Chapter 20

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It Finally Happened


Wanda's POV

When Keagan said she has a surprise for me I was kind nervous to see what it is. And the fact she told me to make her a suit  and a dress for me didn't help.

Making a suit for her was easy since I know what she likes but I had to make sure my dress was perfect. When I saw her in her suit I wanted her to have me in the most roughest way possible.

We are currently walking a little deeper into the forest on the side of the cabin while making small talk to one another.

I've been head over heals for this woman and it would scare me but that is starting to fade away, maybe we could be together idk but I do know this I want her.

We came to a stop and alphy lets go of my arm to go behind me and cover my eyes. We walk a bit further and stop again.

She lets her hands fall from my eyes and goes to my waist. I gasp at the beautiful site that's in front of me. And of course from the fact that her hands are on my waist.

( imagine more trees in the background)

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( imagine more trees in the background)

I turn around to look at her and we both stare a each other with so much love and adoration. She smiles and take my hand and lead me to the table.

She pulls the a chair out for me to sit and makes sure that I'm comfortable. She take her seat and just stares at me but not in a creepy way. She looking at me like I'm the most precious thing on earth.

" I know I already said this but you look stunning witchy" she says, I look down not wanting her to see me blush but when I look back at her I roll my eyes seeing that she's smirking.

" Thank you alphy. You did an outstanding job creating all of this" she smiles and nods her in thanks.

We dig into our food and start a conversation in between bites. Talking to her is so easy, she absorbs everything I say and is just as interested as I am.

*A little 30minute time jump*

After we finished our dinner alphy said that there was one more surprise she had and that we had to head back to the cabin to change into something comfortable.

As we're walking back to the cabin I start thing about how wonderful this night was and if it was a date or not. But even if it wasn't I still had a good time.

We get back to the cabin and I head into my room to change. I change into some sweats and a hoodie that I stole from alphy.

We meet back up by the door and she rolls her eyes when she sees that I indeed stole her hoodie that she was looking for.

We interlock our hands and walk behind the cabin and I see what she has set up.

" I wanted us to have a roman-nice dinner and to do something comfortable" alphy says while rubbing the back of her neck

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" I wanted us to have a roman-nice dinner and to do something comfortable" alphy says while rubbing the back of her neck.

Even though she tried to cover up the fact she almost said romantic I still heard it. I smiled to myself and hugged her.

I go and sit on the blankets and wait for her. She puts a sitcom on the and it appears on the white sheet.

She come and lays down next to me. I lay practically on top of her and stick my head in her neck. She laughs a bit at my actions and rubs her hand up and down my back.

We watch different sitcoms for probably and hour when we decide to go back in the cabin because it's getting colder.

Once we settle back into the cabin it's quite, a comfortable quite. I take a deep breath and make my way towards Keagan.

Keagans POV

I turn around when I hear Wanda walking up behind me. We just look into each other's eyes for a while when she puts her arms around my neck.

My hands naturally goes to her hips. And next thing I know the one thing I've been waiting for happens. The kiss was exactly how I thought it would be, soft and loving.

We pull away but keep our heads together.

We kiss again but this time it's more heated. She begins to push me into her room and closes her door.

Cliffhanger 🤭🤭🤭

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