Chapter 10

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Getting Aquatinted


Wanda's POV

We just sit there in silence for a minute before I stand up and make my way to the kitchen. I can feel her eyes on me. I then break the silence by asking " are you hungry, do you want a sandwich". She nods while say yes please. I humm. She has manners.

I get to making the sandwiches. I make sure to keep an eye on her, making sure she doesn't do anything. I then see her take out a deck of cards and starts shuffling them. When I finish making our sandwiches, I walk over to her and sit it down on the coffee table.

While were eating I then ask why she has a deck of cards. It reminds me on how Nat would always have a deck of cards on her but she never played with them. Nat always said that they reminded her of someone close to her." I use them as a weapon for the most part, then they're also for keeping me occupied" she said. I raise and eyebrow than nod my head.

Even though I was confused on how she would use them as a weapon. She senses my confusion than says " I could show you if you want". I stare at her for a minute before nodding my head. We both finish our sandwiches and I take our plates and put them on the counter in the kitchen.

Keagan than gets up and walks outside. I follow her confused on why were outside before she speaks up. " We're outside because I don't want to damage anything inside". I just nod my head and follow her to a small tree. She then tells me to step back a little.

She threw the cards at the small tree and the tree somewhat blew up. I stand there shocked because come on that was kinda cool. She laughs at me a bit before asking if I wanted to see her wolf side. I nodded my head eagerly.

She just smile before going behind a big tree. I wait for a couple of minutes before I hear a little bark. I turn and see a somewhat of a big wolf. It's black with red eyes.

I just look at her in awe

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I just look at her in awe. She then starts rolling around on the ground. I then realized she's trying to scratch her back. I slowly walk up to her and scratch it for her. She lets out a small whimper. She nozzles her snout in my shoulder. She then walks back behind tree.

Keagan's POV

I go back behind the tree and shift back to human. I put my pants, boots and, under shirt back on but not my suit armor. I come from behind the tree and see that Wanda is waiting for me.

I don't know what it is but I feel so comfortable around her. I feel at peace and don't feel like I'm gonna rip someone apart the moment. I just feel free of all negative emotion but I know it's gonna have to end. I have to find my way back home.

Wanda sees that I'm lost in thought and walks up to be me to get my attention. " What's wrong " she says. I close my eyes and sigh. " I have to get back home ". I feel a wave of sadness come from her but tries not to show it.

" I can tell that I am probably the only human contact you've had in a while but Hayward is eventually gonna come find me and I don't need to be here with you when he comes. You are a good person Wanda and I don't want you getting locked up or worse".

I can tell she's sucking all that I said in. She nods her understanding but then asks " Can you stay a little bit longer, a couple of days at most". I just stand there and think about it.

It would take him a couple of days to have people find me so I guess it won't hurt. Wanting to mess with her I pretend to be sad and I can see her begging eyes than I smile at her. This causes a smile to form on her face and for her to fist pump the air.I just laugh at her.

She begins to shiver a bit before saying we should head back inside. Once we get back inside I sit back on the couch. I can feel that my head injury is healed, it most likely left a scar. I notice a small mirror on the wall and walk over to it to look at the scar.

It still needs a bit more time to heal completely, maybe an hour or two than I'll be left with a badass scar

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It still needs a bit more time to heal completely, maybe an hour or two than I'll be left with a badass scar. To me some scars are badass. I only have one scar well two now but yeah. Most times when I get hurt the wound heals completely with no scar but I have one wound that I had gotten two years ago that healed but left a scar.

It's right under my left boob

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It's right under my left boob. I don't really remember how I got it. I do remember that I couldn't do anything for days. Walking, sleeping, even talking was hard.

Anyways I sit back down and just start playing with my cards. Wanda then comes in my line of sight with some clothes. I doubt there gonna fit. I am taller than her, she seems around 5'6 while I'm 6'0. As if she knows what I'm thinking she says " I use my magic to make them for you ".Huh. Magic I just laugh and say thanks for the clothes.

She shows my wear the bathroom is so I can shower. I go in and turn the shower on and wash all that nasty of. I get out after at least twenty minutes and go to put the clothes on when I notice she used her magic to make me a pair of boxers too. I then question myself on how she knew about Jr down stairs but shake it off.

I make my way back to the living room area and see that she is on the couch reading what looks like Harry Potter, my favorite. I sit down next to her and contemplate on asking her how she knew about Jr. I finally ask " Um how did you know I prefer to wear boxers".

She looks at me with a smirk before saying " well when you were in your wolf form I saw that your wolf was a male. And also I could see a bulge through your pants ". I turn my head so she doesn't see the red on my cheeks. I hear her let out a gentle laugh.

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