Chapter 11

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Keagan's POV

I spaced out thinking about the jet crashing. Agent Blake's death and how his family probably doesn't even know. I mean everything was fine. The jet was flying smoothly.

How can a jet stop working out of know nowhere. I mean the entire I was flying I had this weird feeling. My wolf was sensing danger up ahead but thought it was the feeling of seeing Wanda but no.

My wolf is calm around Wanda which is a first, he was only calm around my mom. But ever since coming back and finding out she was dead it was like he wanted to hurt everyone but not Wanda.

This also brings me back to the way Hayward was looking at me when he was debriefing the mission to Blake and me. Fear, anger, and realization. I have a strong feeling my cover was blown.

He found out and had to eliminate the threat by sabotaging the jet. But what pisses me off is the fact the Agent Blake is dead he had a family. When I return back home I'm gonna watch out for his family make sure that they are well taken care of.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by Wanda asking me if I'm ok. I can see a worried look on her face. I sigh thinking about if I should tell her but decided to do so. Im never really one to lie unless its for a mission other than that I don't.

" I know how my jet crashed" i say. This makes her perk up a bit. She makes sure to mark her spot in her book then she places it on the coffee table before turning her attention to me. " How did it crash" she asks.

" It was sabotaged" I said. She looks shocked. She doesn't even know what to say. She then ask who would sabotage my jet. I look her in the eye knowing that the name I'm about to say might piss her off. "Hayward".

Like I thought, she is most definitely pissed.

Wanda's POV

I stand up and passe back and forth with so much anger. What is it with this man. Im pissed off at what he did to me, but now I'm pissed for what he did to Keagan.

I mean I know I've only known her for six hours but the thought of someone hurting her makes me mad. Maybe its because she nats daughter, I don't know.

I jump a bit when I feel hands on my shoulders, I look up and see Keagan looking at me. " Hey you gotta calm down I can feel so much anger coming from you it's making dizzy". She looks like she's about to pass out so I calm down once I'm calm I then ask her why he would sabotage the jet.

She looks me into my eyes and smiles. My stomach just did flips omg no I can't feel this way. " He made me. I uh could see it when he was briefing us on the mission. I saw fear, anger, and realization". She says. I just stand there and listen.

" I guess he was scared because of me being the daughter of The Black Widow or the stuff that I could do. He was angry that an outsider or traitor was plotting against him. And last but not least realization I think he realized I have a Russian accent. He is quite a stupid man". She finishes with a chuckle. I nod in agreement, he is quite stupid. How could he not hear her accent.

"But what pisses me off is that a innocent man died because he sabotaged our jet. Agent Evan Blake. He had a wife and three kids one of them being a newborn. I made promise that when I do return back home that I would look after them. Make sure that the kids are taken care of, whatever they need I'll do it. Because I know how it feels to lose a parent".

I can see the sadness and anger in her eyes. She shakes her head and tells me she needs to go outside for some air. I watch her walk to the door and leave for outside.And I just stand there soaking up everything she just told me.

Keagan's POV

I walk outside so I won't show Wanda my emotions spite my wolf telling me to stay. I walk a bit further into the woods and take my clothes off. I turn into my wolf and run around the woods being mindful of not being spotted by anyone who's there.

While I'm running around it reminds me of my dogs, god I miss them. They're probably picking on Moose like always. But I know they are in good hands with Darcy.

To be honest I don't want to leave Wanda. I'm so calm around her. It's like I could be burning with so much anger, wanting to rip someone apart all Wanda has to do is either smile at me or just touch me and I'm calm.

I even if I did try to leave my wolf wouldn't let me, he's attached to her and will do absolutely everything in his power to protect her. Once he lets you in he will try to protect you at all cost. Even cuddle.

Yes cuddling. He use to cuddle with my mom when she was feeling down. Just like her being the only person I showed my emotions to, well and aunt Yelena but anyways mom only showed me her emotions.

So if she was sad or recovering from getting hurt he'd cuddle with her. He cuddles with Morgan too. When I met Morgan at Tony's funeral he just automatically attached to her.

He wants to protect her. Her nickname for him is reddy. It's teddy and red put together, she says it's because he cuddly like a teddy bear and cause his eyes are red. I do miss them all but I think staying with Wanda for a while should be good.

Once I'm calmed down I head back to where my clothes are and turn back then put them on. I head back to the cabin and see Wanda sitting on the steps with a blanket around her with two cups of tea.

She hands me one, I accept it and sit by her. " You okay" she asks I just nod my yes not wanting to talk about it, she seems to take the hint and change the subject. " It's gonna get really cold soon since it's getting dark I put out extra blankets for your on the couch".

I let out a snort. She just looks at me with her head tilted and I get scared but turned on a little. " I don't get cold thanks to my wolf side" I said trying get the dirty thoughts out my head even though she can't read my mind.

" You lucky bastard" she says, which makes me burst out laughing. " Anything else I should know about you " she asks. I think about what I should tell her and decide to tell just anything.

" Well I'm rich like stark rich because I'm an architect. My favorite color is red and black. I have five dogs. I own a lot houses. My favorite food is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And I like sitcoms" I say.

She smiles omg that smile. " Wow you have five dogs and you like sitcoms. I like you even more". Hearing her say she likes me even more makes my wolf go crazy. "What are you dog names and breed" she asks.

" My oldest dog Titus is a cane corso, my second oldest dog is Hugo and he's a rottweiler. Gambit is a German Shepherd, Rio is a doberman, Tank is a American Pitbull Terrier. And then my youngest and smallest dog Moose is a Toy-Terrier".

She just looks at me with wide eyes. I just chuckles. " I'm technically the Alpha" she burst out laughing while shaking her head. God her laugh. " I might start calling you that I don't know". I just laugh and say "well if that's so I'm going to start calling you witchy". We both stare at each other than we both burst out laughing.

What are you doing to me Wanda Maximoff.

Wanda's POV

What are you doing to me Keagan Romanoff.

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