Chapter 8

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Keagan's POV

*Keagan's Dream*

*Keagan's Dream*

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I look around seeing that I am in a familiar looking theater

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I look around seeing that I am in a familiar looking theater. I think for a minute and remember it's the theater I had tickets for a ballet show to take my mom before the whole snap happened. I look down and see that I'm wearing nice red suit. (the theater above👆)

I look around a bit more before heading towards a double door ahead

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I look around a bit more before heading towards a double door ahead. I walked through and look around the huge room when I spot some one sitting in one of the chairs.

I walk down the stairs and head towards the person sitting down. Once I start getting close my breath hitches when I see a familiar head of fiery red hair. I get to the person and see that it's my mom wearing a beautiful black dress looking gorgeous as ever.

 I get to the person and see that it's my mom wearing a beautiful black dress looking gorgeous as ever

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I start to tear up when she looked at me and smiled. She got up and cupped my face to pull me down a bit so she can kiss my forehead like she always did. I let out a chocked sob. She looked in my eyes smiling.

" Hello my little wolf" she said in a thick Russian accent. I started to cry a bit more. She was the only person I ever let see this side of me. But before everything happened I never really cried. Maybe a few tears here there but not much.

"Mama" I said with my thick Russian accent. She just kept looking at me smiling. She then made me sit down in one of the seats. " I see you still have the accent Маленький волк " she said. ( Маленький волк is Russian for little wolf)

I snift saying " It reminds me of you so of course I'm gonna keep it ". This made her smile even more if it's possible. I then ask her if I was dead, she shook her head no. " You're not dead, you're just unconscious. You hit your head really bad" she said.

" I miss you so much" I said looking at her. She just gives me a sad smile while saying " I know you do and I do too. But I am always with you ". I look at her more while saying " I want to stay here with you, I don't want to go back".

She shakes her head no with a small sad smile. " You can't Маленький волк, you have to go back it's not your time yet. You have so much more to live for". I frown while shaking my head no. " I don't mama, I don't have anyone to live for I have nothing" I said.

She just smiles and look at me with so much love. " There's someone, you just have to wake up and find out who" she said. She pulls me into a hug and then ask me if I know where we are. I nod my head than went to say.

" Before the whole Thanos thing happened I wanted to surprise you with tickets to a ballet show here. I had this suit made just for the occasion. But then Thanos happened, then I came back and you were gone. I never bothered this suit again after that".

" I would have loved it. Specially watching it with my favorite person in the world " she said. I nodded my head in agreement. She took a deep breath then turns to me with a sad smile. She cups my face and kiss my forehead before saying it time for me to wake up.

I shake my head no, I hug her while crying. " Trust me Маленький волк we will see each other again when it's your time to go. You'll have a bunch of stories to tell me and I will sit and listen, but you have to wake up. She is waiting for you".

I look up at her confused about who is waiting for me. She just chuckles while shaking her head a bit. She gives me one more kiss on the forehead before she gets up and walks away. I try to get up also but I can't move that's when my surrounding changed from the theater to black nothing. That's when my eyes shot opens.

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