Chapter 2

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I arrive home and head inside, I am met by my 6 dogs Titus, Hugo, Gambit, Rio, Tank, and Moose. They are obviously happy to see me since they are jumping around. I set my keys down and head to my bedroom to change. I take my clothes off so I'm left in my sports bra and boxers, then I put on some shorts and head to my home gym. I get to my gym and turn some music on so I can start my workout. I workout for a hour an a half then head upstairs to my bedroom to shower. Once I'm done showering I change into a sports bra, boxers, and sweat pants then head down to the kitchen. When I get to the kitchen I see my dogs ganging up on Moose. They always do this since Moose is the smallest out of our little pack so from time to time I have to show them who's the alpha. I walk up to them and do a slightly load growl and they back away from Moose. I pick Moose up and give him some head scratches then set him down. I pour them some food and get started making me some dinner. I make beef stroganoff a dish that my mom taught me how to make it was one of her favorites and it's Russian.

I honestly love everything Russian

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I honestly love everything Russian. My mom taught me how to speak Russian and other languages when I was 7, Russian was always my favorite and ever since then I would only really speak it. I liked when people couldn't understand what I was saying. Me and mom would talk about uncle tony in Russian it was so funny since he didn't understand. You can hear a slight Russian accent in my voice when I speak English but who cares.

I finish my food and let the boys outside to do their business. While their doing that I head to my home office to check and see if I have any emails. I roll my eyes when I see I have a email from Tyler Squidward I mean Hayward telling me I have a mission tomorrow.

To: Agent Grey
From: Director Hayward

A man named Gregory Smith has stolen S.W.O.R.D Intel and intends to sell it to a private seller on his yacht tomorrow night. You are to go in undercover and to aquire the Intel and bring Gregory in. Your invitation and identity have been handled with all you have to do is tell them your name which is Alex Woods and you'll be in please dress acourdanly.


I read the email and see that it's a solo missions which is not a problem of course since I do better alone anyways. When done reading emails I go let the boys back in and head to my room and into the bathroom. I do my nighttime routine and get in the bed. The boys come in and lay on the floor well except Moose and Gambit they get in the bed with me which is fine. I turn the TV on and watch it till I get sleepy I turn it off and turn my lamp off and go to bed.

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