Chapter 7

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Girl meets Girl


Wanda's POV*

For almost a month Wanda has spent majority of her days reading Harry Potter books, occasionally reading the darkhold with her astral projection, or watching the sun rise and set

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For almost a month Wanda has spent majority of her days reading Harry Potter books, occasionally reading the darkhold with her astral projection, or watching the sun rise and set.

After the events that happened in Westview, she moved to the most unfindable and secluded place she could find to settle down in, building her, her own cabin.

The cabin was perfect to her. It was a warm calm brown color, with old furniture and old but sturdy steps. She had a nice rose bush that hadn't bloomed since it was winter.

Since it was winter time the mountains behind her cabin was covered with a blanket of snow. The snow would sparkle under the noon sky. This would leave a beautiful glimmer across the stream the is near the cabin.

Wanda didn't really visit the stream, even though it was there she didn't see the reason to go to it. But something different about today made her take a visit to it.

Like always, she was holding a cup of tea. She sighed as the minty smell from the tea went into her nose, giving her a sense of comfort and peace. She didn't really get a lot of that nowadays.

She softly got up and walked alongside the stream that had weaved it's way through the trees to the lake. She never past the outline of the trees. She didn't want to be spotted by anyone who were hiking or anything.

Wanda felt that no one would come in the area she lived but she couldn't be to careful. She knew Hayward had been taken into custody but he was powerful, so he had connections. She knew he would find a way back into Sword, she knew he would find her eventually.

Wanda tried to believe that she was safe and that keeping herself far away from people meant that they would be safe also.

Sipping her tea as she was walking her eyes caught something wash up the stream by her cabin making her stop dead in her tracks. She only ever saw leaves and some twigs but never what she is seeing right now.

She saw a piece of metal with the letter S on it. She looked around more when she saw more metal parts floating upstream. But she also spotted something what looked like a  staff and a black leather combat boot, that's when a wave of fear came across her.

Many possibilities ran through Wanda's mind. Someone could have been in a boating accident or maybe a plane crash.. but she would've heard that right. Someone could be hiking and don't have respect for earth and is just littering. But broken metal, a staff, and a black leather combat boot.
Something is wrong.

Wanda was having an internal battle with herself about seeing if someone was hurt and needed help. She's hurt so many people, she believes if she helps it would lead her to the first step of redemption.

She walked closer to the streams and could hear waves from the lake crashing against the rocks and she started to become more nervous. As she stepped beyond the trees, her eyes drifted around the shore where she saw more broken pieces of metal.

She kept waking with precaution. She looked around and didn't find anything. Her mind was telling her to turn around and go home but her heart is telling her to stay.

Wanda walked some more but stopped and squinted her eyes and saw a dark figure laying by the shore of the lake.

There played Keagan almost buried into the sand with the water crashing into her. Wanda saw blood on the side of her face. Wanda saw this and quickly ran to her.

Once Wanda got to Keagan, she was gonna go straight to CPR, thinking maybe she drowned but Wanda saw that she was breathing. She looked at Keagan confused on how and why she was breathing if she drowned but she shook her head.

Wanda thought for a minute and decided to bring Keagan back to her cabin. She knew that when Keagan woke up that she would have to be prepared for maybe a fight seeing that Keagan is in armor looking clothes.

Wanda used her powers to carry her, seeing that when she didn't use them she struggled because Keagan was very heavy. She set back to her cabin, when she arrived she placed Keagan on the couch and went to go get a rag, water, and medical supplies.

Once she was done cleaning and stitching Keagan's head wound she sat in a chair by the couch and waited for her to wake up, she made sure to he ready to fight if she have to.

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