Background story X2

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Hi my name is Keagan Xavier Grey and this is the story on how I fell in love with the Scarlet Witch, but let me tell you somethings about my life well the things I can remember.

I was three and half when my life started to go to shit. Some evil maniac dude decided to raid our home while my family was gone. My mom and aunt storm went to go find some teleport blue man or whatever so he can join the team. My uncle Charles and stepdad Scott when to see some bad guy who can control metal cool huh.

Me and my uncle Logan were home when the maniac dude came. It was late in the middle of the night I was in my room sleeping cause that day I had training and I was very tired. Uncle Logan was in the kitchen with Bobby talking when things started to go down. Normally I'm a light sleeper but since I was drained my hearing didn't pick up people breaking in.

But that's when everything hit, screams rang through out the whole mansion with people running around. I finally woke up and ran to find my uncle Logan but ended up running into some bad guys before I could even react they tranquilized me, I was out of it.

When I finally woke up I was in a cell will other kids from the mansion. Everyone was in their pajamas so they were mostly cold, but not me since I am part wolf I have a lot of body heat and I don't get cold well I do but not as much as humans. Anyways there was a girl next to me and she was cold so I cuddled into her to keep her warm I mean I may have or may not have had a crush on her but that doesn't matter.

We were in the cells for a while until aunt storm came and got us with that blue teleporting dude. We were trying to find a way out until all of us started to have massive headaches and fell to the ground. But then it stopped, I must have pasted out because when I woke up we met up with my mom and Scott. I ran up to them and hugged them. We were able to get out of the scary looking place and onto the jet.

But what happened next is what tore me apart. We all made on the jet and was ready to go, that's when I noticed my mom was not on the jet. We tried to leave and get her on the jet but she was using her powers and we couldn't do anything. They water from the damn was breaking through and she was trying to get the jet flying. We were all calling out to her to come back but she wouldn't listen I even tried. I was crying and crying yelling " Mommy please don't leave me" but all she said was that she had to and that she'll always be with me. And it happened the water broke through and flooded the entire place but before it could my mom got the jet in the air but the water consumed her.

The light in my eye never shined the same again.

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