Chapter 5

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The Mission


* Time skip two weeks later *

I'm in my gym doing my workout routine

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I'm in my gym doing my workout routine. It's my day off so I'm working out and spending some time with my dogs. I workout and listen some music for a couple of hours when done I head to my kitchen to get a bottle of water. When I get my water I head to my back yard with the boys and play around with them for a bit but stop when I see Titus rough handling Moose. I get dogs will be dogs but I get tired of them picking on Moose because he's the smallest. So I turn into my wolf form and walk over to them and growl showing my red eyes.

 So I turn into my wolf form and walk over to them and growl showing my red eyes

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I nudge Moose with my snout and start to play with them all while in wolf form. We run around, play with toys , and roll around in the grass for a couple of hours. When we get done playing I turn back into my human form and head upstairs to take a shower. I change into a pair of sweat pants and a sports bra and go to the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I make myself some medium well steak with a loaded bake potato and grilled asparagus. Being part wolf gives me the advantage to eat raw meat but I don't do it because raw meat tastes like shit.

* Next day *

I wake up, do my morning routine, drink a breakfast smoothie, and make sure that the boys have food and water. I go upstairs and change into a suit.

I go and grab my briefcase and make my way to the garage and get into my Mercedes Benz and head off to work

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I go and grab my briefcase and make my way to the garage and get into my Mercedes Benz and head off to work. When I get to work I'm greeted by some coworkers and my favorite doctor of course and start working. I do some paperwork for a good two and a half hours when Director Haywards assistant comes in and tells me he is requesting me in his office. I still don't know why he doesn't use the phone. Sometimes I just want to strangle this man but then I would blow my cover and if my mom was still alive she would definitely scold me for doing so. Anyways I get up and leave my office and head towards his. Once I get their I see another agent, uh Blair no Blaine no Blake yes agent Blake. I sit in a chair Infront of his desk then he starts telling us about having be told of some where about of Wanda Maximoff. As soon as he said that my eyes went wide but I kept myself composed. I know a lot about Wanda from before and after what happened in Westview. My mom told me a lot about her and how she saw a bit of me in Wanda. Mom told me we were both stubborn but to be honest I get it from her. I zone back into the conversation, Hayward tells the two of us that we are to go and check out the location and if we see any threat ( Wanda) to engage and bring threat in dead or alive. To be honest I think Hayward was dropped on his head when he was younger because he can be quite stupid at time. He is sending two agent to apprehend Wanda Maximoff. From what my mom told me and from what I've read Wanda is very powerful. She was able to practicality bring the avengers down when they first met. So what makes him think two agent will bring her down. I return back to the conversation and just now notice the look Hayward has been sending me. It looks like fear, anger, and realization. Once I see this I start to have a mental battle thinking that maybe my cover has been blown but I play it cool. He finally dismisses us and I head back to my office to prepare for the mission.

Agent Blake:

Agent Blake:

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