with my appearance definitely not helping, and even if someone would miraculously be interested, my night time schedule would keep me away from all places where action did seem to happen.

Minho stayed quiet for some time, seeming to process it all. "How are you even planning on hosting without any experience with people in the first place?" I shrugged, letting myself fall back down on the couch after all, taking more of the cocktail. "I don't know either. Absolutely no clue, honestly. Why do you think I need these lessons?" He let out a deep sigh, thinking it over. "Okay, tell me again what Sana is teaching you."

"Basically about how to be a good hostess so far, she just gave me the basics, but she said she'd also help me with femininity and appearance." She'd even take me out to a beautician tomorrow she said. Something about skincare and make up, besides shopping for new clothes. "Okay, so... You don't have to agree to it. Might be quite a lot, but if you want to learn all the basics to romance and attraction that quickly, it might be the only way..."

"Y/N, why don't we start a fake relationship?"

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